Carrie and Mike looking for conversation

We came from another HW forum that unfortunately has recently shut down. The site shut down without warning. We made a lot of great relationships and have probably lost contact with them forever. We started our journey into this lifestyle last April 2018. When we started, we were close to making the first step. We received a lot of advice that was invaluable. We're hoping to find the same here.

We are in this together and have found the only way it works is to share everything with each other. Communication is the only way a couple can succeed in this lifestyle. Both of us post. I hope that is appropriate in this forum. Most of the people on that site were men. We had a great following and hope to have the same here. According to people on the other site, we have a very unusual situation in that we both post.

My name is Carrie and my husband is Mike. I am 38 and he is 45. I was an English major in college and I journal almost daily about many things in my life including being a HW. That is the part I share. I enjoy writing and find it cathartic. Mike does not like to write and posts much less than I do, but we read everything the other writes. He has been posting more the past few months as he gets used to it.

We are an authentic couple and nobody questioned that even though it is hard to verify without giving too much information. Obviously we want to remain anonymous as I'm sure most you do too. We would have loved to share pictures etc., but cameras today reveal location and other information we'd rather keep secret.

We live in South Florida and are both native Floridians. Mike is a software engineer and I was a teacher but left the field for many reasons. Now I work for an architectural firm as a Landscape Architect and I proof drawings for errors etc. as well. We both love our work. I attended Florida State and Mike is a Miami Grad.

We are childless and that won't change. I am unable to conceive. That fact has made being a HW much easier than if we had kids.

Mike has wanted this for many years. We have been married almost 11 years. I was very reluctant but was willing to fantasize when we had sex. It started with me telling him about my past sex life which really excited him. He loved it so much I was happy to make him happy. But I resisted actually being with another man. It caused a lot of problems as he seemed more and more like he wanted it to happen. My initial reaction was that he wanted an excuse to cheat. He kept insisting that that was furthest from his mind. I thought he didn't value me. Now I know the opposite is true. Finally last Feb,. March we started considering it happening in reality and the first experience was in April of 2018. There were many steps including flirting with other men at bars. There were many different ways that I did that and will explain later if this is a place where we can communicate with people like we did at "Our Hot Wives."

If this is the wrong place, please let us know of something more appropriate to our situation. We love comments and questions so feel free to do so if we continue here. I know the female perspective is rare on these blogs, but guys seem to appreciate my point of view as well as Mike's at OHW.

Opinions are appreciated.

Our motivation for writing here is to get comments, questions and hopefully advice. Just telling our story is not the reason we are here. We already know our story. I am willing to write in great detail which is time consuming. We lost motivation for awhile at the other site because I received few responses. When I clarified our motivation there, people started responding with comments, questions and advice. We had a large number following our thread and probably 25 people that responded regularly. That was great. People would not respond to every post, but often.

We hope we get responses here from some of you.

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I work a lot from home. I have a powerful computer and drawing board here at home. As long as I get my projects completed on time, my boss has no problem with me working from home. Mike works here sometimes but is at his office more than I am at mine. Therefore my posts can come at anytime of the day.

According to people at OHW, we have progressed more rapidly than most. That is because of opportunities that were unique and very much by chance. I will try to summarize what has happened so far, without a lot of detail (Juicy Details we call them) until I catch up to where we are today. If any of you want some detail I am willing to describe some of it, but we'd really like to catch up.

We post more than just details. We like to explain the emotional and evolutional side as well. How things happened not just the "Dates" alone. Some will just want the juicy details, but we like to go into more depth. I am just explaining this so you understand what we are looking for. I understand that many people just want the "Stories" about the sex, but we need to express more and get at least a few responses, otherwise there is no reason for us to post here. On OHW they appreciated the emotional and evolutional explanations.

I will start a summary of the past 9 months and post that soon. I'm sure you can tell I like to write. I have always written and kept journals. I had some great teachers along the way that taught me how to write and the value of writing for not just public but personal reasons as well.

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Mike suggested I post a past episode to get more interest in our journey. First I must explain that Mike is into female feet so you understand some of my descriptions. He describes himself as a "Foot Partialist" like some men are into breasts, legs, butts etc. He is not into humiliation as some guys with a "Foot Fetish." Feet are more like foreplay to him. He, like most foot men are very selective as to the feet they find attractive or sexy. In fact he says most feet are a turn off. Obviously he loves mine.

After the first HW experience (will explain alter), we went to Grand Cayman for a vacation. We thought maybe I might meet a guy that I was interested in having sex with. It wasn't the main objective of the vacation at all. Just fun to think about as the vacation time approached.

Below is the first part a journal entry I posted when we got home last spring. This site limits posts to 1,000 characters:

Most of my daily journal entries (I wrote mornings on the balcony with coffee) were about things that would be of little or no interest to you people, so I am writing a summary of our trip now that we are home.

