Sharing in Real Time- Our Road to Sharing

Hello everyone! I'm so excited to start sharing experiences on this forum. I love to write, and this topic most definitely excites me.

I am 32, and my wife is 30. We have been married for over nine years (I was 23 and she was 21) and we dated for most of our college years, and off and on during junior high and high school. In terms of sexual experience, we both had NONE until our wedding night- two virgins, as it were.

As of the date of the writing of this post, we've both still only been with each other sexually. My goal, now that we are actually nearing the date of the defiling of our marriage (more on that progression in a bit), is to chronicle all the events leading up to that momentous occasion, the experience of the event itself, and the aftermath, whatever it may be.

How did I/we get here?

When we were boyfriend/girlfriend during junior high and high school, I would become insanely jealous if I found out she had an extended conversation with a guy, much less anything else! So it is remarkable to me that I now advocate her sleeping with other men.

About two years into marriage, she started a new job and mentioned a guy at the office was openly flirting with her and even asked her to join him for drinks. She said she really didn't like him and thought he was cocky. Personally, I was shocked that a guy would do this. Not only did he know she was married, but he'd actually met me at a company event right after she started. I'd never encountered such behavior and I was really somewhat offended. At least at first.

Then, one night not long after that, during sex, I thought about it and asked her if she ever wondered what it would be like to be with another man, perhaps one with a different size penis; perhaps a bigger penis. (Mine is of the 6" variety; 4.5" in diameter. Certainly not small, but I'm certain there are larger).

She seemed horrified at the notion. She couldn't believe I would even ask such a question.

I'm no dummy. I knew I should probably drop it, and I did. But... all of a sudden, I recognized I was aroused by the fact that another an found my wife desirable. Even to the point of having no regard for me whatsoever. He thought he had a chance at my wife, and he went for it. He also thought, or knew, that he could win her over and beat me out.

The seed was planted. And because of this, the fantasy grew into desire, and the desire became more intense with each passing month.

I had to create safe places where my wife and I could talk about our fantasies together without judgement. She's never express a fantasy that seems "wild" to me, unfortunately, but over time, as I kept bringing up the idea of her having sex with another man, she gradual warmed to the idea.

When I say gradual, I mean, I think tectonic plates move faster than her. But that was intentional. Ultimately, I wanted her to actually develop the desire to the point where the tables were turned, and she wouldn't want me to stop her from going all the way.

I never tried to pressure her.

Her responses to me discussing my fantasy/desire changed over time from NO WAY EVER!, to 1) I could just never do that, 2) what, do you want to sleep with other women (no, I'd say), 3) I honestly have no desire to be wit anyone else, 4) I just can't imagine it, 5) are you insecure about your penis?, 6) why would this be okay with you, (at this point, it's 2015; 5 years after that guy hit on her in the office), then 7) if we did do it, and I'm not saying I ever would..., 8) you know I'm a lot more fun and relaxed when I can drink, 9) I don't think I could ever do it with a stranger (I'm totally fine with someone we know doing it, by the way.), 10) let me get back in shape after this pregnancy and then we can talk.

Well, she's back in shape, and we've had the kids. At three, we aren't planning on having more, but if she did get pregnant, we'd both be fine with it.

She looks better than ever and has more confidence than ever before. Having said that, she's still apprehensive (naturally) but is now officially excited about her first experience beyond the confines of marriage. And I'm so happy for her. She's going to make this lucky guy very happy.

When I say that the date of our marriages defiling is approaching, I should clarify that the date has not been set yet. We're having a meeting with some very close friends of ours this weekend as well as a few other men we have found through various Tinder like apps. We'll be vetting thoroughly.

I have thought a lot about this. I know there are several seemingly "negative" things that could happen:
1. she hates the experience. But if that's the case, we won't do it again.
2. She loves the experience and can't get enough. Actually, that wouldn't be negative at all.
3. She loses her sexual desire for me
4. She develops feelings for these other guys.
5. She actually gets pregnant with another mans baby
6. I actually find myself jealous that his other guy (or these other guys) are able to do things with her and explore her sexuality in ways she hasn't let me.

There may be more, but these are some that immediately come to mind.

But I can honestly say, I am okay with each and everyone one of these, and I am so ready to witness this desire become reality.

Forgive the long post. I am a bit wordy and detailed. I'll have more to share in the coming days!

Expect every emotion...
When my wife got into bed with her first lover, I went from excited , to raging jealousy.
I was about to storm in to stop it, but then I heard him thrusting his cock in and out of my wife, it was too late, she was getting fucked....
Right then I was hooked, my jealousy vanished, I knew then that I wanted a wife that other men fucked
Hello everyone! I'm so excited to start sharing experiences on this forum. I love to write, and this topic most definitely excites me.

I am 32, and my wife is 30. We have been married for over nine years (I was 23 and she was 21) and we dated for most of our college years, and off and on during junior high and high school. In terms of sexual experience, we both had NONE until our wedding night- two virgins, as it were.

As of the date of the writing of this post, we've both still only been with each other sexually. My goal, now that we are actually nearing the date of the defiling of our marriage (more on that progression in a bit), is to chronicle all the events leading up to that momentous occasion, the experience of the event itself, and the aftermath, whatever it may be.

