How many wives have sex with other men just to please husband??

Probably most as cuckolding seems to be a predominantly a male fetish. At least in the beginning. I think after some experience and they become more comfortable the wives get into it as much as their male partners.

My wife has told me that she would be quite happy with just me as her sex partner but has also admitted she enjoys our adventures and a little variety is nice.
Things are sometimes strange.

GF met with one of her regulars, JP, alone this time.
Afterwards she says to me "you guys are strange when it comes to sex".
I ask what she means.
She says "JP wants to watch another guy fuck me, just like you."

So I'm her BF who likes to watch her with her 'bull'
Now her 'bull' wants to watch her with another 'bull'

By the by, I asked her what she said when he told her - her response was "who do you have in mind?'"
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Are there any wives that only have sex with other men to solely please their man?? Sure you get enjoyment and pleasure out of it but you ONLY do this to please your man and would rather only have sex with your man but he prefers to share you.
that is a recipe for disaster. if the woman is not doing it for herself things will go bad real fast
Probably most as cuckolding seems to be a predominantly a male fetish. At least in the beginning. I think after some experience and they become more comfortable the wives get into it as much as their male partners.

My wife has told me that she would be quite happy with just me as her sex partner but has also admitted she enjoys our adventures and a little variety is nice.
I am in agreement in totality- Your wife sounds very logical and natural in her statement- We are all humans and at some point enjoy the kink side of our lives- Would you be interested to take this topic further with us- We are couple in late and mid fifties and live in the middle east- Origin South Asian- Write to me a brief introduction of yourself and your wife- We could probably exchange pics and move ahead with communication- Thanks
Just the same with us, now she can't get enough

At the start my wife was doing it for me, that was two years ago. Now she is certainly doing it for herself and can't get enough, she arranges a date most weeks and I just let her get on with it
Hi There- A very informative forum which sounds very genuine- Me and my wife in our mid fifties are exploring and curiously seeking help from reading -

Seems your wife has got into the enjoyment side for herself now - Is it you that hear from her what all she did over the weeks or you do not want to know even - Alternatively does she ask you to watch her activities ??

I was wondering if you could please write to me on this subject much as you can- May be we could take our communication beyond and exchange some more interesting feedbacks- Thanks

We come from South Asia ----
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The first time she did it for me because I asked her. Afterward when she told me the story, she told him it was my birthday and my fantasy was her having sex with someone else and she wanted to give me my fantasy as my birthday gift.

After that, she was doing him because she wanted too. We had sex a couple days later and after we were done, I told her it was ok with me if she wanted to continue with him. All I asked was that she informed me shortly afterward that she had been with them. The next afternoon at work, I received a text telling me she had just met him again. Then she was with him 2-3 times a week.
Are there any wives that only have sex with other men to solely please their man?? Sure you get enjoyment and pleasure out of it but you ONLY do this to please your man and would rather only have sex with your man but he prefers to share you.
This is a recipe for disaster. I have actually seen instances where eventually it becomes a huge issue in the marriage. At some point there is a huge chance she points to this as part of the reason she is leaving.

First and foremost no husband should ever want his wife to partake in this lifestyle when she does not really want to. respect gentleman, have it for your wives.

Second no husband should pressure his wife into this. Again respect.

When a couple enters into a non - monogamous lifestyle it has to be something they both want together as a couple, not just to make one person happy. This isn't choosing what color to paint the bedroom, this is a huge step.
This is a recipe for disaster. I have actually seen instances where eventually it becomes a huge issue in the marriage. At some point there is a huge chance she points to this as part of the reason she is leaving.

First and foremost no husband should ever want his wife to partake in this lifestyle when she does not really want to. respect gentleman, have it for your wives.

Second no husband should pressure his wife into this. Again respect.

When a couple enters into a non - monogamous lifestyle it has to be something they both want together as a couple, not just to make one person happy. This isn't choosing what color to paint the bedroom, this is a huge step.
your first and last points are 100% correct but the 2nd and third and common in these games. Best to have discussed it during courtship rather than spring it on a wife years into a marriage. I would guess that more than 50% of wifes fuck others to please the hubbie after some nagging and convincing. Most then realise that there is alot of fun for them personally.
drink and persausion often the syart point
Worked for us! Drink, sex and sexy talk during sex and afterwards. No persuasion required, she was all in when she realized she could have an attractive, nicely equipped coworker in our bed with me participating. What she really wanted? A man on each breast and one in her. We started talking about how to make that a reality.
your first and last points are 100% correct but the 2nd and third and common in these games. Best to have discussed it during courtship rather than spring it on a wife years into a marriage. I would guess that more than 50% of wifes fuck others to please the hubbie after some nagging and convincing. Most then realise that there is alot of fun for them personally
I agree they are common but should not be. Also, a lot of people don't realize until later in the marriage they want to open things up. Sometimes fantasies are just fantasies, then later become things you actually want to try. Sometimes new ideas, desires etc pop up.