Wife agreed and even bought bikinis for a Swingers Club with pool! Advice on seeing her really enjoy herself?😀😀😀

From someone who is wanting their wife to get into the hotwife thing... I'd say don't push her, let her move at her own pace. If you have concerns, best to make them known upfront, like right now. I'm no authority on this but my guess is ground rules would be a good place to start. Reading, seems others ditched the rules at some point, the wives took over and do it their way, the husbands are just dragged behind. Of course, some like that and some don't.

Express your thoughts and desires if you've made it this far with her, your fears or desires... whatever you feel you need to say to her. Then, sit back and enjoy it and her, don't push her and unless she wants you right there for every second - don't hover over her or she's likely to not enjoy it too much and quit.
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