
UK Cuckold Couple

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Hi, my name is Sarah - the profile picture is me. I've joined this site with my husband - Steve. We're new to this and I'm wondering why people join the site and look for sexual adventures when they are in a happy, loving relationship? For us, we are in our early 30's and been together for 11 years. We have a lot of sexy fun and naughtiness together, and we often watch porn together. I was the first one to mention perhaps involving other people in our sex life, but Steve always had a preference for cuckold porn, wife sharing, group sex and gang bangs - so maybe he planted the seed? Anyway, we have spoken about it for about a year - what we wanted, didn't want, fantasies, scenarios, etc. It turns out that I'm the one who wants to be 'involved', whereas Steve wants to watch - he gets very turned on by the thought of this - I often talk to him when we are having sex and playing. I love the idea of putting on a show and being really slutty. We have decided to take the next step. We like the idea of chatting and exploring fantasies with other people, swapping pictures etc., but really want to start experiencing all the things we have fantasied about - me being submissive with strangers, being used in front of Steve (and other people), and involving more men. I was wondering if other people have done these things and what it was like? Sarah x
Everyone has a different experience, some good, some not.

There's an old 1 liner: "It took 10 years to become an overnight success."

For us it was years of NO, equivocal, unconditional, absolute NO!!

UNTIL it wasn't.

I kept it up for years (badgered) until she finally agreed to do it (she planned on once only) to shut me up. She took to it like a duck to water, 18 months, 100+ different partners, many repeats, 2 regulars, 2 GBs.

Now she is fully on board and would give me up before the lifestyle.

For us it's about the sex, nothing more. I was concerned about a connection with a 'partner' early on, we agreed that will not happen EVER. She cuts a guy loose when she feels a connection from either her or him, and certainly repeats can cause a bond to form, like it or not.


She has had a few 'regulars', one I labeled 'Mr commuter' was good for 2-5 times a week, sometimes twice a day. Another 'the bartender' was good for once a week but would cum in/on her 3-4 times in a row.

She kept her emotional distance by compartmentalizing them. She didn't like the bartender but liked the sex and his perks. Mr commuter she says was OK and considered him a 'fill-in'.

It's up to you whether there's success or not, but the more contact the more chance of fire, sometimes the highway to hell is paved with the best intentions.

Disclaimer: During my 1st marriage I had a sex partner on the side, it was for sex only, for us both, nothing more ............................. we are now married!

Just remember the risk involved.

There are times I get more enjoyment watching her than if it were me.

I think the easiest way to test the waters is for you both to go to a sex club. You see whether another man works for you and how your hubby can handle.
That's really interesting - thank for sharing. We thought about a sex club, but were worried we'd meet someone we knew or that people might be a bit pushy. Hopefully we'll find someone/couple we can try it out with. Thanks again, Sarah x
That's really interesting - thank for sharing. We thought about a sex club, but were worried we'd meet someone we knew or that people might be a bit pushy. Hopefully we'll find someone/couple we can try it out with. Thanks again, Sarah x
The club we'd gone to here in the US had rules, the 1st NO means NO, and there was a 'participating bouncer' to guarantee that and no pushiness. As far as meeting someone you know, I'm sure they'd have the same concerns, just remember they have the same secret that you have, it's an even playing field.
You should try a weekend away and go to a club away from home. Here in Manchester there are a few clubs but the two best ones are Cupids and Partners, not too far apart either but worlds apart in their content. I live near to one of them and we ended up with a long time relationship with another couple so it does have swings and roundabouts for clubs near you. There used to be a really good one called Carousel in the Midlands. I hope this helps
We are Scott and Meredith. We started out married and not even thinking about participating in an alternative lifestyle. We have a great relationship/marriage. There is nothing we can't talk to each other about.

The reason we got into this lifestyle started with some neighbors who lived a few doors away at that time. They are swingers. We used to sit on our front porch and engine the evening air with some beverages and conversations together and we'd see they always had some kind of party happening on a weekend. Lots of men, women and couples. They weren't shy. They had this nicely set up "play cave" in their garage with a TV, music, bar, couches, etc. We'd hear their conversations when they all hung out in the driveway and figured out pretty quickly they were swingers. At one point in the evening, they would all go in the garage and close the garage door. We knew what was happening and several other neighbors we were friends with confirmed what we thought about them.

We used to laugh and joke about it and then one day we had a talk about trying an alternative lifestyle. I knew my Meredith led a very regimented life in her previous marriage being married to someone in the military. He wanted sex when he wanted it and how he wanted it, basically on his terms.

I had always been interested in reading up on the differing alternative lifestyles long before we met. I suggested that maybe we should try having a 3some of MFM variety. She was a bit hesitant. But eventually she agreed. We joined a few lifestyle sites and spoke with many people before deciding on finally picking one and it was an amazing experience. One we've posted here on the site in the stories section.

Joining the HotWife/Vixen & Stag lifestyle was born out of my offer to her to feel free to explore sexuality more. Many long conversations about it. Scenarios, fantasies, etc. We talked about the varying levels of lifestyles out there and agreed that the cuckolding one was nothing we wanted to be a part of. It's not about degradation or humiliation for us. It's about freedom to "sex-plore" and try new things (and people) that she wouldn't have done before. She was married right outta high school to her first husband and we met before either of our divorces were final. So she didn't experience much in the way outside of marriage at all. We talked about that and I said I think we should get involved in the HotWife/Vixen & Stag lifestyle which would give her some freedom to play more which I didn't have an issue at all with. She has the freedom to enjoy whatever and whenever she pleases. It ranges from MFM 3somes, FMF 3somes, other men while I watch or alone. She has her own set of rules for herself she runs with. None placed on her from me. She is a very level headed woman.

We joined the site and a few other forum sites to just talk with other like minded folks, not really here searching out people to meet with. You learn a lot from other people who are in the lifestyle and from others who are in other lifestyles here as well. Plus everyone here has their opinion about things or preferences. What makes life great is, it's just that. Other folks have their preferences and we have ours. Not everyone does things the same nor should they have to. It's all about having fun at what you do and enjoy.
Thanks both - very lovely to hear your perspective x
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