So am i just over thinking or even suffering from wishful thinking (thoughts n advice please)

Ok so here is the back story. About two years ago i came out to my wife my cuckold desires. At first she was kind of excited and even turned by it. She shared her ideas and even reached out a bit. Never got phyical with anyone or went beyond emails that i know of. Then that along with our phyical closeness went away. The whole thing blew up and she basiclly has had nothing to do with phyically and takes every chance she can to cut my manhood down she can find. Thats been the way things have been for a year and half now. Until recently she has become more secritve about her phone and even begun to change the she dresses and carries herself. In the back of my mind im almost conviced she is sexual with someone or atlest interrested. I am confused in how to find out. So i thought maybe reaching out for input or thought from others before i go activtly seeking.
(I want to express that if she is the only negitive thoughts i have about the sneaking and trying hide it and the fighting me over it. How if its a case of she is considering it or even in the process i dont want to interfear or ruin it. So im not even sure how i should go about finding out. The negitives can always resolved. However if she has come around and disrupt her procress that could be bad. I mean after all i did give her sexual freedom)
So thoughts please
Sounds like she does have something going on with someone, but you never know. I would simply ask her in a way that says I'm all for it if you are but I just want to know.
See, thats were logic leads my thought process. I really dont know to aproch the subject with her tho. If so then id like to in the loop and ovbserve. I mean yes ill be upset over lying and fighting so hard over the subject. But in the end its her happyness that matters
Yes her happiness matters, but yours does as well. If I didn't enjoy this then there is no way I would be part of it. Anyway, I have been in your situation in the past with someone else and I just asked the questions. Are you seeing someone else, you can be honest I want be upset. If it's a yes then I would ask have you kissed him, if that's a yes then I would ask have you fucked him? However you approach her you have to be calm and cool with it. If you come out screaming and threatening her then she will not give you any response or lie. This is just my opinion, in the end you have to decide for yourself.
Thanks for advice, i really tend to over think alot of things and i am sure were i stand in the scents and squeem of things.
I just know there is two sides of the sword sort to speack when it comes to confronting the subject. I know i got clam and cool aproch in down and ready. Thats something my head has played thru over and over since this gut feeling started.
Its confusing because to my face theres one ground she holds. That is she is loyal and wont ever go outside of me. However there time i catch her flirting and enknoliging other mens looks at towards her when thinks im not paying attion to her actions. Now its dressing diffently and wearing make up when she goes places with out me. The way she dresses and most defently the make up she would never do for me. I asked her about those things and she saids oh its just something i beem wanting to do. To me its a change that isnt for my eyes its more a "calling card".
I've heard that when someone starts dressing differently that it could be a clue to an affair, but you never know about these things.
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So this afternoon while doing some work on the pc i decided to do a litte digging around. I think i may have stumbbled on to the seeds of her going out.
The other night we were at a halloween gathering. There was a side show stage act that we waited around to catch. Before it started she pointed out to me that one of the guys in the show was really checking her out. Now when she pointed this out she wrapped herself around me tightly and asked for a kiss. While reasuring me that she only wants me. Now i didnt that much of it at the time. Or how she kept saying things like she thought she knew him from where. Well low and behold who turned up on her contacts. Dude grew up on the other end of the county and just moved locally not very long ago. So noway would she knew him from high school as she claimed.
Now im dying to call her out on this but i know will go negitivly so i guess silincess and keeping tabs is my action. As i want the seeds to grow here.
But so thoughts would be helpful here.
It is always difficult to end a relationship when you care for someone, but you have to care for yourself as well. If you think she is being unfaithful to you then you have to decide if you are going to deal with it or not. Only you can decide what's too much for you.
Kind of sounds weird, like the relationship was going downhill then you suspected something after that, but you weren’t really involved in the extramarital activities. Maybe I’m reading it wrong.

My wife and I are really close, have always been (kind of why we got married!). We just take the hotwife lifestyle as a compliment to the already kinky and active sex life we have.

Sounds like you and your woman have something else going on.
Well on every level but phyically we are very close. When it comes to talking about anything on a phyically level she has become very unaprochable. I asked her bout it lastnight. She didnt get mad at me but just blew it off with an unbuyable excuse.
The thing that keeps running thru my head on the subject. Is that if her mind has changed she would probly never come out and just say it. For one because she has spend a couple of years fighting me so hard over the subject and dont want to out right tell me she has changed face on it. She has a nack for dropping bread crumbs and leaving me to figure out what she is wanting. Second thing is when she was open to exploring i dont beleave that her ideas just shut off. Yea she got upset over stuff and reserved but i know it lingers. Lastly she has admitted that after admitting my cuck thing and things we did try toghter may have changed her veiw sexually. Maybe hints the lack of sex. So maybe her desire got sparked. There for prehaps she is coming out of shell.
*new update*
So i took the bull by the horns sort to speck. Looks like we are on the path to her cuckolding me.
I really just sucked it up and aproched her in an open way. Telling her i didnt really buy her reason for adding her new contact. She funbled around a bit forcing me to take the lead in the talk but i got the truth. She has been paying attention to how other men have been looking at alot lately. She didnt know to come me bescause of the checkered past on the subject. It seems that getting looks and even flirted with has been exciting to her and made her think. She did ask me if the possabilty of her with another guy was still on the table. Ofcorse it is i said. Just like when i brought up the subject i reasured her that my love n support for her woulnt change and its her body she can have whatever she wants.
I also told her to take today and think about the details. Tonight we are going to dinner and talk deeper and put an outline and ground rules down.
You did the right thing. You have to discuss both of your desires openly. That said, now make sure you compliment her on her looks and dress, and point out when other are checking her out. That may keep the fire going. I will also say the first few times can be emotionally tricky, so y'all need to keep talking.


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