My Wife, My Boss


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Kayla and I have been together since high school. We were each other’s first and up until this fall, only love.

My boss – Jim is much older in his 50s, a little gruff and the ultimate when it comes to ego and being the alpha male. No one can out drink him, outshoot him, out fish him – and if you do not believe it – just ask him. Jim met Kayla at a company party. He took a liking to her right away. That is not hard to do; Kayla is 22, dark hair, olive skin, and very fit. During the party, Jim invited Kayla and I to meet him and his wife at their hunting lodge. He owns a very nice cabin in the mountains near us that several of my coworkers rave about. A week after the party, he called to firm up the plans.

Two weeks later, Kayla and I drove up to meet several couples who would be there. We looked forward to a getaway – and a chance for me to score of brownie points at work. When we got there, there was only one car in the driveway, but we figured the others were just running late.

We got our overnight bags for the two-night stay and walked to the door. Jim greeted us at the door but to our surprise, his wife was not there. Only two of Jim’s friends. Awkward I thought – but Jim explained that his wife had a last-minute family emergency and “may” join us tomorrow. He introduced her to his friends.

Kayla and I got settled in our room, then joined the others out in the den area for lunch. After lunch, all the men were going on our first hunt, Kayla was invited to go but declined. Jim showed her the hot tub and told her she could relax, take a jacuzzi bath and sit by the fire if she liked. We all four got ready (my first hunting trip) and headed out the door. After walking about 10 minutes, I heard Jim curse. When I turned around to see what had happened, he was holding his ankle. He had stepped in a hole and twisted it. One of his friends offered to take him back to the lodge but Jim insisted we all go on and enjoy the day – he would go back and ask Kayla to help him put some ice on it. We three continued our journey into the woods.

They kept me busy, as later I would find out, was for a reason. We walked and walked – took target practice – seemed to get lost. We were out there for over 5 hours. I was exhausted. When we got back to the lodge, much to my surprise, Jim and Kayla were sitting in the den area together. Jim smoking a cigar and having a scotch; Kayla was smoking a cigarette (something in the 6 years I have known her to NEVER do). What I learned later was the “ankle incident” was planned. You see, after the party Jim and Kayla had started talking. They had even met for lunch once before we went to the lodge. This whole thing was a set up. Jim – got away from his wife, he separated me from my wife by having the other two keep me busy – while he and Kayla fucked for hours while I was in the woods.

I did not catch on immediately. I did think it was odd – that she looked flush – Jim looked relaxed and they seemed too comfortable with each other. Amazingly – Jim’s ankle seemed just fine.

We all started drinking. Shot after shot after shot and with little food. Around 10pm that night – after all that walking and all those drinks – I was ready for bed. Kayla and I said goodnight to everyone and headed for our room. My head was spinning – I was on the edge of throwing up but thankfully I passed out before the world spun out of control. At 3 am I woke up with the worst case of cotton mouth you can imagine. I looked over to tell Kayla to grab me some water, but she was not there.

I rubbed my eyes – tried to get my shit together to go to the kitchen for the water. Finally – I would go out and probably see Kayla reading a book by the fire or something grab my water and go back to bed. I opened my bedroom door and started walking down the hall. As I passed Jim’s door, I heard them. I did not want to believe it – I kept walking in hopes that Kayla was out in the den. No. No she wasn’t there. I walked back to Jim’s door and stood there and listened. What was happening was obvious – Kayla was getting fucked. I could hear Jim “directing” her if you will – “suck it slow baby. Good girl, that’s a good girl.” By this time one of the other men had noticed me out in the hallway. He came out and asked me if there was a problem in a “threatening” kind of way. I said, “I think that’s my wife in there”. Is it? I asked?

He said, “She is a big girl. She is in there by choice. Don’t make any mistakes, don’t cause any issues.” “come on out and I’ll sit with you or go back to bed.” Still needing the water, I did not say a word, I just walked to the kitchen and got a bottle from the cooler. He asked me “you don’t want something stronger” – “nope, I think I have had enough.”