We had a wonderful vacation. Grand Cayman is a beautiful island and the resort was everything we expected. The beach is gorgeous with brilliant white powdery sand and crystal clear water. Florida has some nice beaches but nothing like Grand Cayman.

The hotel was beautiful with pretty, manicured grounds and an outdoor patio. We took a couple little Romantic strolls and sat out there at night. The Lobby was a knock out!

Our room was a second floor, newly decorated, ocean front with our own private balcony. We had a spectacular view of the gorgeous blue Caribbean. We enjoyed cocktails out there in the late afternoons and evenings.

The restaurants were very expensive but every one of them had great ambiance and delicious food. Our average dinner bill was probably like $150 -$160 with tip and service charge. Most entrees were $30 - $40. Drinks and appetizers were pricy as well. Definitely the most money we ever spent on a trip but worth every penny.

Mike just kept throwing out the credit card and we didn't worry or deny ourselves anything.

Besides time alone, we did some fun things. We did most of our activities in the mornings so we had plenty of beach time.

We treated ourselves to a session at the Spa. Mike just had a massage but I chose some additional services. So relaxing and worth the money.

We rented a two seat Wave Runner one morning for 4 hours, so much fun.

Another morning we took a breakfast tour on a catamaran to snorkel on the barrier reef. The fish and reef were beautiful. The Sting Rays were so cute and we could pet them like little puppies.

We took a Trolly Tour of the area one morning and after did some shopping and sight seeing downtown. Must have a couple Grand Cayman T shirts right?

Of course we had great sex. With all we have done the past month there was a lot of reliving the experiences with Frank. We also had great conversations about the Hot Wife adventure we are on. We definitely plan to continue at least as long as Frank (The first guy) is available.
There weren't a lot of singles at the resort which was fine. Grand Cayman is more family and couple oriented than we were led to believe. Relaxing together was the most important thing and most of the trip was quality time together. That was the idea when Mike booked this trip in January. Before I became a "Hot Wife!"

Of course we hit a couple night spots and that's where this entry gets more interesting.

We decided we'd wait to go out Friday night and maybe do some dancing and see if anything interesting would happen. We figured it would be long shot but we'll have fun dancing. Putting it off until Friday night so if I did meet someone, it would be toward the end of our vacation and there would be more people out at the clubs.

I was saving Mike's favorite dress for the occasion. He wanted me to go without panties but the dress is short and I guess I have a little modesty left. So I wore panties and sexy sandals of course. I also put on my ankle bracelet.

The first place we went was right on the beach. We went in and sat at the bar, but there were only maybe 30 people and a couple of sexy looking guys but they were with dates. So we had a drink and left.

The next place, also on the beach, was more lively with a great DJ and lot's of people including what looked like single guys. Before going all the way in, Mike said, "You get a seat at that end of the bar where I can see you from outside and I'll come in later. I can see that part of the bar from the beach and I'll come in after we see if you get hit on."

I was comfortable being alone knowing Mike was near. We did that ( I went alone in a bar) many times when we were in the fantasy stage so this was not new.

I walked in and took a seat at the end of the bar with an empty seat beside. There were 4 or 5 good looking men. I made eye contact and smiled at the tallest (of course) and it was only minutes until he came over. A guy about Mike's age and I'd guess 6'3" in height approached me and asked if I minded if he sat by me. He was handsome, nicely dressed, well groomed and looked muscular. He had Blondish Hair. I smiled and said, "That would be great."

I sat kind of sideways so he could get a good view of my legs and feet. We were kind of facing each other even though they were bar stools. I also gave him a couple quick and subtle views up my dress.

We introduced ourselves and started to chat small talk about where we were from etc. but no specific information. He was friendly, well spoken and articulate. He had a good sense of humor and sexy smile. He smelled good too.

Wasn't long before he asked the obvious question, "So what are you doing here alone."

I said that my husband would be there in awhile. He said, "Think he'd mind if I sat with you till he gets here?"
I said, "Not at all, he's not the jealous kind in the least. He gives me lots of freedom" Same thing I said when we went out for fantasy guys. I had the lines all set because we had done this several times in my "Pre-Hot Wife, find a fantasy guy at the bar phase."

He said he was on a 4 day trip his company sets up every year for the top regional sales performers. No business meetings, just a formal and the rest was free time. They gave him a credit card with $2,000 pre-paid credit. He was staying at the Ritz Carlton the top resort on the island and was leaving Sunday morning. He said it was the only way he'd ever stay there because it was outrageously expensive.

He had a date for the trip, but she cancelled late, but he wasn't going to miss a free trip to the Grand Cayman Ritz Carlton with a $2,000 pre-paid credit card. He said they get all kinds of perks on these trips. When he arrived, there was a tablet on his bed and a $300 gift certificate for sunglasses.

It's amazing how easy these opportunities present themselves when you are open and looking for them in the right place. Put yourself in the right situation with the right attitude. I know we have been lucky with Frank and now this guy, but just seems too easy. It's much easier than I thought. Luck I think.

