Complaints/Appeal/Content Removal Policy


All users are permitted the reporting of content that may be illegal or otherwise violates the Standards/Terms and rules.

All the reported complains will be reviewed and resolved by our moderators/admins as soon as possible but not later than within seven business days.

You can find a report button below every post, message or file, just press "Report" and file a complaint.

When deciding on your complaint, we are primarily guided by Standards/Term and rules. After making a decision on the complaint, the complaintant will be informed of the decision and can appeal it within the next 48 hours.


We maintain a process that allows any person depicted in the content to file an appeal to remove such content, and obtain the removal of the content if the outcome of the investigation determine that consent was not given or is void under applicable law.

In case of a disagreement regarding an appeal, we allow such disagreement to be resolved by a neutral body.

If you believe your own content/personal information was posted without your consent, or you saw any illegal content, please make a report. The process is described in the COMPLAINT POLICY above.

If you have any additional questions about reporting/removing content, please use these contacts: @thePlagueDoctor