my TRUE story

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Hi everyone, Glad to be here. I would like to share the story of how I became and the realized that I was born and destined to be a cuckold. I'll start by saying I know we all think a LOT of these stories we read are fake. Mine is NOT it's 100% true. there are not many sexual "details" but there are a few, but I think you will find my TRUE story very exciting. I will also attach a picture of my Ex Fiancé at the end. I should have realized I was a cuckold long before her , but SHE was ultimately the one who confirmed it to me.

Now, I am a single man 59 never married. I have thought about it a LOT and looking back over my life being a Cuckold was obviously pre ordained. First, I was bullied mercilessly as a kid, ( that works on your self esteem) and looking back I now see that EVERY girl I ever dated made me a cuckold. EVERY ONE of them. It's as if "cuckold" was tattooed on my forehead from birth. girls had NO problem dating me . they all said I was "cute" not being immodest , I was. but that's as far as it went I was never called "hot" or Sexy just CUTE. and ALWAYS sooner or later put in the "friend zone". I actually caught 2 girlfriends making out with other guys at parties and others who I just learned were cheating. They all wanted to keep me around but SEX was very rare and they always wanted the "alphas".

However, I finally met "Brandi". long story short. I fell in love head over heels. she was my soul mate .we had so much in common, she was female version of me ! bullied in school a wallflower who didn't even go to her Prom in high school. she was very shy NO self confidence, wore glasses a real librarian type. in fact her summer job WAS a librarian. I thought she was pretty. I never realized HOW pretty till we fell in love and she opened up and started dressing to show off. it was THEN that I truly realized how FREAKING HOT she was. she stopped wearing glasses started wearing contacts and when I saw her naked the first time , I nearly fainted . she had a KILLER body. nice small perfectly proportioned tits, soft supple shoulders great abs very nice pussy an ass to absolutely DIE for and ( I'm not exaggerating) the most beautiful and SEXY pair of legs I have ever seen. and when she started dressing to be noticed she GOT noticed. suddenly guys were hitting on her and whistling ( this was 1980 yes cat calls were common place) and her confidence grew as she realized for the first time in her life that she truly WAS as sexy and attractive as I had always told her she was. I'm sure you can guess what happened . here are the details of the worst night of my life but also the night that eventually made me realize I AM a cuckold.

It happened in sept of her Junior year, she had just turned 20, I was 21. we had plans to go to a party at a big house near her college. it was one of those MCMansion type houses about 10 miles form campus. when I got out of work and drove to her dorm she opened the door and she looked totally awesome . she had on ( I'll never forget this) a tight striped button up shirt with a VERY short Denim skirt that showed off her legs more than half way to her ass. and high heels . I will NEVER forget those heels. very distinctive. and something else that she NEVER did. bare legs !! I remember looking at her saying "whoa" look at you !! you look incredible". she smiled and thanked me. making the story as short as possible, at the party there were about 50 young people from her school. huge party , and a LOT of guys looking at her and one guy in particular began talking to her and wouldn't get away form her. He was I learned a guy named Jerry he was one of those Alpha's. captain of the swim team and VERY popular with the ladies. the type that all the girls gravitate to and talk about. I was mingling but could not help noticing him in the kitchen with her and he just kept talking to her and leaning in closer and closer and it looked like he was hitting on her . but what was worse , it appeared she was responding . I got a little nervous ( more than a little ) and finally after a little more putting up with this I decided to go in there and put a stop to it. I went up to them and she introduced me to him. he smiled and was checking me out. he didn't seem concerned. then after a few minutes of me trying to get in-between them ,My Fiance's friend grabbed my arm from behind and said hey, cmere for a minute I wan t you to meet someone . I was gone for about 15 minutes. when I went back to the kitchen I walked past this long hallway and could have sworn I caught a glimpse of the sleeve of Brandi's stripped shirt and one of her heels going into one of the rooms. when I looked in the Kitchen, they were both GONE.

