Today might be the day!!!


3 years of slowly introducing my wife to this fantasy has brought us to this morning of Jan 23rd. I appreciate the responses to my previous post and I can’t wait to share details of my first time.

As mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to ease into this and potentially be present the first few times , also my wife told me she would feel most comfortable if it was with a stranger — then it all changed!!!

As we were finally getting comfortable with the idea, my wife threw a curveball and mentioned she wanted to try to make a move on her coworker. Then after we agreed today was the day, she hit me with the second curveball which was , she didn’t want to record anything or take pics - she just wanted to fill me in afterwards- this hit me like a sledgehammer.

The past 3 days I have felt absolutely sick to my stomach, that same sick feeling with the shakes that I felt as a teen when I found out I got cheated on. But , I’m the one who created this whole fantasy and encouraged her to do it.

Now, I fully expected to eventually let her go off and do her thing without any videos or myself being present , but I didn’t expect to hit “expert level” the first try. From the very first moment , I highlighted the importance of communication during this whole process. Therefore I was honest in telling her I felt blindsided by these last minute changes and literally felt sick- BUT I didn’t think it was fair to ask her to “abort mission” lol. I know that once Pandora’s box is opened - it cannot be closed. So if I tell her I’ve changed my mind at this stage , she will just do it and leave me out of it, OR even if she truly doesn’t act on it- I will probably start making up scenarios in my head like I did when I was a teen.

I spoke with her last night and asked her to please try to include me in this by at least taking some pics of her outfit/underwear and texting me throughout the day/night. I’m literally shaking as I write this but as I mentioned to her, although I feel sick- I am actually still turned on by the situation.

I guess we’ll know in the next few hrs whether or not I completely fooled myself into thinking I was into this or maybe I’m about to embark on the most incredible experience of my life.

If anyone has any similar experience or thoughts, please share.
I'm sorry, but it's not a situation I like.
it sounds like she is trying to shut you out and just get a pass to have a lover.
plus, a person so close to her every day could really be detrimental to your well-being and your relationship.
it's true that it's difficult to go back now, but perhaps these rules should have been established before and never changed.
If you don't like this thing anymore, you should tell her and if she cares about you more than fucking her coworker, she should understand it and support you, otherwise I think it's easy for this situation to lead to a breakup.
It’s been a slow start to her day. She has called me on 3-way a few times so I can listen in on the conversation but it’s been uneventful. Their day is winding down and hopefully they start turning up the heat soon or maybe when they go for drinks. They’ve flirted before but neither has ever crossed the line. They’re all going out for drinks after work so let’s see what happens
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I’m wishing you the best of luck. Even if it’s not exactly how you pictured things playing out initially, it’s a monumental step for your wife and she knows she can ask for these curveballs because she knows you’ll support her.
I'm sorry, but it's not a situation I like.
it sounds like she is trying to shut you out and just get a pass to have a lover.
plus, a person so close to her every day could really be detrimental to your well-being and your relationship.
it's true that it's difficult to go back now, but perhaps these rules should have been established before and never changed.
If you don't like this thing anymore, you should tell her and if she cares about you more than fucking her coworker, she should understand it and support you, otherwise I think it's easy for this situation to lead to a breakup.
I appreciate your thoughts. I won’t lie , I read this message and immediately put my phone down feeling betrayed. But the biggest key to this whole experience is COMMUNICATION , and as you mentioned - establish the rules. I realized this whole time it was all about me, and although she was receptive and eventually brought us to this day—- I never really asked how SHE envisioned it or how SHE would feel most comfortable. As I mentioned to her over and over again , this is a very dangerous game and can destroy our marriage right off the gate. But unfortunately I never paused to see what would make this the perfect day for her. I feel much better than I did this morning (or maybe my adrenaline is spent lol).

I definitely got a huge boost of confidence when she called me and asked me to mute my phone because she was going to put me on 3-way in case something was said. This was completely unsolicited and I didn’t even think of this, so I definitely feel like she’s trying to find ways to keep me involved. I hope this continues trending this way , let’s see where the road takes us.
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We havent taken the plunge yet, but are still working toward that goal. However, the wife made the point early on that she wouldnt feel comfortable having me in the room when it does happen. After reading several post I get the impression its not uncommon for wives to feel this way.
I wish you the best of luck !! As you see , communication is everything. I assumed her being turned on by talking about it was confirmation she was 100% on-board with everything, unfortunately I never really paused to ask how she felt most comfortable. I still think it’ll be worth all the progress we’ve made the past 3 yrs and every drop of adrenaline I’ve dumped these last 24hrs haha

I’ll keep posting updates on here.
3 years of slowly introducing my wife to this fantasy has brought us to this morning of Jan 23rd. I appreciate the responses to my previous post and I can’t wait to share details of my first time.

As mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to ease into this and potentially be present the first few times , also my wife told me she would feel most comfortable if it was with a stranger — then it all changed!!!

As we were finally getting comfortable with the idea, my wife threw a curveball and mentioned she wanted to try to make a move on her coworker. Then after we agreed today was the day, she hit me with the second curveball which was , she didn’t want to record anything or take pics - she just wanted to fill me in afterwards- this hit me like a sledgehammer.

The past 3 days I have felt absolutely sick to my stomach, that same sick feeling with the shakes that I felt as a teen when I found out I got cheated on. But , I’m the one who created this whole fantasy and encouraged her to do it.

Now, I fully expected to eventually let her go off and do her thing without any videos or myself being present , but I didn’t expect to hit “expert level” the first try. From the very first moment , I highlighted the importance of communication during this whole process. Therefore I was honest in telling her I felt blindsided by these last minute changes and literally felt sick- BUT I didn’t think it was fair to ask her to “abort mission” lol. I know that once Pandora’s box is opened - it cannot be closed. So if I tell her I’ve changed my mind at this stage , she will just do it and leave me out of it, OR even if she truly doesn’t act on it- I will probably start making up scenarios in my head like I did when I was a teen.

