Latina wife


May 3, 2022
My wife’s last response was this. We talked and I was telling her how I love her so much even if she flirts with guys or if she sleeps with someone. I was telling her how I’m fine with guys random guys hitting on her and flirting with her. There much more questions and answers besides these 3. These are just the last ones we send to each other. What do you think?

WIFE:) Well I wouldn’t let you do that. I love you but not enough to let you sleep with other ppl. I’m sorry

ME:) you don’t get it. Im not asking for that or I don’t want to do that. It’s not about me. It’s about you. I’m saying even if you sleep with someone else I would still love you unconditionally.

WIFE:) But I wouldn’t do that to you. Even if you think that it’s ok. If you and i are together is for us to be together. If I slept with someone else you’d be sad. Mad. Upset. And I don’t want that. I don’t want to hurt your feelings. You don’t get it.