my heart SANK remembering the the image I thought I had seen and immediately went down the hallway to go to that room. but as I got there there were 2 guys who I later found out were on the swim team with him and who brandi didn't know about in the Hall drinking. as I went to go to the room one of them noticed me and whispered to the other what sounded like " oh hey hey hey here he comes". then he said "dude, what's up?" I said I was looking for my Fiancé they asked me who she was and what she looked like and they said hadn't seen her. I tried to go to the room but one of them blocked my way and said laughingly (he was a little drunk). where you going dude? I said I wanted to get to that room and he just said. no no no no no something private in there dude,( I remember that guy kept calling me dude) nothing to do with you. I realized they were guarding the room for him. he said besides it's locked anyway sorry". they were both bigger than me and looked at me like, turn around and go back to the party. one of them asked me " anything else" in a fairly nice way that also told me the conversation was over.

I went back to the party but my stomach was in knots ! I HAD to know what was going on in that room. it was dark out by now it was about 8:45 If she was in that room she had been there since about 8PM. My head was spinning and I made a decision . I snuck out the garage door and went outside. looking around for something to stand on so I could maybe see inside the window. I found a wooden crate that looked just big enough to maybe allow me to see in a first floor window. I snuck around to where I knew the window to that room was and quietly put it down. I stood on it and it was tall enough to allow me to stand high enough for my head to be able to see in the window my neck at the sill line. I could make out a dim light from a clock or some kind of night light but it was faint. my eyes adjusted to the dim light but I could not see anyone. I was at the right corner of the window so I would not be seen. from. that angle I could not see much of the bed, just the bottom left corner . it appeared the covers were pulled down but I couldn't be sure. I could not see Brandi or Jerry . I was scanning the room with my eyes when something white on the floor caught my eye. I tried to focus on it and the most horrifying sight of my life came into focus. NO I did not see them having sex , but what I saw made me want to vomit. I saw about half Brandi's stripped shirt on the floor, I then noticed the strap of a bra, both partially hidden by the foot of the bed, ( I remember every detail off this BELIEVE me). then I could see what the white thing that had caught my attention was . a pair of white panties half resting on one of Brandi's distinctive high heels both of which were lying there with the clothes.I could also see her denim skirt draped over a chair. I couldn't see what they were doing but there was NO doubt Brandi WAS in there and she WAS completely NAKED ! I didn't try to see any more. I know most guys would include details but this is a TRUE story and I won't write what I didn't see. I just slowly got off the box sat down and put my head in my hands. I TRULY couldn't believe it .

I went back inside walked past the hallway ( the two "wing men " were still sitting in there hall drinking) and got myself a beer. I went to one of the rooms where people were talking and watching TV and just sat there trying not to cry. I couldn't even process it. I DID ask one of her friends where Brandi was to see what they would say and all I got was . Oh I think her and a few other people went for a ride, I'm sure she'll be back. I knew THAT wasn't true, but can't say to this day if she was covering for her.
I watched TV and once in awhile I got up to get a beer and the guys were STILL sitting there Finally sometime after 10:30 maybe 10:45 I saw one of the guys walk by and jumped up and went to the kitchen. Brandi was not there but Jerry was. he just looked at me as if nothing had happened , smiled and said "hey" I didn't answer just kept looking for Brandi. I swear I heard Jerry and one of his buddies giggling . that made me furious but I couldn't do a THING he was bigger and stronger and could have pounded me into dust in front of everyone. I finally found Brandi in the finished basement. talking to a couple of other girls. I approached her and asked "where have you been?" (as if I didn't know) she shrugged and said Iv'e been mostly right here all night why? I told her I had been looking for her I was shaking on the inside . I knew exactly where she had been. all I had to do was look at her clothes the SAME clothes I saw on the bedroom floor ALL OF THEM. and I knew she had been in there for the better part of THREE HOURS, AND she had been NAKED !

I have found pictures on line of a few things to help give people a better visual view of that night. these are very good examples.