He said he had been out the last two nights looking for single women and struck out. I just made eye contact, smiled and tried to give him a look that said, "You just got lucky big guy !" A smile and a look can say a lot. I didn't decide I'd let him fuck me for sure, but it looked promising.

So now I know he's alone and looking for sex ! Adrenalin and butterflies are rampant. He was definitely someone I'd consider having sex with.

I knew he was going to fuck me before he did.

He must have read the look because he really started flirting and I was flirting right back. He was checking out my legs and I think my feet. He was being obvious about it. He started giving me a ton of compliments on my dress, Tan, hair and sandals. He briefly touched my arm, knee and thigh several times. And I was touching his huge forearm at times as well. I complimented his obviously expensive and masculine watch. A lot of touching for two people that just met.

It was foreplay for sure.

Mike said later he could see things were going good and the longer he stayed outside the better we'd get to know each other. So he didn't come in for well over an hour. The guy, his name was Brad, asked when Mike would be there and I said, "I never know."

Brad said, "Isn't he worried guys would hit on you?" I said, "Nope, he gives me a lot of freedom."

I think the light went on for him right then.
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He asked me to dance and I did my subtle sexy moves. The first was a slow dance and it was like we were already fucking." ( an exaggeration but you get the idea). Then a couple fast ones and I was being as sexy as I could without looking ridiculous. I tried to make the moves sexy but classy and not over done. He was a pretty good dancer which is always sexy in a man.

Mike finally came in and I introduced them.

Brad said, "Hope you don't mind me dancing with your wife."

Mike said, "Absolutely not, she can do whatever she wants." Another time later he said, "Carrie can do whatever she wants, and I Mean anything" and winked at Brad.

He may as well have said, "you can fuck my wife." And my smile and look said, "yes you can."

Brad looked at me and I smiled and again gave him a "Yes, he doesn't care and you can fuck me" look.

Mike was acting very confident and not nervous at all.

Brad suggested we get a table so we did. Mike ordered drinks and we began to talk. Small talk about jobs, where we live etc. We didn't exchange anything specific but first names and we never did.

When a great dance song played, (AC/DC always gets me on my feet) Mike said, "Go ahead and dance with Carrie, I'm a lousy dancer (Lie)." So he took my hand and we went out and danced 3 or 4 songs in a row. Mike kept giving us "The go ahead and dance motions."

At one point, under the table, I slipped my feet out of my sandals, crossed my legs and started slowly rubbing my toes on Brad's leg. He was wearing shorts. He had sexy muscular calves. He didn't react too much but enough to know he liked it.

Mike told me when we got back to the room that he knew what I was doing with my feet and it was really making him hard.

After maybe 2 hours of dancing, talking (more flirting and toe teasing), Mike said that we had better get going and had drank enough for the night. It was about 10:30 and the place was slowing down.

I thought, wow that's it? That would have been fine I guess, although I was really turned on so to be honest, I would have been disappointed after going that far.

Mike quickly said, "Why don't you come over to our pool tomorrow and have a few drinks there. I'm going on a fishing charter for a few hours and you could keep Carrie company since you two seem to hit it off."

Huge Hit of Adrenalin !!!! Mike had a plan.
Brad's eyes lit up and he said, "Absolutely ! What time, I'll be there for sure."

Mike said, "My fishing charter is at 1:00 why don't you be there around 11:30. Meet us at the pool, we'll be looking for you."

I knew there was no fishing charter and now I knew exactly what was going to happen.

Brad said again, " No question I will be there. Wouldn't miss it for the world." No question, he'd be there.

We told him the Marriot Resort and Mike gave directions. Brad said, "See you tomorrow for sure at 11:30 !"

He looked right at me and I gave him the, "Can't wait for you to fuck me look and smile."

All three knew exactly what was going to happen.

The timing was perfect. Saturday was our last day and we were flying out early Sunday. We had most of the week alone with just us and now ending with a sexy lover who I'd never see again ! Perfect !!

Back at the room we were both really excited but again decided not to have sex that night. We had sex about 4 times last week so one night without was worth the build up of sexual energy. So the last sex we had was Wednesday night. Plus we both had enough to drink.

I asked, "When did you come up with the plan?" He said, "When I was outside watching you." He asked, "Are you excited? I said, "Really excited!" He said, "Me too!"

We went right to bed.

We were both up by 6:30 and were starving. We showered and went down for breakfast at the Hotel. Mike had a Double Bloody Mary. He said he felt a little hung over. He was pretty quiet during breakfast but we did talk about the night before and the upcoming date. Condom/No Condom etc. He was really nervous.

After Breakfast we went down to the beach and took a long walk. Mike admitted he was feeling nervous and apprehensive. He said, "Brad is a pretty good looking guy." I said, "yes he is. He's sexy but I love your heart more than his body. Besides, you're pretty sexy yourself."

I explained that Frank and now Brad were just sex objects to me. I'm not so shallow or unhappy that a sexy man is going to take me away from you. Women objectify men just like men do women.