As he and I sat there – him obviously protecting Jim – he asked me “first time?” I said, “first time what?” He said, “first time your wife has fucked another man?” I said, “yes, that I know of. Not sure of what I know now.” He said, “It gets easier, don’t worry. Jim likes the young wives.” I just looked at him and shook my head. About thirty minutes later, the door opened, and Kayla saw me sitting out in the den, just staring at her. She came over to me and the other man sitting in the den and asked me what I was doing up. “Well certainly not what you are doing” I answered. She told me “Don’t get upset. Now is not the time to discuss all this. I know its unexpected and hard on you, but we still have another day to go, and I don’t want to ruin my time.” I said, “what the fuck are you talking about – what about me?” She told me “don’t worry – you will benefit from all this I am sure. Jim said so”.

Jim came out – a towel wrapped around him and looked over at us. He nodded and went into the bathroom. A few mins later he came out – he shouted over at Kayla “are you still good to go with what we discussed?” She looked over at the man sitting with me in the den and said “yes”. The man sitting with me stood up, took Kayla’s hand and walked her into his room and shut the door. Jim told me to “sit tight – I’ll be out in a min.” He went in – put on some sweatpants and came back to sit with me. “I know this is hard to deal with and not what you expected on this trip.” “You’ve been a good sport; you’re getting a raise and I want Kayla to come to work in the office.”

For whatever reason, I said “thank you.” Thank you to the man who just fucked my wife, and his best friend was now in the room with her about to do the same. Jim and I sat there for what seemed to be an eternity. I finally could not take the sounds coming out of the other bedroom and went to the bed to try and sleep. I could not. My emotions were all over the map. My head spinning, rage, jealousy, and my stomach felt like I was on a roller coaster. But somehow - in some strange way - the idea of my young beautiful wife being used by two older man, made me, I hate to admit – horny is some way. As confused as I was, I noticed when I went to the restroom before going to bed, I had pre-cum on the head of my dick. By this time, it is 4am. I could hear Kayla coming out of the other man’s room and back into Jim’s. I laid there as I heard them laughing and talking and masturbated. I felt so ashamed.

The next day – there was not even a hit of hunting. We played cards, drank, and ate. A fire burned in the fireplace. Kayla and now, the 3 men, took turns going into different bedrooms. I made beer runs, picked up pizza, and thought about our new income stream with Kayla working in the office. I just hoped that she and Jim kept their affair secret, so I would not have to look at my coworkers. Something told me – it would not be long. They would catch on.
Kayla and I have been together since high school. We were each other’s first and up until this fall, only love.

My boss – Jim is much older in his 50s, a little gruff and the ultimate when it comes to ego and being the alpha male. No one can out drink him, outshoot him, out fish him – and if you do not believe it – just ask him. Jim met Kayla at a company party. He took a liking to her right away. That is not hard to do; Kayla is 22, dark hair, olive skin, and very fit. During the party, Jim invited Kayla and I to meet him and his wife at their hunting lodge. He owns a very nice cabin in the mountains near us that several of my coworkers rave about. A week after the party, he called to firm up the plans.

Two weeks later, Kayla and I drove up to meet several couples who would be there. We looked forward to a getaway – and a chance for me to score of brownie points at work. When we got there, there was only one car in the driveway, but we figured the others were just running late.

We got our overnight bags for the two-night stay and walked to the door. Jim greeted us at the door but to our surprise, his wife was not there. Only two of Jim’s friends. Awkward I thought – but Jim explained that his wife had a last-minute family emergency and “may” join us tomorrow. He introduced her to his friends.

Kayla and I got settled in our room, then joined the others out in the den area for lunch. After lunch, all the men were going on our first hunt, Kayla was invited to go but declined. Jim showed her the hot tub and told her she could relax, take a jacuzzi bath and sit by the fire if she liked. We all four got ready (my first hunting trip) and headed out the door. After walking about 10 minutes, I heard Jim curse. When I turned around to see what had happened, he was holding his ankle. He had stepped in a hole and twisted it. One of his friends offered to take him back to the lodge but Jim insisted we all go on and enjoy the day – he would go back and ask Kayla to help him put some ice on it. We three continued our journey into the woods.

They kept me busy, as later I would find out, was for a reason. We walked and walked – took target practice – seemed to get lost. We were out there for over 5 hours. I was exhausted. When we got back to the lodge, much to my surprise, Jim and Kayla were sitting in the den area together. Jim smoking a cigar and having a scotch; Kayla was smoking a cigarette (something in the 6 years I have known her to NEVER do). What I learned later was the “ankle incident” was planned. You see, after the party Jim and Kayla had started talking. They had even met for lunch once before we went to the lodge. This whole thing was a set up. Jim – got away from his wife, he separated me from my wife by having the other two keep me busy – while he and Kayla fucked for hours while I was in the woods.