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Thank you. It’s made moreso i think by the fact that it!s 100%. True . I didn’t think so then, but now I can see how truly lucky I was that night . Wasn’t she the best fiance a guy coukd have to do that ?
Wow, great story, it sounds very similar to what happened to me before my wife and i got married. The night before, she went out with some “friends”, for her bachelorette party, and i wanted to spend the afternoon with her just expecting our wedding day, however, when i went to her house she had left, and was told by her parents to hold off from seeing her until the nxt day. I had asuspicion she was going to meet her ex because of some messages i had seen on her phone, and just had that knot in my stomach of wanting to stop my future wife from being with another man, especially one who had been with her before, but i was powerless. Eventually, even my wife admitted she did meet him and had sex with him the night before our wedding, all because she was “nervous”, and he asked to be with her onelas time since she would now be forever tied to me, her future husband.
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Hi everyone, Glad to be here. I would like to share the story of how I became and the realized that I was born and destined to be a cuckold. I'll start by saying I know we all think a LOT of these stories we read are fake. Mine is NOT it's 100% true. there are not many sexual "details" but there are a few, but I think you will find my TRUE story very exciting. I will also attach a picture of my Ex Fiancé at the end. I should have realized I was a cuckold long before her , but SHE was ultimately the one who confirmed it to me.

Now, I am a single man 59 never married. I have thought about it a LOT and looking back over my life being a Cuckold was obviously pre ordained. First, I was bullied mercilessly as a kid, ( that works on your self esteem) and looking back I now see that EVERY girl I ever dated made me a cuckold. EVERY ONE of them. It's as if "cuckold" was tattooed on my forehead from birth. girls had NO problem dating me . they all said I was "cute" not being immodest , I was. but that's as far as it went I was never called "hot" or Sexy just CUTE. and ALWAYS sooner or later put in the "friend zone". I actually caught 2 girlfriends making out with other guys at parties and others who I just learned were cheating. They all wanted to keep me around but SEX was very rare and they always wanted the "alphas".

However, I finally met "Brandi". long story short. I fell in love head over heels. she was my soul mate .we had so much in common, she was female version of me ! bullied in school a wallflower who didn't even go to her Prom in high school. she was very shy NO self confidence, wore glasses a real librarian type. in fact her summer job WAS a librarian. I thought she was pretty. I never realized HOW pretty till we fell in love and she opened up and started dressing to show off. it was THEN that I truly realized how FREAKING HOT she was. she stopped wearing glasses started wearing contacts and when I saw her naked the first time , I nearly fainted . she had a KILLER body. nice small perfectly proportioned tits, soft supple shoulders great abs very nice pussy an ass to absolutely DIE for and ( I'm not exaggerating) the most beautiful and SEXY pair of legs I have ever seen. and when she started dressing to be noticed she GOT noticed. suddenly guys were hitting on her and whistling ( this was 1980 yes cat calls were common place) and her confidence grew as she realized for the first time in her life that she truly WAS as sexy and attractive as I had always told her she was. I'm sure you can guess what happened . here are the details of the worst night of my life but also the night that eventually made me realize I AM a cuckold.

It happened in sept of her Junior year, she had just turned 20, I was 21. we had plans to go to a party at a big house near her college. it was one of those MCMansion type houses about 10 miles form campus. when I got out of work and drove to her dorm she opened the door and she looked totally awesome . she had on ( I'll never forget this) a tight striped button up shirt with a VERY short Denim skirt that showed off her legs more than half way to her ass. and high heels . I will NEVER forget those heels. very distinctive. and something else that she NEVER did. bare legs !! I remember looking at her saying "whoa" look at you !! you look incredible". she smiled and thanked me. making the story as short as possible, at the party there were about 50 young people from her school. huge party , and a LOT of guys looking at her and one guy in particular began talking to her and wouldn't get away form her. He was I learned a guy named Jerry he was one of those Alpha's. captain of the swim team and VERY popular with the ladies. the type that all the girls gravitate to and talk about. I was mingling but could not help noticing him in the kitchen with her and he just kept talking to her and leaning in closer and closer and it looked like he was hitting on her . but what was worse , it appeared she was responding . I got a little nervous ( more than a little ) and finally after a little more putting up with this I decided to go in there and put a stop to it. I went up to them and she introduced me to him. he smiled and was checking me out. he didn't seem concerned. then after a few minutes of me trying to get in-between them ,My Fiance's friend grabbed my arm from behind and said hey, cmere for a minute I wan t you to meet someone . I was gone for about 15 minutes. when I went back to the kitchen I walked past this long hallway and could have sworn I caught a glimpse of the sleeve of Brandi's stripped shirt and one of her heels going into one of the rooms. when I looked in the Kitchen, they were both GONE.