I said, "Love takes time to come to full bloom and one night with a sexy guy is not going to take me from you. Our love has grown over time and that kind of love doesn't happen over night. Our relationship has grown for the past 12 years into something special."

I added, "I know the difference between real love and erotic sex. We don't have to do this. I would be willing to stop this today."

Mike said, "No, I don't want to stop it. It's so damned sexy to me it's hard to describe the thrill of you being with another man. It's just scary this time like it was with Frank the first couple times. I think the alcohol gave me liquid courage last night. I hate this feeling on one hand, but love it even more when it actually happens.

He regressed to his early Frank mode and said, "Damn Carrie I pushed you into this and......"

I stopped him right there and said, "Mike, I'm doing this of my own free will and would stop this minute if I thought it was a threat to our relationship. I'll never see this guy again."
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He hugged me and said, "Carrie I love you so much." I said, "and I love you too." We hugged and kissed then headed back to the room.

We enjoyed the rest of the walk down that gorgeous beach, holding hands and didn't say much. We got back to the room about 9:30.

We decided to get ready and go down to the pool and enjoy the rest of the morning there.

We talked mostly about what might happen and how he wanted me to remember every detail. He was hoping brad was into feet, but wasn't counting on it.

At the bar Brad was checking out my legs and seemed to be looking much lower checking my feet, but it could have been the ankle bracelet or sandals he noticed. I was doing my best to draw attention to my feet with my sexiest poses. Even posing my feet makes me feel sexy now. Never thought of my feet as sexy before Mike. I still think Mike over-rates them.

Part of the exhibitionist I have become I guess. Even my feet make me feel sexy.

Mike said to do everything I could to attract him to my feet without being too obvious. I said, "Honey, you taught me well how to be subtle with teasing and I know you love me doing it. But if a guy isn't into feet, he just isn't into feet and the sexiest feet in the world won't change that. We just need to find a Foot Guy.

Mike stressed that he wanted Brad and me to take our time. He was going to pretend to leave for the fictitious "fishing charter" but was going to watch the pool area from the patio where he had a view, then do something else when we went up to the room.

He didn't want me to have a time limit. He said, "You'll never see him again so I see no danger in you spending more time talking or whatever. You'll have 3.5 or 4 hours if you want. I will not return until 5:00 or when you call. Just don't give him specifics like your e-mail, phone, address or last name.

I agreed completely about the info. At this point he knew we lived in SE Florida but that was it.

He wanted me to do leg and feet poses on the lounge while Brad and I talked before going to the room. He wanted me to make him crazy with jealousy while he watched from the patio. And I did. We had a signal......when I did a slow little pointed toe kicking swim move with my legs, I was acknowledging him.

The last thing he said before Brad arrived was, "Carrie, make it really good for him and take your time." I said, "Don't worry I will"

I know what he means when he says make it really good. He says it every time before Frank arrives. He means the way I move my hips, squeeze his cock and the way I give oral.

Brad arrived right on time. He was wearing a T shirt, a pair of warm up pants and sandals. We saved a lounge for him putting me in the middle.

We greeted him, he immediately took off the pants and T shirt and sat on the lounge. Wow, did he look good without a shirt!

He has a great build with defined chest and arm muscles. Better than it looked in a shirt. Not a well defined six pack, but a very firm tummy. His legs are also muscular and well defined. In short, the Biggest Hunk I have ever been with. I guess a girl never knows until the shirt comes off. He looked Huge! The kind of man that could easily control a woman

( By the way, Mike wants me to be honest in the way I describe Frank and this guy. It heightens his fear, anxiety and jealousy, but turns him on like nothing else. If Brad's cock is big and sexy to me, he wants to know every detail that turns me on.)

I don't totally understand why he loves this whole thing so much, but I just know it does. I quit trying to analyze him. It's just the way he is and always will be.

Another man fucking me absolutely thrills him. 1,000 x more than other thing I could do for him.

If he wanted another woman, it would have the total opposite effect on me. I'd kill him. It's pretty obvious the only woman he has any interest in is me and I don't worry. He rarely ever mentions other women.

I have to stop here if I'm going to get something posted today. I had no idea I would be writing this long. Once I get going, the thoughts just fly out of my head and I have a tendency to write them all down.

I have things to do to get ready for work tomorrow before I finish writing. I'm not even totally unpacked because I started this writing as soon as I could. I'm posting the first part of this because now because I know some people are waiting to hear how things went.

At least you now know something did happen and you have all the build-up All that's left are the "Juicy Details!" I'm going to try to finish this tonight and tomorrow morning.

Not intentionally leaving you in suspense. Maybe I can get it posted tonight.


Mike wants this entry to be very detailed. He wants very vivid descriptions these dates and not just the sex. Like me, he thinks the build up is almost as much fun as the actual sex. The anticipation.

So this may be really looooong.
I'll continue here with getting ready.

