Weekend short version


My wife is into Mid Century stuff and there was an expo show over the weekend 4 hours away. She decided to leave Friday morning and brought her lover Raul along as her companion since I had to work. They spent the night in a hotel and didn't come back until late Saturday. I didn't ask any question because I had already spent Friday night and Saturday jerking off multiple times imagining what they were doing from experience. Sunday morning we got in the hot tub. She asked me how many days it's been since I got any pussy. I keep a running app on my phone so I can tell her. Denying me makes her hot and the higher the number, the hotter she gets. 12 days was the answer. Not a high number and 100 away from the record but enough to make her smile and have me eat her pussy when we went back in the house. She told me the graphic details about her night with Raul and had multiple orgasms while I ate her. When she was done with me, she had me kneel in front of her so she could inspect my little dick to see if my denial was going to end and reset. Nope too small. She said she was doing me a favor by not letting me feel how Raul had worn out her pussy for me. She made me jerk off in front of her instead while she mocked me. I know this isn't the most intense story you'll read here today but I stick to the truth and if you're living it, the truth is pretty intense.
My wife is into Mid Century stuff and there was an expo show over the weekend 4 hours away. She decided to leave Friday morning and brought her lover Raul along as her companion since I had to work. They spent the night in a hotel and didn't come back until late Saturday. I didn't ask any question because I had already spent Friday night and Saturday jerking off multiple times imagining what they were doing from experience. Sunday morning we got in the hot tub. She asked me how many days it's been since I got any pussy. I keep a running app on my phone so I can tell her. Denying me makes her hot and the higher the number, the hotter she gets. 12 days was the answer. Not a high number and 100 away from the record but enough to make her smile and have me eat her pussy when we went back in the house. She told me the graphic details about her night with Raul and had multiple orgasms while I ate her. When she was done with me, she had me kneel in front of her so she could inspect my little dick to see if my denial was going to end and reset. Nope too small. She said she was doing me a favor by not letting me feel how Raul had worn out her pussy for me. She made me jerk off in front of her instead while she mocked me. I know this isn't the most intense story you'll read here today but I stick to the truth and if you're living it, the truth is pretty intense.
i find a relationship like that, mildly, interesting.