Alpha Friend Strikes Again: Trip to Venice, Italy Part III

So I arrived with the football team and other guests to this party at a large venue with photographers, attractive wealthy people, Italian locals influential in the community, etc. The inside was something like this except less white.
195915It was Thursday night and I had already lost hope of winning over Adelaisa's romantic interest. I mainly went because JT told me he wanted me to be there for every moment he put "the moves" on her. My manhood was so cucked at this point, I didn't even put an effort into dressing up like the others we came with. Wearing basketball shorts (which exposed my chicken legs), baggy t shirt, hair barely combed over - you could see the lack of effort. I held in a lot of bitterness as I watched wealthy Venice natives happily intermingle with members and coaches of three different American football teams. All I could think about was how angry it made me that women like Adelaisa wouldn't even give me the time of day but would light up like the sun at the mere sight of JT. There was an open area on the floor basically behind where the photo above was taken from. People danced there. Even though it was two years before, I seriously doubted that tonight wasn't going to follow along the same lines as my first on campus cuckold experience. JT, his old roommate also on the football team - Tyrone, removed their suit and jackets to join some of the people on the dance floor. That was when the hard-to-please, stone cold Italian fox Adelaisa Mencini walked in looking like this
She wasn't wearing a green dress but exactly like in this gif, she had a massive flowing waterfall of voluminous black hair part at her forehead, running down the side of her cheeks as it tucked back behind her shoulders. Her chest was so prominent as it was accentuated by her posture and unbelievable cleavage. She walked with her chin up, boobs out, radiated sexual prowess as she strode her thick legs across the venue floor.

Compared to the previous week, I was not having a good time. Even though there were many other Venice Natives and American football players who did their thing on the dance floor, JT once again won over the crowd and impressed all the women - at least as far as I could see. I decided to have a few drinks in self-pity while JT, Tyrone, another kid I knew from Indiana University on the team talked to Adelaisa and some of her acquaintances. I was beginning to get drunk but I definitely felt like Adelaisa would use her arms to push up her boobs as she would talk close rang with JT. ?JT, the man who till this day won't let me succeed with one hot woman if he has anything to do with it?.

I woke up on the floor of one of the football players' room the next morning. A Junior named Daryl Clemson, of the better guys on the football team, informed me that I had one-too-many drinks the night before. Feeling groggy but still concerned, I asked him if JT went home with that hot Italian woman. He told me no not as far as he knew because JT was on the bus back to the hotel after the venue party. I was relieved. I thanked Daryl for helping me out the night before told him I'd see them later.

It was Friday morning, our large group of about 56 people left for the State on Sunday. To my surprise, JT decided to visit my room which was two floors below his and a couple rooms down. I answered the door. JT walks and in an assertive voice, tells me to sit down on my bed. Just being in his presence alone made me nervous. He started asking me about Adelaisa. He started summarizing the events of the last week as followed: I see Adelaisa, I want her, JT sees her, She sees him, JT decides to steal her out from under me, I miserably fail on date with the girl, girl doesn't want me, girl wants JT, JT sets the mood and gets the girl going, and that that night, he would do the same thing to me again what he did two years before. He gripped my shoulder aggressively and squeezed hardly, looking me in the eye with that crazy intense stare, and said "Tonight, I'm going to make love to that smoking hot Italian babe and guess who's gonna watch it all go down? You are, 'cause you're the beta male!" Angry with my lack of response, he squeezed his grip on my shoulder hard and said with a mean look, "Who's the Alpha dog!?" "You are!" I replied in submission. "What are you gonna do tonight!?" He demanded. With dread and reluctance I still knew what had to happen. "I will submit to the Alpha Male and watch him make love to the beautiful Italian woman!" There was a sinister smile on his face. He eased his grip and said, "Good." I gulped. He gave me a gentle but firm slap on the side of the face to break me out of the trance I was in, stuck in the nightmarish thought of what the next 12 hours held for me. He walked out my room. I was far from ready for this to happen again, or at any point in the future, but JT always got the girl. I had better show up to my humiliation that night.

The party was at the same venue it was at the two previous nights. First 2 hours passed fast, everyone going through the same motions. I truly dreaded the moment when Adelaisa would walk in wearing something that would drive me absolutely crazy with desire for her and her irresistible looks. But I figured, she couldn't possibly look any hotter than the last two nights. Then she came in looking like this (This would be the moment in a movie where Fergie's Oh Shit song would play and perfectly capture the moment).
195933Holy Mary Mother of God! It was insane. Something you thought you could only find in the most absurdly outrageous lit. erotica and Hollywood Fantasy. My submission to JT's Alpha Male dominance seemed so much more contemptable given the fact that I had to voluntarily watch him steal this opportunity away from me.

It was in that moment, I mustered up all the broken pieces of my shattered confidence, mojo, and self-esteem to stand up for what was supposed to be mine. Even though it took me about 30 minutes to muster up the courage but I finally started moving and nothing was stopping me! As I crossed the room I saw an overly-confident JT watching me march by with a smirk on his face. I walked up to Adelaisa who had only been at the event for about 45 minutes said it - and to this day I can remember both how nervous and determined I was, "Adelaisa, we went on a date and although you didn't seem to like interacting with me, there was still something I didn't get to ask you that night and I don't want to miss my chance and wonder what could have been..." I began rambling speedily. Before Adelaisa could stop me or even respond, JT somehow swooped in our close quarters. Breaking my rambling streak, he began to ask Adelaisa if I was asking her out so as to trivialize it. I erupted back at JT saying, "Stay out of this!" Self-consciously aware that I kind of sounded like a child, still I turned back toward Adelaisa and said, "He's trying to humiliate me in front of you because he just wants to sleep with you!" Adelaisa, confused, then asks me what I wanted to ask her myself. A bit embarrassed and internally furious that I had fucked it up, I admitted "Well...I...Actually wanted to know if you wanted to come back to my hotel room and...and..." I wasn't confident enough at this point to get it out. She looked at me AS IF!? and said, "What? Sleep with you? Even if John (JT was short for Johnny Traynor) was trying to humiliate you in front of me so as to sleep with him, I'd still rather do that than sleep with YOU."
I couldn't believe my ears. It was so humiliating. JT didn't even have to spread a lie about me and make everyone think I was some bad guy and that he was the hero. Speechless, JT stepped between us and suggested in a smooth tone that they should back to HIS hotel room and that Herbert (me) was going to watch. It was starting. Blood rushed to my penis and my manhood began to tremble with fear.


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