
Theo and Sophia

  • Love
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I smooth my hands over your round cheeks . . . . i remember how they feel snug against me . . . I remember the hot wet heat of you . . . . mmmmmm I slip a hand between your thighs drag a finger under and between your lips . . . . so wet you are . . . so wanting to be fucked . . . your knees spread and your shoulders go down . . . . you wiggle your ass a bit with a hum in your throat . . . you know how to grab me with the sight and sound of you . . . with the promise of your body and all of its sensations . . . . I swell throbbing hard for you . . . like a dowsing rod seeking to fill you with the pressures and fullness of our joining . . . . the electric slip and slide of our coupling . . . . faster deeper . . . driven by your body and beauty to mate . . . to fill you . . until all sensation is just too much . . . . and all that is left is the squirting pulse and spasms of orgasm . . . All those thoughts flash through my mind as I slip my head under you . . . as I pull your sex down to my mouth . . . kiss your lips . . . search for your nubbin . . . feel you jerk with my touch . . . then nestle down . . . mmmmm love the taste of you . . . . soooo good . . . I give you a deep most intimate French kiss . . . my tongue swirls inside your pussy . . . my soft finger tip circles your rose bud sending more tingles . . . . . so many ways to touch you . . . to celebrate you . . .

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