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  1. W

    Wife is on a date

    My wife is on her first real date with her boyfriend. The three of us have being fucking around for better than a year but she has never gone off alone with him. He asked me first and i was excited about it. So its been an hour and a half. Had a txt some time ago saying they were at the theater...
  2. W

    Our first time.

    Completely true story. My wife and I had flirted with the idea of a threesome for a long time. We had off the cuff asked two of her girlfriends, at different times, to join us. Both thought it was weird. Then a male friend of mine was on the outs for his marriage. Had been crumbling for years...
  3. W

    New to the site

    My wife and I (33yr/38yr) had a long term boyfriend which recently ended. Joined the site to read and add tales and get to know others in similar walks of life. Been some discussion of what we want to experiment with next.