Do You think that alcohol makes easier wife open to other man ?

In my experience the answer is probably NO, however alcohol does and has allowed us both to discuss our desires and wants but whilst it made me more likely to talk about my feelings desires and kinks, her replies and input have always been really what she felt and wanted anyway, she using alcohol as more of a cover to talk and the main one to gauge my views.

In the early days in our relationship she cheated on me with a man in his mid 30s, she was 16, her desire and kink drove this lubricated by maybe one drink but its what she wanted anyway, the drink was just the social part.

Heavy petting in nightclubs in her teens, twenties and into her thirties was drink induced for sure. However she has said she has never done anything she didnt want to do whilst drunk it just helped!

Her first real lover was her driving instructor so a definate No,

Her second, she iniciated the affair with my best friend knowing he wanted her, over a cup of tea!

She later used alcohol as a means to an end on ME as she wanted me to see my best friend touch, feel, kiss and "seduce her" testing how far they could go before i said STOP, knowing if it went wrong, she could blame alcohol. She was by this time sure i would like what i saw. She was correct.

Meeting future prospective lovers has mainly been by arrangement in pubs over a drink, However her decision is always made by touch, kiss and none physical sexual mental seduction, One drink and 15 minutes of chatting and she knows if she wants him, she has never changed her mind, knowing the next time she sees him there is a room booked, bottle of wine at the ready.

She has never needed to get pissed to be fucked as she says it damages her mental stimulation. There have been a few exceptions however.

So alcohol has been a factor in discussing thing that we both knew we wanted and to discuss future deborchary but in the main we could have discussed this stone sober it just helps us both relax and talk.
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My wife can be very wild with a glass or 2 in her, she also likes the comfort of being able to blame the drink. But a lot of what I witnessed of her she had a few in her, not can’t walk state drunk just merry.
Smoked hash back in the day and she would be insatiable, she tried weed and started flirting with my kids friends all over 20 lol
I had spent many years of trying to get my wife to experience sex with a black guy with a much larger endowment than my own .
Long story short .
My wife got really friendly with a black work colleague who they started talking about their sex lives .My wife’s college explained to my wife about her latest boyfriend’s penis telling my wife that he had the biggest penis she had ever had .
She asked my wife how big my penis is my wife said about six inches and average. Her friend asked if she had ever been with a black guy , my wife replied no but it was my fantasy to see her with a black guy whose penis was bigger than mine. .
My wife’s college invited my wife and I to a party she was having, we accepted her offer. We arrived at the party the drink was homemade rum punch , but as I was driving i just had soft drinks. My wife had the rum punch and as soon as her glass was empty it was refilled. After about an hour and my wife had consumed about four rum punches, her friend brought her uncle over and introduced him to my wife and I.
He was black as all her family were originally from the Caribbean. We had a bit of a chat with them both then they moved on talking to others.
About half an hour later the uncle came back to my wife and I and asked my wife if she wanted a dance.
My wife looked at me, I said go on enjoy. They went to where others were dancing but from where I was sitting I couldn’t see them. After about twenty minutes they came back to where I was sitting. He thanked me for my wife dancing with him . My wife was very flushed and said she needed the loo .
She came back I asked why she was so flushed she said she had got hot dancing , she had another rum punch, the uncle came back and asked if she would like another dance , she said yes , they again moved to where others were dancing, this time I moved nearer to where they were dancing. As I watched I could see him running his hands over her buttocks pulling her tight to him . It was quite obvious that he was also rubbing his crotch into my wife’s crotch.
I actually got an erection watching them .
The music stopped and again my wife had another run punch , by now she was getting tipsy. Her friend came over and asked if we could give her uncle a lift home, we said no problem. So we said our goodbyes and I drove with him giving directions that his house. ,he said how lucky I was to have such a lovely and sexy wife.
We arrived at his house , he invited my wife and I in for a nightcap we accepted his offer. We entered his house, he took us into his lounge, my wife and I sat on one settee with another
Opposite us , he put some reggae music on then went into his kitchen, making me a coffee and my wife and himself rum cocktails . He then asked my wife for another dance taking my wife’s hand pulling her up. I sat watching them dance, it was totally obvious that he was pulling my wife tight into his crotch as he was pulling and stroking her bum . He was grinding into her crotch, she was grinding back at him , god it was very erotic for me watching them.
. He continued to seduce her eventually ( long story short) she was begging him to fuck her which he did and had having multiple orgasms .
I am certain that the Rum punch and cocktail allowed her to lose her inhibitions to be fucked by him .
It's a fine line. It can be a great way to get her to loosen up. It can also cause resentment and guilt after.

I'm not here to preach or tell people what to do. What I know with my wife is a drink or two settles the nerves. But she has and will do it with no drinking and drug involved.
That tells me she 100% wants what she is doing. And means much more to me then her just hooking up
Good points made. Any use of alcohol should be consensual, ideally her idea, not your urging, Otherwise you cross into the domain of non-consent, highly problematic for all involved.
Good points made. Any use of alcohol should be consensual, ideally her idea, not your urging, Otherwise you cross into the domain of non-consent, highly problematic for all involved.
Well said. My wife doesn't drink so much to get completely drunk, but just to loosen up and knock the edge off.
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