My feet get really dry without regular applications of lotion. I didn't have time for a pedicure Saturday before we left and I also cancelled my last regular pedicure with all the things going on with Frank, shopping for and buying a car, vacation shopping and making deadlines at work. We were also on the beach (sand) and in the pool (chlorine) recently. Plus Mike hadn't put lotion on them or exfoliated for awhile.

I promised I would put lotion on my fee

I asked Mike before Brad arrived if he wanted to watch all or some of it? We talked about it at breakfast and a little earlier last week but came to no decision.

He said he didn't want to this time but definitely wants to watch with Frank next time. He said, " At home with Frank he felt he could come in and out undetected without disturbing us. If it got too intense, he could leave. Can't do that in a hotel and the intensity may be too much.

I didn't question his decision but he's definitely interested in watching in the future.

Before Mike left for his "Fishing Charter" about 12:15 . He said, "You two have fun and enjoy each other. Here's my room key you might need it.. I won't be back before 5:00."

It was crystal clear that Mike was all in.

After Mike left, Brad said, "Mike seems like a nice guy." I said, "He is a great guy. He let's me have a lot of freedom.

He showed me his $300 sunglasses. I showed him my $125 sunglasses. He said, "Yea, but mine were free!"

I asked his age and he said 50. He looked younger.

We started talking. He told me he was divorced two years and had two daughters. He talked about his feelings on that issue. He's been dating different girls recently but nothing serious yet. His #1 girlfriend was supposed to be there with him but she had to cancel late because of a family crisis, and #2 girlfriend didn't have a passport and not enough time to get one. I guess #3 was not in the running.

Finally he was the one that down got to business.

Brad: " So Carrie, what do you want to do this afternoon?"

Me: "Have amazing sex with you. Why beat around the bush right?"

Brad: His eyes lit up and he smiled, "I kinda knew you'd say that. It's pretty clear it's ok with Mike."

Me: "Yes it is, so don't worry. He knows what's going to happen and wants it as much as I do"

Brad: "I'm glad, but I don't get a man wanting his wife to have sex with another man. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to accommodate."

Our conversation turned to sex from there on.

He wanted to know if we had done this before. I explained Frank being the first. I asked him if he had. He said yes about a year ago, on another vacation with other single guys in Cancun. He ran into a couple like us only older......early or mid 50's. He said that's why he pretty much knew after he met Mike what we were looking for.
The other couple set it up exactly like we did with the wife going into a bar near their hotel alone. He hit on the woman and the husband showed up. He had sex with the wife in the couple's room. Obviously our plan is not original. Must be standard procedure when finding a man for a vacationing Hot Wife.

He asked me what kind of sex I liked. I told him I like the man to be in charge and that I honestly get turned on most when I am being submissive.

He said that he preferred submissive women to aggressive and he liked being in control.

I asked what else he liked. He said he just liked erotic sensual sex. Nothing "Bizarre" as he put it. That really put me at ease.

I said my main restriction was anal. He also said he's not into anal. I also said I preferred giving oral sex to getting it but didn't say he couldn't.

I also took that opportunity to establish a safe word..............Red. He said with the Cancun couple used the same word. Another Universal in the Hot Wife World?

Finally I said, "I'll go up to the room and get ready. How about giving me 40-45 minutes to get ready?" He said, "Take your time, I'm not going anywhere" It took some time to get to the room so I gave myself ample time.

I wanted to take time and look as sexy as I could. Also enough time for him to get to get totally frustrated and ready to hopefully ravage me !

As I walked away from him I did my sexiest walk. Mike has taught me well and I know how to be sexy yet subtle. I've been well practiced and coached for a long time. If it's too blatant, it looks ridiculous.

First thing I put on some sexy music and turned the volume low to just the right level. Just background. Mike and I found the music on theTV music channels. A sexy environment really affects me a lot. Especially erotic music. I like a dark setting but the view of the ocean and the music was just right for this occasion. I had the drapes wide open.

The music was called, "Erotic Lounge and Luxury Chill Out" If you want to enhance your imagination as you read this encounter and pleasure yourselves as some of you have said you do. I checked and it's on youtube. As I've said, the right music gets me going.
I was happy to see that the maid had visited and there were fresh sheets and pillow cases on the bed.

I turned down the covers. The condoms Mike bought were the most sensitive on the market. I put two on the night stand along with lubricant and my little vibrator. Mike and I had sex about 4 or 5 times last week and I wanted to make sure I got wet enough, thus I took out the lubricant. The last time we had sex was Wednesday evening so I figured I'd be plenty wet but wanted to be sure.

I didn't discuss condoms with Brad, and let that wait until he arrived. I really hoped we wouldn't use them and would leave it up to Brad. To be honest, I didn't want to talk about it and he didn't bring it up either, so we went without even though they were right there on the night table. We were both avoiding the decision.

I took a shower, dried and fixed my hair. I pulled my hair back and tied it with a navy blue ribbon. I put on perfume I bought for the trip. (Guilty by Gucci). I don't use much makeup but I did put on some lip stick, mascara and eye shadow. I made sure I was shaved smooth both legs and where it counts (wink). I put lotion on my feet as Mike wanted.

