Recent content by JJSS1881

  1. J

    Found out my fiancé is a slut, what should I do now?

    After LOTS of talking, she’s texting our friend again. I know deep down she isn’t going to change so I need to know if I can tolerate the lifestyle. I think I can but you never know...
  2. J

    Found out my fiancé is a slut, what should I do now?

    Thank you for all the advise. Several of you have stated she isn’t going to change so adjust my expectations accordingly if I get back with her. I think that’s very true. My knee jerk reaction was to insist she break it off immediately with our friend which she did. She even offered to go to...
  3. J

    Found out my fiancé is a slut, what should I do now?

    New poster here desperately seeking advice. I recently found out my fiancé is a pretty big slut. I’ll keep this short and to the point. I started working a bunch of OT about six months ago to pay for a ring and save for a house (and I’m in one of the few jobs that actually got busier when...