my heart SANK remembering the the image I thought I had seen and immediately went down the hallway to go to that room. but as I got there there were 2 guys who I later found out were on the swim team with him and who brandi didn't know about in the Hall drinking. as I went to go to the room one of them noticed me and whispered to the other what sounded like " oh hey hey hey here he comes". then he said "dude, what's up?" I said I was looking for my Fiancé they asked me who she was and what she looked like and they said hadn't seen her. I tried to go to the room but one of them blocked my way and said laughingly (he was a little drunk). where you going dude? I said I wanted to get to that room and he just said. no no no no no something private in there dude,( I remember that guy kept calling me dude) nothing to do with you. I realized they were guarding the room for him. he said besides it's locked anyway sorry". they were both bigger than me and looked at me like, turn around and go back to the party. one of them asked me " anything else" in a fairly nice way that also told me the conversation was over.

I went back to the party but my stomach was in knots ! I HAD to know what was going on in that room. it was dark out by now it was about 8:45 If she was in that room she had been there since about 8PM. My head was spinning and I made a decision . I snuck out the garage door and went outside. looking around for something to stand on so I could maybe see inside the window. I found a wooden crate that looked just big enough to maybe allow me to see in a first floor window. I snuck around to where I knew the window to that room was and quietly put it down. I stood on it and it was tall enough to allow me to stand high enough for my head to be able to see in the window my neck at the sill line. I could make out a dim light from a clock or some kind of night light but it was faint. my eyes adjusted to the dim light but I could not see anyone. I was at the right corner of the window so I would not be seen. from. that angle I could not see much of the bed, just the bottom left corner . it appeared the covers were pulled down but I couldn't be sure. I could not see Brandi or Jerry . I was scanning the room with my eyes when something white on the floor caught my eye. I tried to focus on it and the most horrifying sight of my life came into focus. NO I did not see them having sex , but what I saw made eye want to vomit. I saw about half Brandi's stripped shirt on the floor, I then noticed the strap of a bra, both partially hidden by the foot of the bed, ( I remember every detail off this BELIEVE me). then I could see what the white thing that had caught my attention was . a pair of white panties half resting on one of Brandi's distinctive high heels both of which were lying there with the clothes.I could also see her denim skirt draped over a chair. I couldn't see what they were doing but there was NO doubt Brandi WAS in there and she WAS completely NAKED ! I didn't try to see any more. I know most guys would include details but this is a TRUE story and I won't write what I didn't see. I just slowly got off the box sat down and put my head in my hands. I TRULY couldn't believe it .

I went back inside walked past the hallway ( the two "wing men " were still sitting in there hall drinking) and got myself a beer. I went to one of the rooms where people were talking and watching TV and just sat there trying not to cry. I couldn't even process it. I DID ask one of her friends where Brandi was to see what they would say and all I got was . Oh I think her and a few other people went for a ride, I'm sure she'll be back. I knew THAT wasn't true, but can't say to this day if she was covering for her.
I watched TV and once in awhile I got up to get a beer and the guys were STILL sitting there Finally sometime after 10:30 maybe 10:45 I saw one of the guys walk by and jumped up and went to the kitchen. Brandi was not there but Jerry was. he just looked at me as if nothing had happened , smiled and said "hey" I didn't answer just kept looking for Brandi. I swear I heard Jerry and one of his buddies giggling . that made me furious but I couldn't do a THING he was bigger and stronger and could have pounded me into dust in front of everyone. I finally found Brandi in the finished basement. talking to a couple of other girls. I approached her and asked "where have you been?" (as if I didn't know) she shrugged and said Iv'e been mostly right here all night why? I told her I had been looking for her I was shaking on the inside . I knew exactly where she had been. all I had to do was look at her clothes the SAME clothes I saw on the bedroom floor ALL OF THEM. and I knew she had been in there for the better part of THREE HOURS, AND she had been NAKED !

