What's your favourite type of cuckold porn.

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My hubby's loves.to watch me
these posts can be confusing because I dont know who I am addressing here. A wife? a husband? their butler? gardener?
But because this nice looking catholic lady caught my imagination, here it goes and lets. make believe I am talking to the lady on the pic ok?
if this is a husband, this might sound really weird. so brace yourself lol
natural red hair... hmm in the wise words of mark twain or maybe borat [not sure] "me love long time" I think it means "I want to put a fetus in your belly" but again not sure. it just sounds cool. BUt here is what I think: I might be attracted to you red hair lady. it depends on a few factors but mainly, I have to discover the personality behind your beauty, go deep and explore what you think about when youre alone with your pillow and your thoughts, the kind of thoughts you might have only shared with one person or perhaps you have entertained the thoughts but you havent shared it yet and you believe you only can when this special person touches your soul in that special way in the right angle or caress your soul deep enough so you feel a gush of undiscovered sensations. they are indicative of a connection thats all. but also how intense, lasting and how novel, if you detect any urge to keeo riding that wave type thing you know? and if you prefer an easy ride or an experience more on the rough or sense awakening side, only you know where and how you want to be touched. I know this might sound weird and iif you say you dont get it, believe me, neither do I. especially as a man. but heres what I know: when you experience it, you'll know. then maybe you can explain it better to me!

anyway, and you have to make me laugh too. but I have to take a nap now. red hair looking silky and full as a fresh plum. not sure that made sense but you know what I mean

full disclosure: am I a good man? no. very bad. married [third time] and doing this behind her back. if she finds out theres a high likelyhood she will lorena bobbit me, poison me or put a contract on me. so yeah a little risk on my side but hey every time we cross a street theres a risk right? only concern would be my daughter. prefer that my daughter never ever finds out her father ever frequented a site like this but if she ever does I would deny ever doing it.
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