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  1. Devzilla


  2. Devzilla


    That may be true but you still manipulated her so you cannot in all honesty say that you love her and then manipulate her into something that was not her choice
  3. Devzilla


    I really can't wait for her to find out that you've lied to her about erectile dysfunction and for her to leave you because you manipulated her into something she didn't want you're awful
  4. Devzilla

    Who else enjoys taking voyeur pics of unaware wife and posting her?

    You people just confirmed to me that I should not trust my husband under any circumstances
  5. Devzilla

    Mom bodies

    Keep it respectful or will delete mother of 3
  6. Devzilla


  7. Devzilla


    Keep respectful or I will delete
  8. Devzilla

    ways to get your wife to cheat on you

    Maybe part of your problem is because it's about your needs not hers
  9. Devzilla


  10. Devzilla

    As usual keep respectful

    As usual keep respectful
  11. Devzilla


  12. Devzilla

    Let's see your hot wives at hotel room

    Keep it respectful or I will delete
  13. Devzilla

    Hotwives in thongs 👇 Post them.

    Keep comments respectful or I will delete
  14. Devzilla


  15. Devzilla


  16. Devzilla

    🖤 don't make me regret posting this keep comments respectful

    🖤 don't make me regret posting this keep comments respectful
  17. Devzilla

    Why does a wife saying, "you asked for this", get turned into unilateral authority to do anything? Is THAT what he asked for?

    Her body her rules period if you have a problem with that or her being free don't go through with the LS in RL
  18. Devzilla

    Does your wife have a price?

    💜 how much am I worth to you