My filipina hotwife

What do you guys think of my filipina hotwife
Your wife looks amazing! She reminds me of the married filipina house maid I had whilst living in Singapore when I was in my twenties. She found my mostly Asian dvd porn collection under the bed. She left them on the duvet, and then called me in to show me, then proceeding to stroke my cock through my jeans while asking for a pay rise. She taught me how good rimming is.
Your wife looks amazing! She reminds me of the married filipina house maid I had whilst living in Singapore when I was in my twenties. She found my mostly Asian dvd porn collection under the bed. She left them on the duvet, and then called me in to show me, then proceeding to stroke my cock through my jeans while asking for a pay rise. She taught me how good rimming is.
Aww that sounds corny more details pls??I cock got hard just by reading 📚 this 🤣😂😛🤪😝
Aww that sounds corny more details pls??I cock got hard just by reading 📚 this 🤣😂😛🤪😝
Lol. Yes corney. At that point in my life it was the closest I got to being in a porn movie. I worked for an international company and did 6 or 12 month tenures in different offices. All in all I was in Asia for 4/5 years. I worked in Hong Kong, Tokyo and Singapore but visited Shanghai macau and bangkok to note. The apartment was all paid for. This was pre credit crunch when companies spent good money. I got a real thing for Asian women from that time. It almost got to a point of trying to fuck one from every country. Korean, Japanese, Filipino, thai etc. I have to say the attitude to sex generally is different. Especially with the Japanese.

There was something very sexy about Filipino and Thai women. In these places they are not well paid. I had been in this apartment for 3 months, single and every Saturday the maid would come to clean the house. I wasn't really in to having someone be in my space when I wasn't in. Feels weird. She had a amazing ass and pert tits. Very broken English. She wore very tight gym clothes. I would sneak a peak and I think she would notice every so often. When she was done, I would leave her a small tip (company was paying the bill).

I had been out the Friday night before, not picked up anyone and didn't fancy getting an escort so I went home and jerked off with my laptop and my favourite private best of Asian dvd. It was in a bag with several other Asian dvds. Anyhow, I had left the laptop and dvds on floor at the foot of the bed and completely forgot about it when I woke up. She came and started in the kitchen and lounge as per usual. She went to clean the bathroom room and bedroom. After about 5 mins, she called me. She used to call me "Mr bobi". I walk in and the blood rushed to my heart as my dirty secret of Asian porn and gang bang porn was presented on the bed. My instant reaction on a overly posh voice was oh my god, I am so sorry, do sorry as I am trying to collect them. She starts to laugh. You naughty boy mr bobi. I that point I swear she had pulled down her gym top lower... But maybe that's just my recollection. I just remember staring at her tits as she kept wagging her finger and calling me naughty boy and me apologising. In my mind, I think she noticed me ogling her tits as she put her hand on my crotch and said you give me good tip, yes ? My wallet was in my back pocket. I just remember giving her what was in there. She put her finger to her mouth and made a shush noise. She dropped the money to the floor as she kneeled to undo my jeans buttons.i was semi I thinkas she started to caress my balls. To make me harder. Then she started to give n me a really good blow job. I was so hard. She gobbled my cock for an age it felt. I really loved it when women would look at me as average and then compliment me on my more than average cock.

I pulled her top off her and I took off my t shirt off as she took off her jogging pants. She was wearing pink knickers. I Oddly remember the scent. She was wet.

I threw her on the bed and started to ravage her tits and eat her pussy. She was married with no kids. I could tell. No scars and she was tight as I finger and mouth fucked her. After she came a few times (I think) she pushed me on the bed and rode my face. It was suffocating. She then started a blow job again. I remember this as it was the first time I was rimmed. She put my legs in the air, my ass on the edge of bed and rimmed me to heaven. I can still feel it now. I was put on all fours and she tossed mt salad. I came so hard in her hand. She wiped it off with a tissue. She held the tissue and said something about she make baby later.

My secondv round, all I recall is pounding her from behind. I wasnt coming and I kept on going. I finally came off a tit wank; deposit in her mouth. As I lay on the bed, she kissed me (again, my first real taste of cum), gathered her clothes, money and took a shower and left with another kiss.

The week after was awkward. She came in and started cleaning. I had left tip on the bedroom table. It started business as usual. I approached her from behind in the bedroom and started to kiss her shoulder. She seemed to reciprocate. It was animal lust fucking. She also put her finger in my ass too (another first). We didnt fuck every week, but she would let me feel her up and kiss her while she cleaned.

I also remember her always wanting to go unprotected. I really wasn't in to taking risks at that stage of my life. Wish I had now.
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Ohh men she is amazing. damn hot. I Love filipinas the are so nice to fuck. Maybe she Likes my little toy
Your little toy looks not so little. I have heard two differing responses from Filipinas on cocks. They like the fact that Filipino men have very hard, rigid cocks that stand almost straight up and never seem to tire. However, they seem to prefer the very much bigger cocks of white guys, even though they naturally don't seem to stand to attention so well. It seems that 'once it's inside and pushing' it's size that matters. My wife has had experience of both. In her younger days she had quite a few Pinoys, but they were also young and so they came quite quickly. Since we have been together she has experienced me and her bulls. I am ~25 years older, so not quite as virile as a was. However, my cock is 7.25 ins so she loves it. All her bulls are Caucasian or black, most much younger than me. So she gets a good sample of size, ranging from 6 to 8.25 ins long, 1.25-2.25 ins wide. She is on no doubt that she could not go back to little ones now - she cums in buckets on her bulls' big cocks.
Your little toy looks not so little. I have heard two differing responses from Filipinas on cocks. They like the fact that Filipino men have very hard, rigid cocks that stand almost straight up and never seem to tire. However, they seem to prefer the very much bigger cocks of white guys, even though they naturally don't seem to stand to attention so well. It seems that 'once it's inside and pushing' it's size that matters. My wife has had experience of both. In her younger days she had quite a few Pinoys, but they were also young and so they came quite quickly. Since we have been together she has experienced me and her bulls. I am ~25 years older, so not quite as virile as a was. However, my cock is 7.25 ins so she loves it. All her bulls are Caucasian or black, most much younger than me. So she gets a good sample of size, ranging from 6 to 8.25 ins long, 1.25-2.25 ins wide. She is on no doubt that she could not go back to little ones now - she cums in buckets on her bulls' big cocks.
Aww this sounds corny tho...I like it tho make me hard just by reading 📚 these things about filipina woman fucking big white cocks and not so much with the Pinoy small all tho they stay stiff and hard during kadyutan sex in bed with me filipina mature pussy please???
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