Make her admit

Ok I need to try this. I want someone to help me get my GF to admit that she wants a bigger man. Admit that I'm small. Have you seduce her, flirt with her, try to see if she will ask for dick pics, have her send you pics. I think this will be so hot if she will fall for this. Message me if you're hung, possibly have done this before, and I think I need like a Alpha or Dom Bully type of guy
Ok I need to try this. I want someone to help me get my GF to admit that she wants a bigger man. Admit that I'm small. Have you seduce her, flirt with her, try to see if she will ask for dick pics, have her send you pics. I think this will be so hot if she will fall for this. Message me if you're hung, possibly have done this before, and I think I need like a Alpha or Dom Bully type of guy
I’ll do it. Send me her information. Now.

You might want to read WNY3somecple's point with some care.

I say this as one who has maintained extensive e-mail correspondences with any number of married women. But that is not because their husbands put me up to it. It is because I responded to posts THEY made seeking perspective on some or another part of their relationship which they wanted to explore.

Before doing this, I made clear what kind of things could happen in the relationship. I always encouraged them to think carefully for several days before replying to my invitation to a process of correspondence. I was good with this because I was up front and I explained risks. Further, I know who I am. I know what I will and will not do. And again, I'm good with that.

But YOU [on the other hand] have absolutely NO idea who I am. I could be the axe murderer. I could be the guy who does identity thefts. Or, I could be the jerk who writes your wife, and tells her you gave me her email addy in the hope that I'd lead you into a relationship with a horse-hung dude who can pork her until she's coming her brains out and can't live without it ever thereafter. Oh, and if you don't believe me -- the jerk tells her -- go to this link where he asked for guys to email his wife. That lands her smack on this thread.

So she now knows how it is that all these guys are suddenly writing and encouraging her to get it on with fresh flesh. And that leaves you ... where, exactly?

There's not much point is saying more as you may already have 'screwed the pooch' on this one. But I can tell you from my own experience with this, that nearly every wife without exception who has written me over the years ended up regularly taking heavy dick -- not from me, but from other men in her life. So yeah -- this can be powerful with women, especially if the guy writing can write with intelligence, tact and polish. It just occurs to me that if you're unready/unwilling or are otherwise uninterested in discussing this with your wife yourself, you may not be a ready for this as you think.

But hey -- what do I know? I'm just another idiot who has an electronic abacus hooked up to the internet.

Take care, keep safe!

Edit: Subject verb agreement
Ok I need to try this. I want someone to help me get my GF to admit that she wants a bigger man. Admit that I'm small. Have you seduce her, flirt with her, try to see if she will ask for dick pics, have her send you pics. I think this will be so hot if she will fall for this. Message me if you're hung, possibly have done this before, and I think I need like a Alpha or Dom Bully type of guy
This becomes a DISASTER when done.........the asshole you agree with NOT TO EVER say you set this up, its the FIRST goddamned thing he does, somehow thinking it will help make it happen. Most of the guys that read these posts honestly believe that there are women just waiting to drop their pants for the next dick that walks along and there are NO other requirements than it needs a dick hanging on it. Amazes me how ignorant guys can be about sex. Explains why there are so many problems between people tho.
DON'T do this. Talk to her, if she is not even remotely agreeable and you HAVE to have it happen......find a new girlfriend. This is NOT something you can work out BEFORE a relationship develops have to have a good relationship together BEFORE a woman will consider this. A bad relationship where she does not love and respect you will NOT make this happen.


You might want to read WNY3somecple's point with some care.

I say this as one who has maintained extensive e-mail correspondences with any number of married women. But that is not because their husbands put me up to it. It is because I responded to posts THEY made seeking perspective on some or another part of their relationship which they wanted to explore.

Before doing this, I made clear what kind of things could happen in the relationship. I always encouraged them to think carefully for several days before replying to my invitation to a process of correspondence. I was good with this because I was up front and I explained risks. Further, I know who I am. I know what I will and will not do. And again, I'm good with that.

But YOU [on the other hand] have absolutely NO idea who I am. I could be the axe murderer. I could be the guy who does identity thefts. Or, I could be the jerk who writes your wife, and tells her you gave me her email addy in the hope that I'd lead you into a relationship with a horse-hung dude who can pork her until she's coming her brains out and can't live without it ever thereafter. Oh, and if you don't believe me -- the jerk tells her -- go to this link where he asked for guys to email his wife. That lands her smack on this thread.

So she now knows how it is that all these guys are suddenly writing and encouraging her to get it on with fresh flesh. And that leaves you ... where, exactly?

There's not much point is saying more as you may already have 'screwed the pooch' on this one. But I can tell you from my own experience with this, that nearly every wife without exception who has written me over the years ended up regularly taking heavy dick -- not from me, but from other men in her life. So yeah -- this can be powerful with women, especially if the guy writing can write with intelligence, tact and polish. It just occurs to me that if you're unready/unwilling or are otherwise uninterested in discussing this with your wife yourself, you may not be a ready for this as you think.

But hey -- what do I know? I'm just another idiot who has an electronic abacus hooked up to the internet.

Take care, keep safe!

Edit: Subject verb agreement
Hey WANNABE......listen to this guy!! He's got it together.

Ok I need to try this. I want someone to help me get my GF to admit that she wants a bigger man. Admit that I'm small. Have you seduce her, flirt with her, try to see if she will ask for dick pics, have her send you pics. I think this will be so hot if she will fall for this. Message me if you're hung, possibly have done this before, and I think I need like a Alpha or Dom Bully type of guy
Won’t fly. If this is even legit.
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You might want to read WNY3somecple's point with some care.

I say this as one who has maintained extensive e-mail correspondences with any number of married women. But that is not because their husbands put me up to it. It is because I responded to posts THEY made seeking perspective on some or another part of their relationship which they wanted to explore.

Before doing this, I made clear what kind of things could happen in the relationship. I always encouraged them to think carefully for several days before replying to my invitation to a process of correspondence. I was good with this because I was up front and I explained risks. Further, I know who I am. I know what I will and will not do. And again, I'm good with that.

But YOU [on the other hand] have absolutely NO idea who I am. I could be the axe murderer. I could be the guy who does identity thefts. Or, I could be the jerk who writes your wife, and tells her you gave me her email addy in the hope that I'd lead you into a relationship with a horse-hung dude who can pork her until she's coming her brains out and can't live without it ever thereafter. Oh, and if you don't believe me -- the jerk tells her -- go to this link where he asked for guys to email his wife. That lands her smack on this thread.

So she now knows how it is that all these guys are suddenly writing and encouraging her to get it on with fresh flesh. And that leaves you ... where, exactly?

There's not much point is saying more as you may already have 'screwed the pooch' on this one. But I can tell you from my own experience with this, that nearly every wife without exception who has written me over the years ended up regularly taking heavy dick -- not from me, but from other men in her life. So yeah -- this can be powerful with women, especially if the guy writing can write with intelligence, tact and polish. It just occurs to me that if you're unready/unwilling or are otherwise uninterested in discussing this with your wife yourself, you may not be a ready for this as you think.

But hey -- what do I know? I'm just another idiot who has an electronic abacus hooked up to the internet.

Take care, keep safe!

Edit: Subject verb agreement
It do be facts though


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