I had a great tan by that time and really defined tan lines. I looked at my naked body in the full length mirror. I felt pretty confident and thought I looked pretty good. I've never had a lot of confidence regarding my body. I think I am ok, not bad, average. But Mike thinks I'm beautiful.

I am as thin as I have been in a long while but my breasts don't look any smaller from the weight loss. I'd bet I don't weigh 105 lbs. The guy I was about to have sex with surely has been with some beautiful women.

I put on a short, white satin bath robe and a thin gold necklace. I was ready, nervous and excited and I felt a little Insecure.

I took another look at myself in the mirror and began to sway to the music I was playing. I untied the belt on my robe and left it open. I started gently moving my hands over my breasts and stomach as I swayed to the music for a couple minutes. My breasts and nipples were hard.

I decided I was pretty sexy and I felt more confident.

I re-tied the belt and began the wait.
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I was a little concerned that he was a stranger and bad things can happen with strangers. But being a submissive, that scary thought just turned me on more.

Here I was, the helpless girl of my fantasies, in a foreign land waiting to be sacrificed to the Sex Gods. (Fantasies are great fun, but some are ridiculous like this one).

By my calculations we had about 3.5 to 4 hours before Mike returned. We could take it slow and really have fun. If I didn't call Mike he was to assume it wasn't over and not come back until I called.

I took my time getting ready and still had a little time to wait. I just sat on a chair on the balcony and waited listening to the sexy music, watching the beautiful water and getting more excited and turned on with every second. The sexual tension was really building up!

I waited maybe 5 minutes before there was a knock on the door. Huge Adrenalin Rush!

I opened the door, smiled and said Hi in a sexy tone. He came in, looked me over and said, "Wow, you look beautiful." Before I could say thanks, he pulled me into him. I went up on my toes, he hugged me and gave me several long, deep passionate kisses. Short women have to get their toes to kiss big guys. He a great kisser was definitely a big guy that had a big hard on.

He said, "I wanted to fuck you from the minute I saw you. You looked so sexy sitting there alone in that sexy dress with your legs crossed." I said, "it wasn't much longer before I wanted it too."

He added, "I am attracted to small, pretty women like you." I said, "and I'm attracted to big men."

He said, "let's take it slow and not make things happen too fast. Let's try to hold off cumming as long as we can." I said, "That's exactly what I was thinking."

He wanted to go on the balcony and check out the view.

I led the way and was standing at the rail. He was behind me. He showed me where he was staying. We talked about other things we were impressed with and enjoyed on Grand Cayman.

.After maybe10 minutes of conversation, still behind me, he put his arms around me and began kissing my neck, nibbling on my ear and smelling my hair. It gave me chills and it was so hot. I was melting. He then started touching and fondling my breasts outside my robe. He was definitely taking his time unlike Frank.

I could feel his hard cock pressing into me from behind. I was so turned on I was beginning to doubt that I could hold off as long as he could. I wanted to give him time to get frustrated before he came up to the room, but it seemed like I was the one that was frustrated and would have trouble holding off. I wanted his cock inside me!

We moved off the balcony. He turned me around, pulled me toward him and gave me another deep kiss. I was again way up on my toes. He took my hand and put it on his cock and I started rubbing it as we kissed. I could tell it was big and hard, but he still had his warm ups on and I was still wearing my robe.

But touching his cock, even outside his warm ups, was the breaking point.

I couldn't take it anymore. This was totally out of character for me but I said, "Can I suck your cock right now?" He smiled and said, "Hmmm, exactly what I was thinking."

I took his hand and led him near a chair. He took off his pants, T shirt and bathing suit. I thought OMG when I actually saw what he had, both his physique and his cock.

I actually think I gasped a little seeing it for the first time. Seriously, it almost took my breath away. It was maybe just a little longer than Mike and Frank but much thicker. He was tall and with that overpowering body, but I couldn't take my eyes off his huge cock. I wanted to give him the best blowjob he ever had then have him the best sex he ever had.
He sat down and I stood in front of him. I started slowly taking off my robe and posing my legs. He said, "Your body is so beautiful. Turn around slow and let me see all of you" I kind of moved to the music as I slowly turned. I felt confident and loved his inspection.

I got on my knees between his legs and just looked at his huge cock for a few seconds. Perfectly hard, straight, erect and so thick. Sexy veins and a proportionately sized head. It was gorgeous and I wanted to remember every detail !!

I took it in my hand and began slowly stroking him, kissing and licking the head. Especially the sensitive area below the head of his cock. He was moaning deeply and that always turns me on.
When he had enough of my teasing he said, "Take it deeper." I took it little by little into my mouth but couldn't take it too deep because it was thicker than I was used to. I gaged slightly. He said, "Don't worry, no girl I've been with has taken all of it."

