GFs past hook up

Not my proudest moment, but recently when my GF (29, blonde, 5’5, hot bod) left her phone unattended I had a snoop to see who had been sliding into her DMs.

Surprisingly few guys were and it was just the usual 🔥emoji to her stories, so I looked through her texts to see who she’d been messaging before me.

One of the guys she had a brief conversation with, but they’d agreed to meet up. The message from the next day got me rock hard. She said that she ‘couldn’t get last night and this morning out of her head because it was so hot 🥵’ and ‘I wish you were here now to help me out, I’m really horny for you’.

She’s never messaged me like that and it got me wondering what on earth that guy did to her 😅

The next time we fucked I couldn’t stop thinking about that message which did my stamina no favours, especially when she told me to fuck her harder. All I could think of was that guy absolutely railing her.