How did I/we get here?

When we were boyfriend/girlfriend during junior high and high school, I would become insanely jealous if I found out she had an extended conversation with a guy, much less anything else! So it is remarkable to me that I now advocate her sleeping with other men.

About two years into marriage, she started a new job and mentioned a guy at the office was openly flirting with her and even asked her to join him for drinks. She said she really didn't like him and thought he was cocky. Personally, I was shocked that a guy would do this. Not only did he know she was married, but he'd actually met me at a company event right after she started. I'd never encountered such behavior and I was really somewhat offended. At least at first.

Then, one night not long after that, during sex, I thought about it and asked her if she ever wondered what it would be like to be with another man, perhaps one with a different size penis; perhaps a bigger penis. (Mine is of the 6" variety; 4.5" in diameter. Certainly not small, but I'm certain there are larger).

She seemed horrified at the notion. She couldn't believe I would even ask such a question.

I'm no dummy. I knew I should probably drop it, and I did. But... all of a sudden, I recognized I was aroused by the fact that another an found my wife desirable. Even to the point of having no regard for me whatsoever. He thought he had a chance at my wife, and he went for it. He also thought, or knew, that he could win her over and beat me out.

The seed was planted. And because of this, the fantasy grew into desire, and the desire became more intense with each passing month.

I had to create safe places where my wife and I could talk about our fantasies together without judgement. She's never express a fantasy that seems "wild" to me, unfortunately, but over time, as I kept bringing up the idea of her having sex with another man, she gradual warmed to the idea.

When I say gradual, I mean, I think tectonic plates move faster than her. But that was intentional. Ultimately, I wanted her to actually develop the desire to the point where the tables were turned, and she wouldn't want me to stop her from going all the way.

I never tried to pressure her.

Her responses to me discussing my fantasy/desire changed over time from NO WAY EVER!, to 1) I could just never do that, 2) what, do you want to sleep with other women (no, I'd say), 3) I honestly have no desire to be wit anyone else, 4) I just can't imagine it, 5) are you insecure about your penis?, 6) why would this be okay with you, (at this point, it's 2015; 5 years after that guy hit on her in the office), then 7) if we did do it, and I'm not saying I ever would..., 8) you know I'm a lot more fun and relaxed when I can drink, 9) I don't think I could ever do it with a stranger (I'm totally fine with someone we know doing it, by the way.), 10) let me get back in shape after this pregnancy and then we can talk.

Well, she's back in shape, and we've had the kids. At three, we aren't planning on having more, but if she did get pregnant, we'd both be fine with it.

She looks better than ever and has more confidence than ever before. Having said that, she's still apprehensive (naturally) but is now officially excited about her first experience beyond the confines of marriage. And I'm so happy for her. She's going to make this lucky guy very happy.

When I say that the date of our marriages defiling is approaching, I should clarify that the date has not been set yet. We're having a meeting with some very close friends of ours this weekend as well as a few other men we have found through various Tinder like apps. We'll be vetting thoroughly.

I have thought a lot about this. I know there are several seemingly "negative" things that could happen:
1. she hates the experience. But if that's the case, we won't do it again.
2. She loves the experience and can't get enough. Actually, that wouldn't be negative at all.
3. She loses her sexual desire for me
4. She develops feelings for these other guys.
5. She actually gets pregnant with another mans baby
6. I actually find myself jealous that his other guy (or these other guys) are able to do things with her and explore her sexuality in ways she hasn't let me.

There may be more, but these are some that immediately come to mind.

But I can honestly say, I am okay with each and everyone one of these, and I am so ready to witness this desire become reality.

Forgive the long post. I am a bit wordy and detailed. I'll have more to share in the coming days!

I'm excited for you to see where this goes :)
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Hi and welcome,hubby and I have been together since high school as well and yes there are so many emotions that are going to be going on,trust ,love,and comunication are key,no question asked is wrong but the ones you don't ask.Lynn.

Wow! It's really cool to see another couple that had been together so long. Sometimes I still think I'm crazy for giving up my position as her only lover, after all these years, but as many others on here probably know, it's really what I want. Thankfully, now she does too.
I was in Kansas City and the group I was with talked about the great steak available there. It was the focus of the days discussion. In the restaurant, salivating I ordered my fave prime rib. Arrived as expected, looked great smelled great, then I when to cut the 1st piece things went downhill real fast. Tough, dry, tasted old. Bad experience.

In Haverstraw, NY. Small outdoor burger and dog joint, converted gas station. Small indoor dining area. Ordered Prime Rib, after I ordered I considered changing my mind, what was I thinking. It was one of the best steaks I'd ever had. Moist, tender, juicy, perfect spices and ageing.

Sometimes the steak IS better than the sizzle. Don't let the angst ruin the aroma or the flavor.
I was in Kansas City and the group I was with talked about the great steak available there. It was the focus of the days discussion. In the restaurant, salivating I ordered my fave prime rib. Arrived as expected, looked great smelled great, then I when to cut the 1st piece things went downhill real fast. Tough, dry, tasted old. Bad experience.