I concentrated on the head of his cock and a few inches below. It was way too big to take much more than half of it in my mouth.

After a couple minutes he said, "Oh my God, you are incredible. I've never had anything like this and I've had some great blowjobs. I'm serious, you are fantastic." That made me want to do even more.

I didn't stop as he spoke and began gently massaging his balls. He was really moaning deep and obviously loving it so I was going to keep doing it as long as he wanted but I was dying to have his cock inside me but I knew it wouldn't be long until it was.

I had to stop a several times because my jaw was open so wide I had to give it a brief rest before I continued. He was so much thicker than I am used to and had to give my jaw muscles short rests.

Obviously, women are good at giving oral if they like doing it. I know some women that always try to avoid oral if they can. In fact, none of my close girlfriends like it much.

After a long time he put his hand on my head and said, "stop for now." I could feel him pulsating in my mouth and I think he was getting too close to an orgasm and wanted to hold off.

He helped me up and pulled me toward him. He started kissing me and fondling my breasts. He reached down and started rubbing my clit and then started to finger me. I stood way up on my toes making it easier for him to get his fingers deeper inside me. My feet almost off the floor. He took his time with everything and rushed nothing. So good, but I thought, Please Fuck me!

Next he said, "lay on the bed and let me look at you." I couldn't believe another man wanted to just look at me. I started doing Mike's favorite poses emphasizing my legs and feet. Mike, Frank and now Brad seem to like looking at me. I've never had great confidence in my body, but I'm really beginning to love men looking at me naked. I truly am becoming an exhibitionist I think.

I arched my back and he just looked me over head to toe for more than a few minutes. I loved him watching me, but I was ready to be fucked. More than ready.

Many guys want to get right to the sex. Obviously they have no clue or they don't care what gets women turned on. That's one reason I like older men. He knew how to make me almost plead for his cock. That's exactly what he was doing, withholding as long as he couldt.
When he had enough of my teasing he said, "Take it deeper." I took it little by little into my mouth but couldn't take it too deep because it was thicker than I was used to. I gaged slightly. He said, "Don't worry, no girl I've been with has taken all of it."

I concentrated on the head of his cock and a few inches below. It was way too big to take much more than half of it in my mouth.

After a couple minutes he said, "Oh my God, you are incredible. I've never had anything like this and I've had some great blowjobs. I'm serious, you are fantastic." That made me want to do even more.

I didn't stop as he spoke and began gently massaging his balls. He was really moaning deep and obviously loving it so I was going to keep doing it as long as he wanted but I was dying to have his cock inside me but I knew it wouldn't be long until it was.

I had to stop a several times because my jaw was open so wide I had to give it a brief rest before I continued. He was so much thicker than I am used to and had to give my jaw muscles short rests.

Obviously, women are good at giving oral if they like doing it. I know some women that always try to avoid oral if they can. In fact, none of my close girlfriends like it much.

After a long time he put his hand on my head and said, "stop for now." I could feel him pulsating in my mouth and I think he was getting too close to an orgasm and wanted to hold off.

He helped me up and pulled me toward him. He started kissing me and fondling my breasts. He reached down and started rubbing my clit and then started to finger me. I stood way up on my toes making it easier for him to get his fingers deeper inside me. My feet almost off the floor. He took his time with everything and rushed nothing. So good, but I thought, Please Fuck me!

Next he said, "lay on the bed and let me look at you." I couldn't believe another man wanted to just look at me. I started doing Mike's favorite poses emphasizing my legs and feet. Mike, Frank and now Brad seem to like looking at me. I've never had great confidence in my body, but I'm really beginning to love men looking at me naked. I truly am becoming an exhibitionist I think.

I arched my back and he just looked me over head to toe for more than a few minutes. I loved him watching me, but I was ready to be fucked. More than ready.
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Many guys want to get right to the sex. Obviously they have no clue or they don't care what gets women turned on. That's one reason I like older men. He knew how to make me almost plead for his cock. That's exactly what he was doing, withholding as long as he couldn't.

After he was finished staring at and complimenting my body he turned me sideways on the bed and got on his knees. He spread my legs and put them over his shoulders and started giving me oral. It was wonderful even though I told him earlier I preferred that he didn't. The feeling was unbelievable and I'm glad he didn't listen. It felt so good but I was thinking, for God's sake.....Fuck Me .

He started fingering me same time he was making love to my clit. I was getting really close to cuming and said, "Please stop, I don't want to cum this soon." He said he didn't want me to either but this was really frustrating me.

He turned me back around with my feet now back on the bed and got between my legs. I pulled my knees up. He began teasing me with his cock rubbing the head on my clit and almost but not quite entering me. My knees were up and my toes pointed hard. He kept doing that so long and It was driving me crazy ! He was teasing and I was ready to scream ! He was winning the teasing contest.

