Recent content by sexysamurai

  1. sexysamurai

    Eat the cream pie or not eat the cream pie? That is the question

    I am still impressed by this video ( shared by my forum friend. Is it really that delicious? Are here experienced people who can explain me those unknown for me taste and feeling?
  2. sexysamurai

    Without Condoms?

    It’s definitely sexier without condoms, but you’re absolutely right to think about this question. It is very important to be sure that sex is completely safe. I think everything should be in order only if you are sure that he does not have (and does not plan) other untested partners.
  3. sexysamurai

    Meditation + Cuckold Sex = HOT Sex

    This is REALLY interesting for me because I have dozen+ years of yoga/meditation practice but I never yet connected this with my bed. But now I see what even concentration at hot moment can make really amazing things with sex quality. It works and gives deeper feelings for both. Maybe here are...
  4. sexysamurai

    What do you think I should be doing in this situation?

    Almost all summer I walk without a bra and feel great and hot... Why not? Is it illegal to be sexy outside? I like this feeling...
  5. sexysamurai

    What do you think I should be doing in this situation?

    So she had a great sex? And shared with you some sweet moments? I'm curious to know how it ended
  6. sexysamurai

    How do I bring up my fantasy to my wife

    Hmmmm. I am a woman so If it was me then I'd start to be jealous or think that my boyfriend is missing my attention or something in sex with me. I might feel insecure and nervous... So I really don't know, this is just my female's opinion. Of course, it depends from her inner essence/character...
  7. sexysamurai

    How do I bring up my fantasy to my wife

    But these movies are not about sex and of course not porn. Snoopsissy, I have a movie list topic in another forum so I can send you link in private message because maybe another-site links are prohibited here. So you can ask me and find something interesting. I planned some of them for my next...
  8. sexysamurai

    How do I bring up my fantasy to my wife

    If porn makes her upset, I think better without it. Maybe better way is to watch some romantic cuckold movies together, become horny, then carefully discuss about... It can works
  9. sexysamurai

    Newbie Needs Advise

    Maybe you can just discuss about your feelings and thoughts? You can use chat for messaging if you're too shy to speak with each other