I did not catch on immediately. I did think it was odd – that she looked flush – Jim looked relaxed and they seemed too comfortable with each other. Amazingly – Jim’s ankle seemed just fine.

We all started drinking. Shot after shot after shot and with little food. Around 10pm that night – after all that walking and all those drinks – I was ready for bed. Kayla and I said goodnight to everyone and headed for our room. My head was spinning – I was on the edge of throwing up but thankfully I passed out before the world spun out of control. At 3 am I woke up with the worst case of cotton mouth you can imagine. I looked over to tell Kayla to grab me some water, but she was not there.

I rubbed my eyes – tried to get my shit together to go to the kitchen for the water. Finally – I would go out and probably see Kayla reading a book by the fire or something grab my water and go back to bed. I opened my bedroom door and started walking down the hall. As I passed Jim’s door, I heard them. I did not want to believe it – I kept walking in hopes that Kayla was out in the den. No. No she wasn’t there. I walked back to Jim’s door and stood there and listened. What was happening was obvious – Kayla was getting fucked. I could hear Jim “directing” her if you will – “suck it slow baby. Good girl, that’s a good girl.” By this time one of the other men had noticed me out in the hallway. He came out and asked me if there was a problem in a “threatening” kind of way. I said, “I think that’s my wife in there”. Is it? I asked?

He said, “She is a big girl. She is in there by choice. Don’t make any mistakes, don’t cause any issues.” “come on out and I’ll sit with you or go back to bed.” Still needing the water, I did not say a word, I just walked to the kitchen and got a bottle from the cooler. He asked me “you don’t want something stronger” – “nope, I think I have had enough.”

As he and I sat there – him obviously protecting Jim – he asked me “first time?” I said, “first time what?” He said, “first time your wife has fucked another man?” I said, “yes, that I know of. Not sure of what I know now.” He said, “It gets easier, don’t worry. Jim likes the young wives.” I just looked at him and shook my head. About thirty minutes later, the door opened, and Kayla saw me sitting out in the den, just staring at her. She came over to me and the other man sitting in the den and asked me what I was doing up. “Well certainly not what you are doing” I answered. She told me “Don’t get upset. Now is not the time to discuss all this. I know its unexpected and hard on you, but we still have another day to go, and I don’t want to ruin my time.” I said, “what the fuck are you talking about – what about me?” She told me “don’t worry – you will benefit from all this I am sure. Jim said so”.

Jim came out – a towel wrapped around him and looked over at us. He nodded and went into the bathroom. A few mins later he came out – he shouted over at Kayla “are you still good to go with what we discussed?” She looked over at the man sitting with me in the den and said “yes”. The man sitting with me stood up, took Kayla’s hand and walked her into his room and shut the door. Jim told me to “sit tight – I’ll be out in a min.” He went in – put on some sweatpants and came back to sit with me. “I know this is hard to deal with and not what you expected on this trip.” “You’ve been a good sport; you’re getting a raise and I want Kayla to come to work in the office.”

For whatever reason, I said “thank you.” Thank you to the man who just fucked my wife, and his best friend was now in the room with her about to do the same. Jim and I sat there for what seemed to be an eternity. I finally could not take the sounds coming out of the other bedroom and went to the bed to try and sleep. I could not. My emotions were all over the map. My head spinning, rage, jealousy, and my stomach felt like I was on a roller coaster. But somehow - in some strange way - the idea of my young beautiful wife being used by two older man, made me, I hate to admit – horny is some way. As confused as I was, I noticed when I went to the restroom before going to bed, I had pre-cum on the head of my dick. By this time, it is 4am. I could hear Kayla coming out of the other man’s room and back into Jim’s. I laid there as I heard them laughing and talking and masturbated. I felt so ashamed.