Finally I whispered, "Please fuck me. "

He was merciful and began going inside me a little at a time. I was so wet and as big as he is, he entered me easily. He was so thick and it felt like nothing I have ever experienced. I just laid there with my eyes closed, knees up and toes pointing, rubbing my clit as he slowly went all the way in. I wanted him to drive hard and deep but he didn't
Then he came down on me and began slowly thrusting. It felt so good I couldn't believe it. I felt so small and feminine under his huge masculine body. His thick cock made my vagina feel full. He even said, "You are so tight" at that same moment.

He kissed me a lot the entire time and I love passionate kissing. My eyes were closed and I was softly moaning like I was in a dream. His upper body was so muscular, big and sexy. He had just enough chest hair. He was massaging my breasts and I was moving my hands across his massive chest and shoulders feeling taken.

He kept thrusting with his powerful hips into me more and more forcefully. I could feel how strong he was. I started moving my hips and squeezing his cock. He reacted when I started squeezing and said, "wow what are you doing?" I didn't answer. He said, "Keep it up whatever it is."

I don't know how I held off cumming.
After some pretty intense thrusting, he rolled off me and wanted me to straddle him. I mounted him and helped guide his massive cock into me. I was getting used to his size but it seemed to go deeper into me than any cock ever did. It felt so good. I was moving my hips and squeezing. I was doing most of the work but I loved it. He was rubbing my clit and it felt heavenly.

After awhile, he said, "I want you from the back." I rolled over and he positioned me on the edge of the bed with just my feet over the edge of the bed. He had to put a pillow under my knees to get my hips to the right height.

When he went for the pillow I said, "Would you give me the vibrator on the night stand?" It took time for him to get totally inside me. This is the only time his cock hurt entering me. I started using the vibrator as he pumped fast controlling my hips and pulling me into him. I was close to cumming but the slight pain I was feeling held it off, but I could feel his huge cock driving into me and filling me completely.

Next he wanted back on top. He put my feet on his shoulders and pushed my legs back toward my head. He had his arms under my knees forcing my legs back. I couldn't move in that position, but I was squeezing his cock. He became even more aggressive at that point and was really fucking me hard and deep.

Finally he let my legs down and we were in the classic missionary position.

Suddenly he gave me a deep passionate kiss. Two seconds later he made one, really fast, deep and powerful thrust and I had one of the most powerful orgasms I can ever remember.

My vagina muscles contracted and my entire body convulsed. My back arched. I've always had pretty strong orgasms, but this was unbelievable. I seriously even felt it in my feet. I thought it would never end. A true full body orgasm like I have read about.

He was barely thrusting now. He let me enjoy the orgasm completely.

But, after I calmed down ..... he suddenly kissed me then again thrust deep and forcefully. I had a second orgasm just as powerful or more powerful than the first. I think he knew I would cum again and how to make it happen.

I was shaking/contracting uncontrollably again. They were both long, intense mind blowing orgasms. My second is always less intense but not this time. It was indescribable !

I included the note below in this post because I thought it was a good time to address my orgasms here in the forum. I know it breaks the flow of my writing, so maybe skip this and read it later.

Note: I think the powerful and multiple orgasms I've been getting the past few years with Mike and now these guys are because of the vaginal exercises I've done. They have not only benefited Mike, but it's made my orgasms fantastic.

I think Brad's unusually thick cock along with my squeezing put more pressure on the walls of my vagina and made the orgasm so dramatic. Before doing exercises I got both vaginal and clitoral orgasms, but they were often more clitoral and the pleasure was localized there. I still get that kind, but when I am really turned on, I get these multiple fantastic full body orgasms like with Frank and now even more so with Brad.

I've been getting these intense orgasms for a few years with Mike, but this was unreal. I think it's also the situation with all the fear, erotic emotions and excitement. I've always had both kinds, but the intense kind only when I was extremely turned on.

I think the unexpected kisses and quick, hard thrusts also contributed. Mike makes me cum that way.

Brad obviously knows what he's doing. I'm sure he knows from experience that his thick cock makes a difference.

I was like jelly shaking with spasms. Uncontrollably shaking as he kept kissing me and thrusting as I came.
Again it was indescribable. No words are adequate. I think only a woman could understand.

After I calmed down, He let my legs down. I started squeezing his cock moving my hips up into him and pulling down when he withdrew. I knew he'd cum if I kept up with that movement. Sure enough he stiffened up and exploded deep inside me grunting deeply. He just said, "OMG"

We lay there with him inside me saying nothing for a minute. He kissed me deep again. Then he said, "How do you do that?" I said, "you mean this" and I started squeezing his cock. He said, "Yes that's what I mean."

I told him to not move. I could feel he was getting soft. I said, "Don't move and I'll show you. I started squeezing and he actually got hard again with just me squeezing and he started thrusting for a minute but then stopped.

He said, "Carrie, I swear this is the best sex I've ever had. Mike is one lucky Man" Not sure he meant it but I loved him saying it. I responded, "And you have an amazing cock and I bet you make a lot of women happy with it." He smiled.

He rolled off and we began to talk.


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