I spoke with her last night and asked her to please try to include me in this by at least taking some pics of her outfit/underwear and texting me throughout the day/night. I’m literally shaking as I write this but as I mentioned to her, although I feel sick- I am actually still turned on by the situation.

I guess we’ll know in the next few hrs whether or not I completely fooled myself into thinking I was into this or maybe I’m about to embark on the most incredible experience of my life.

If anyone has any similar experience or thoughts, please share.
You're giving up a lot already, and it hasn't even happened yet. Talk about a slippery slope. You'd either better be ready to accept that you don't get any say in the rules once she does this, or you better rein things in and make sure you're a partner in this process, and not just a spectator.
You're giving up a lot already, and it hasn't even happened yet. Talk about a slippery slope. You'd either better be ready to accept that you don't get any say in the rules once she does this, or you better rein things in and make sure you're a partner in this process, and not just a spectator.
Agreed. But he DOESN'T he want to be manipulated like a cuck?
Seems to me he's gotta make up his mind:
She's in charge or not...
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Agreed. But he DOESN'T he want to be manipulated like a cuck?
Seems to me he's gotta make up his mind:
She's in charge or not...
In my previous posts you can see a little bit about my thoughts and One where I specifically ask others to share their thoughts on my stance/ feelings. Not everyone is the same in this game. As mentioned, I’m fully invested in this but the sudden change before the game def threw me off a bit. Take a peek at my previous post and share your thoughts. You can even see how some comments opened my eyes a bit more.
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I have been in a very very similar situation. It comes down to matter of whether or not you will be okay with her doing this and leaving you out, often probably not even telling you. The coworker piece is a convenient option but a slippery slope. I would warn you to not be too harsh with your reactions if this is something that you actually want happening. Wish you the best, keep us posted
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3 years of slowly introducing my wife to this fantasy has brought us to this morning of Jan 23rd. I appreciate the responses to my previous post and I can’t wait to share details of my first time.

As mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to ease into this and potentially be present the first few times , also my wife told me she would feel most comfortable if it was with a stranger — then it all changed!!!

As we were finally getting comfortable with the idea, my wife threw a curveball and mentioned she wanted to try to make a move on her coworker. Then after we agreed today was the day, she hit me with the second curveball which was , she didn’t want to record anything or take pics - she just wanted to fill me in afterwards- this hit me like a sledgehammer.

The past 3 days I have felt absolutely sick to my stomach, that same sick feeling with the shakes that I felt as a teen when I found out I got cheated on. But , I’m the one who created this whole fantasy and encouraged her to do it.

Now, I fully expected to eventually let her go off and do her thing without any videos or myself being present , but I didn’t expect to hit “expert level” the first try. From the very first moment , I highlighted the importance of communication during this whole process. Therefore I was honest in telling her I felt blindsided by these last minute changes and literally felt sick- BUT I didn’t think it was fair to ask her to “abort mission” lol. I know that once Pandora’s box is opened - it cannot be closed. So if I tell her I’ve changed my mind at this stage , she will just do it and leave me out of it, OR even if she truly doesn’t act on it- I will probably start making up scenarios in my head like I did when I was a teen.

I spoke with her last night and asked her to please try to include me in this by at least taking some pics of her outfit/underwear and texting me throughout the day/night. I’m literally shaking as I write this but as I mentioned to her, although I feel sick- I am actually still turned on by the situation.

I guess we’ll know in the next few hrs whether or not I completely fooled myself into thinking I was into this or maybe I’m about to embark on the most incredible experience of my life.

If anyone has any similar experience or thoughts, please share.
Houston,, we have a problem.
3 years of slowly introducing my wife to this fantasy has brought us to this morning of Jan 23rd. I appreciate the responses to my previous post and I can’t wait to share details of my first time.

As mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to ease into this and potentially be present the first few times , also my wife told me she would feel most comfortable if it was with a stranger — then it all changed!!!

As we were finally getting comfortable with the idea, my wife threw a curveball and mentioned she wanted to try to make a move on her coworker. Then after we agreed today was the day, she hit me with the second curveball which was , she didn’t want to record anything or take pics - she just wanted to fill me in afterwards- this hit me like a sledgehammer.

The past 3 days I have felt absolutely sick to my stomach, that same sick feeling with the shakes that I felt as a teen when I found out I got cheated on. But , I’m the one who created this whole fantasy and encouraged her to do it.

Now, I fully expected to eventually let her go off and do her thing without any videos or myself being present , but I didn’t expect to hit “expert level” the first try. From the very first moment , I highlighted the importance of communication during this whole process. Therefore I was honest in telling her I felt blindsided by these last minute changes and literally felt sick- BUT I didn’t think it was fair to ask her to “abort mission” lol. I know that once Pandora’s box is opened - it cannot be closed. So if I tell her I’ve changed my mind at this stage , she will just do it and leave me out of it, OR even if she truly doesn’t act on it- I will probably start making up scenarios in my head like I did when I was a teen.

I spoke with her last night and asked her to please try to include me in this by at least taking some pics of her outfit/underwear and texting me throughout the day/night. I’m literally shaking as I write this but as I mentioned to her, although I feel sick- I am actually still turned on by the situation.

I guess we’ll know in the next few hrs whether or not I completely fooled myself into thinking I was into this or maybe I’m about to embark on the most incredible experience of my life.

If anyone has any similar experience or thoughts, please share.
Hey there I am in Florida as well and would love to chat send me a message so we can chat some more


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