2 questions about HW roles...

(Background) My wife had bad experiences in her past. I snuck into her life just before she quit guys entirely, she is now basically a lesbian. We still have sex VERY regularly, and she craves MY cock, but refuses to touch another guy's again. Not a big deal for me.

1) She does enjoy playing around, exclusively with women, and I've told her it's ok with me if she could around when I'm not around, as long as she fills me in after...does this still make her a HW?

2) I'm not a bull...I only sleep with other women when she is involved too, not on my own. My choice because I don't want to push her trust boundaries. We're still working through ALOT of old wounds from prior relationships. I did get to join her gf regularly in 3somes back when she had a gf...

I'm also not a cuck, because I'm not into humiliation, degradation or sexual restriction. She also does make sure to put me first before any extra curricular play...so where do I fall in the HW spouse roles??
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