Black pussy for white dick

I married a Black woman when I was young and loved her dearly. Unfortunately, we couldn't overcome some issues. I was too young to accept the hot wife/cuckold lifestyle. She neglected our child, which was a big issue for me. Sex with her was the best I ever had. I didn't get over her for a long time after our divorce. We sometimes reconnected after the divorce and it was always great.

There is an expression, "Once you go Black, you never go back." That was true for me. It wasn't about the sex. After loving my wife, producing a child with her and being totally accepted by her family, it became difficult to hang with white women. They or their friends would always say something stupid and racist, and then I either had to bite my tongue or get into a big fight. I can honestly say that Black people have never treated me with stupid racism. I just no longer felt comfortable with trying to date white women.

Dating only Black women was difficult. I am an elderly guy. Back in my day, interracial dating was uncommon. Most of the interracial couples were Black men with white women. I was always a gentleman and respectful whenever I socialized. I was entering Black people's space, so I never acted like some kind of gift to Black women. I mostly engaged in friendly socializing, hoping a Black woman would show interest in me. Not a great strategy for hooking up on a regular basis.

I did find another Black woman who I dearly loved. Great sex again. Unfortunately, she had problems with crack cocaine. Her brothers who used heroine didn't help her situation. She was arrested several times. I used to visit her in jail. She wrote beautifully romantic letters to me from jail, many of which I still have. Ultimately, she couldn't overcome the drugs. I hate hard drugs. I can more or less tolerate pot, but only if not used in excess.

In other relationships, I acted incorrectly. These were after my first marriage. I had a lot of anger and regret after my first marriage. I kept comparing women to my first wife, which was unfair to the Black women I dated. After my failed marriage, I wanted the next woman to be perfect, which was an impossible quest. I now know that if I had met those women before my first wife, we probably would have formed a long lasting marriage. My experience with my first wife was really difficult to overcome.
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