In Haverstraw, NY. Small outdoor burger and dog joint, converted gas station. Small indoor dining area. Ordered Prime Rib, after I ordered I considered changing my mind, what was I thinking. It was one of the best steaks I'd ever had. Moist, tender, juicy, perfect spices and ageing.

Sometimes the steak IS better than the sizzle. Don't let the angst ruin the aroma or the flavor.

Well said. Truth be told, I think we're both nervous about this weekend. And all we're doing is meeting people!

It's officially up to 5 guys we're meeting with separately/different times Saturday.

Part of me thinks it would be pretty cool if one of our friends got to do the deed. What would it be like getting together with that couple from now on? Lol. I guess the other husband would feel like quite the alpha male in the room.

Whatever happens, I'm going to try and make the most of it. I know there'll never be another "first time".
Well said. Truth be told, I think we're both nervous about this weekend. And all we're doing is meeting people!

It's officially up to 5 guys we're meeting with separately/different times Saturday.

Part of me thinks it would be pretty cool if one of our friends got to do the deed. What would it be like getting together with that couple from now on? Lol. I guess the other husband would feel like quite the alpha male in the room.

Whatever happens, I'm going to try and make the most of it. I know there'll never be another "first time".
Not sure about meeting 5 guys in a day to make a choice, I think that could end up being confusing but if it works for you...

Absolutely make the most of it and enjoy the first time, we did, and afterwards talk about it, what was good, was anything not so good....good luck
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My wife and I plan on having sex tonight. It will be the first time in about a week, and even though we're not sure when she'll consummate this upcoming affair, we plan for this to be the last time I have sex with her before it happens.

Needless to say, I'm approaching this a little differently than every previous love making session.
Not sure about meeting 5 guys in a day to make a choice, I think that could end up being confusing but if it works for you...

Absolutely make the most of it and enjoy the first time, we did, and afterwards talk about it, what was good, was anything not so good....good luck

Great advice. I'm not sure we'll make a decision this weekend. It's just time we purposely set aside to immerse ourselves in this discussion and focus on it. We'll see how it goes.
I was watching her in a yoga class and snapped this picture, which I've cropped here.

This may seem crazy, but I was looking at it and couldn't shape the fact that that leg and foot will pretty much be in the same position while I'm watching her have intercourse for the first time. That got me exited, to say the least.
I was watching her in a yoga class and snapped this picture, which I've cropped here.

This may seem crazy, but I was looking at it and couldn't shape the fact that that leg and foot will pretty much be in the same position while I'm watching her have intercourse for the first time. That got me exited, to say the least.

As a man with a foot fetish, I can tell you that was one of my favorite views when I watched my wife violate our marriage for the first time.

I hope you enjoyed fucking her for the last time! You guys sound EXACTLY like us ~3 years ago. Your world is about to drastically change. You can't go back, but you probably won't want to. And she probably won't either. Not that your cock sounds small, but it's definitely only average length and a little below average in the girth department. Certainly nothing to write home about. If you find the right guy, she'll have her world rocked.

Major kudos for giving her up. I hate the way society thinks we need to keep a beautiful woman to ourselves.
Well, I think everyone will be excited to know that we have found our man, and we will soon be meeting so they can consummate the affair.

Before I elaborate on the plan and the guy...

I need to be 100% honest: I'm feeling awkward about this whole thing for the first time. I don't know if it's that this thing is now becoming a reality, or if I'm just having an off day, but I just have this weird feeling about it.

Is this a sign we should back out, or is it normal "cold feet" that I just need to power through?
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Well, I think everyone will be excited to know that we have found our man, and we will soon be meeting so they can consummate the affair.

Before I elaborate on the plan and the guy...

I need to be 100% honest: I'm feeling awkward about this whole thing for the first time. I don't know if it's that this thing is now becoming a reality, or if I'm just having an off day, but I just have this weird feeling about it.

Is this a sign we should back out, or is it normal "cold feet" that I just need to power through?
Absolutely, we were both nervous for different reasons as I said in our post 'Becky the first time', then afterwards we really needed to discuss it all and not let any insecurities build. So I would say your feelings are very normal, if you didn't feel nervous I would be concerned about why you are doing it.
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The deed has been done, the affair has been consummated. I need to offer an update. Just bear with me everyone. I'm working on it, but it's been crazy to say the least.

We both have experienced a swirling hurricane of emotions and sensations in the aftermath. Some good, some not so good.

I won't say we regret it. Not at all. At least not at this stage. But we're not immediately sure if or when our next adventure will occur.

I'll post the story shortly!
The deed has been done, the affair has been consummated. I need to offer an update. Just bear with me everyone. I'm working on it, but it's been crazy to say the least.

We both have experienced a swirling hurricane of emotions and sensations in the aftermath. Some good, some not so good.

I won't say we regret it. Not at all. At least not at this stage. But we're not immediately sure if or when our next adventure will occur.

I'll post the story shortly!
Make sure you both talk it through, don't keep it bottled up otherwise you will end up resenting each other, trust me, honest open discussion of what was good and what wasn''t...good luck, Becky xx
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