The next day – there was not even a hit of hunting. We played cards, drank, and ate. A fire burned in the fireplace. Kayla and now, the 3 men, took turns going into different bedrooms. I made beer runs, picked up pizza, and thought about our new income stream with Kayla working in the office. I just hoped that she and Jim kept their affair secret, so I would not have to look at my coworkers. Something told me – it would not be long. They would catch on.
lucky guy. I would love to be in your shoes
That is a pretty fantastical story ! Not saying it’s not true, but help me believe it?
Kayla and Jim had been talking after the party and knew most of this was going to happen. I actually had a clue.. we got married too young I know it. She had talked to me before about "opening up" our marriage. Most of her best friends are still single and had multiple partners. Kayla also has a thing for the father figure. The two men at the cabin do not work with us - so nothing got back to my coworkers. Kayla is now his executive assistant and makes more than I do. I have gotten "use" to them being together - she has told me I should see others too - I just haven't met anyone yet that is open to this.. it scares a lot of girls our age away. All in all... we still love each other - she doesn't degrade me or anything like that.. and I am not bi so I am not with them in the bedroom. Now - when we have kids I don't think this will be appropriate.
Kayla and Jim had been talking after the party and knew most of this was going to happen. I actually had a clue.. we got married too young I know it. She had talked to me before about "opening up" our marriage. Most of her best friends are still single and had multiple partners. Kayla also has a thing for the father figure. The two men at the cabin do not work with us - so nothing got back to my coworkers. Kayla is now his executive assistant and makes more than I do. I have gotten "use" to them being together - she has told me I should see others too - I just haven't met anyone yet that is open to this.. it scares a lot of girls our age away. All in all... we still love each other - she doesn't degrade me or anything like that.. and I am not bi so I am not with them in the bedroom. Now - when we have kids I don't think this will be appropriate.
Alrighty Then! You got the full treatment.
Sorry to doubt you, it’s just a “too good to be true” story, but they do happen. It is unusual that a young wife gets taken that way along with her husband.
How do you feel now that you are a cuckold husband?
How has your relationship changed?
Does she now deny sex to you? Or leave you at home?
I would guess she has sex with the Boss and others all the time now?
Alrighty Then! You got the full treatment.
Sorry to doubt you, it’s just a “too good to be true” story, but they do happen. It is unusual that a young wife gets taken that way along with her husband.
How do you feel now that you are a cuckold husband?
How has your relationship changed?
Does she now deny sex to you? Or leave you at home?
I would guess she has sex with the Boss and others all the time now?
I think I discovered some things about myself that I felt before but didn't know how to explain it. I still have heavy feeling of jealousy - I haven't gotten over that. But that feeling of jealousy is mixed with excitement - its very hard to put into words. I still love her very much - she has taken a more dominant role in our relationship but a more submissive role in her relationship with Jim. I have not had sex with her since this began. I continue to ask her when will I be able to, but "not now" is about all I can get out of her. I have been left at home - he owns that cabin and they spend time there. Since she is also his exec assistant she travels with him during the week. Some of the other drivers at work know they travel together and I do get asked questions. To answer your questions about others, I know that if there is a deal he is working on - she helps him with "negotiations" and business has improved. What I didn't realize is Jim and his wife are in an open relationship and she is actually seeing a younger man. I think Jim, his wife, Kayla and Jason (wife's lover) hang out. I think if I was older this would be easier to deal with - I have noticed people in this room tend to be older than we are. Maybe with age the jealousy will go away.
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I think I discovered some things about myself that I felt before but didn't know how to explain it. I still have heavy feeling of jealousy - I haven't gotten over that. But that feeling of jealousy is mixed with excitement - its very hard to put into words. I still love her very much - she has taken a more dominant role in our relationship but a more submissive role in her relationship with Jim. I have not had sex with her since this began. I continue to ask her when will I be able to, but "not now" is about all I can get out of her. I have been left at home - he owns that cabin and they spend time there. Since she is also his exec assistant she travels with him during the week. Some of the other drivers at work know they travel together and I do get asked questions. To answer your questions about others, I know that if there is a deal he is working on - she helps him with "negotiations" and business has improved. What I didn't realize is Jim and his wife are in an open relationship and she is actually seeing a younger man. I think Jim, his wife, Kayla and Jason (wife's lover) hang out. I think if I was older this would be easier to deal with - I have noticed people in this room tend to be older than we are. Maybe with age the jealousy will go away.
Embrace the Jealousy, it’s the best part of this gig. Jealousy welded to realization of your own wife’s power over you and your undying love. That’s the shit.
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