I have found pictures on line of a few things to help give people a better visual view of that night. these are very good examples. the face pic is really her.
She's hot love the pussy hair
Hi everyone, Glad to be here. I would like to share the story of how I became and the realized that I was born and destined to be a cuckold. I'll start by saying I know we all think a LOT of these stories we read are fake. Mine is NOT it's 100% true. there are not many sexual "details" but there are a few, but I think you will find my TRUE story very exciting. I will also attach a picture of my Ex Fiancé at the end. I should have realized I was a cuckold long before her , but SHE was ultimately the one who confirmed it to me.

Now, I am a single man 59 never married. I have thought about it a LOT and looking back over my life being a Cuckold was obviously pre ordained. First, I was bullied mercilessly as a kid, ( that works on your self esteem) and looking back I now see that EVERY girl I ever dated made me a cuckold. EVERY ONE of them. It's as if "cuckold" was tattooed on my forehead from birth. girls had NO problem dating me . they all said I was "cute" not being immodest , I was. but that's as far as it went I was never called "hot" or Sexy just CUTE. and ALWAYS sooner or later put in the "friend zone". I actually caught 2 girlfriends making out with other guys at parties and others who I just learned were cheating. They all wanted to keep me around but SEX was very rare and they always wanted the "alphas".

However, I finally met "Brandi". long story short. I fell in love head over heels. she was my soul mate .we had so much in common, she was female version of me ! bullied in school a wallflower who didn't even go to her Prom in high school. she was very shy NO self confidence, wore glasses a real librarian type. in fact her summer job WAS a librarian. I thought she was pretty. I never realized HOW pretty till we fell in love and she opened up and started dressing to show off. it was THEN that I truly realized how FREAKING HOT she was. she stopped wearing glasses started wearing contacts and when I saw her naked the first time , I nearly fainted . she had a KILLER body. nice small perfectly proportioned tits, soft supple shoulders great abs very nice pussy an ass to absolutely DIE for and ( I'm not exaggerating) the most beautiful and SEXY pair of legs I have ever seen. and when she started dressing to be noticed she GOT noticed. suddenly guys were hitting on her and whistling ( this was 1980 yes cat calls were common place) and her confidence grew as she realized for the first time in her life that she truly WAS as sexy and attractive as I had always told her she was. I'm sure you can guess what happened . here are the details of the worst night of my life but also the night that eventually made me realize I AM a cuckold.

It happened in sept of her Junior year, she had just turned 20, I was 21. we had plans to go to a party at a big house near her college. it was one of those MCMansion type houses about 10 miles form campus. when I got out of work and drove to her dorm she opened the door and she looked totally awesome . she had on ( I'll never forget this) a tight striped button up shirt with a VERY short Denim skirt that showed off her legs more than half way to her ass. and high heels . I will NEVER forget those heels. very distinctive. and something else that she NEVER did. bare legs !! I remember looking at her saying "whoa" look at you !! you look incredible". she smiled and thanked me. making the story as short as possible, at the party there were about 50 young people from her school. huge party , and a LOT of guys looking at her and one guy in particular began talking to her and wouldn't get away form her. He was I learned a guy named Jerry he was one of those Alpha's. captain of the swim team and VERY popular with the ladies. the type that all the girls gravitate to and talk about. I was mingling but could not help noticing him in the kitchen with her and he just kept talking to her and leaning in closer and closer and it looked like he was hitting on her . but what was worse , it appeared she was responding . I got a little nervous ( more than a little ) and finally after a little more putting up with this I decided to go in there and put a stop to it. I went up to them and she introduced me to him. he smiled and was checking me out. he didn't seem concerned. then after a few minutes of me trying to get in-between them ,My Fiance's friend grabbed my arm from behind and said hey, cmere for a minute I wan t you to meet someone . I was gone for about 15 minutes. when I went back to the kitchen I walked past this long hallway and could have sworn I caught a glimpse of the sleeve of Brandi's stripped shirt and one of her heels going into one of the rooms. when I looked in the Kitchen, they were both GONE.

my heart SANK remembering the the image I thought I had seen and immediately went down the hallway to go to that room. but as I got there there were 2 guys who I later found out were on the swim team with him and who brandi didn't know about in the Hall drinking. as I went to go to the room one of them noticed me and whispered to the other what sounded like " oh hey hey hey here he comes". then he said "dude, what's up?" I said I was looking for my Fiancé they asked me who she was and what she looked like and they said hadn't seen her. I tried to go to the room but one of them blocked my way and said laughingly (he was a little drunk). where you going dude? I said I wanted to get to that room and he just said. no no no no no something private in there dude,( I remember that guy kept calling me dude) nothing to do with you. I realized they were guarding the room for him. he said besides it's locked anyway sorry". they were both bigger than me and looked at me like, turn around and go back to the party. one of them asked me " anything else" in a fairly nice way that also told me the conversation was over.

I went back to the party but my stomach was in knots ! I HAD to know what was going on in that room. it was dark out by now it was about 8:45 If she was in that room she had been there since about 8PM. My head was spinning and I made a decision . I snuck out the garage door and went outside. looking around for something to stand on so I could maybe see inside the window. I found a wooden crate that looked just big enough to maybe allow me to see in a first floor window. I snuck around to where I knew the window to that room was and quietly put it down. I stood on it and it was tall enough to allow me to stand high enough for my head to be able to see in the window my neck at the sill line. I could make out a dim light from a clock or some kind of night light but it was faint. my eyes adjusted to the dim light but I could not see anyone. I was at the right corner of the window so I would not be seen. from. that angle I could not see much of the bed, just the bottom left corner . it appeared the covers were pulled down but I couldn't be sure. I could not see Brandi or Jerry . I was scanning the room with my eyes when something white on the floor caught my eye. I tried to focus on it and the most horrifying sight of my life came into focus. NO I did not see them having sex , but what I saw made eye want to vomit. I saw about half Brandi's stripped shirt on the floor, I then noticed the strap of a bra, both partially hidden by the foot of the bed, ( I remember every detail off this BELIEVE me). then I could see what the white thing that had caught my attention was . a pair of white panties half resting on one of Brandi's distinctive high heels both of which were lying there with the clothes.I could also see her denim skirt draped over a chair. I couldn't see what they were doing but there was NO doubt Brandi WAS in there and she WAS completely NAKED ! I didn't try to see any more. I know most guys would include details but this is a TRUE story and I won't write what I didn't see. I just slowly got off the box sat down and put my head in my hands. I TRULY couldn't believe it .

I went back inside walked past the hallway ( the two "wing men " were still sitting in there hall drinking) and got myself a beer. I went to one of the rooms where people were talking and watching TV and just sat there trying not to cry. I couldn't even process it. I DID ask one of her friends where Brandi was to see what they would say and all I got was . Oh I think her and a few other people went for a ride, I'm sure she'll be back. I knew THAT wasn't true, but can't say to this day if she was covering for her.
I watched TV and once in awhile I got up to get a beer and the guys were STILL sitting there Finally sometime after 10:30 maybe 10:45 I saw one of the guys walk by and jumped up and went to the kitchen. Brandi was not there but Jerry was. he just looked at me as if nothing had happened , smiled and said "hey" I didn't answer just kept looking for Brandi. I swear I heard Jerry and one of his buddies giggling . that made me furious but I couldn't do a THING he was bigger and stronger and could have pounded me into dust in front of everyone. I finally found Brandi in the finished basement. talking to a couple of other girls. I approached her and asked "where have you been?" (as if I didn't know) she shrugged and said Iv'e been mostly right here all night why? I told her I had been looking for her I was shaking on the inside . I knew exactly where she had been. all I had to do was look at her clothes the SAME clothes I saw on the bedroom floor ALL OF THEM. and I knew she had been in there for the better part of THREE HOURS, AND she had been NAKED !

I have found pictures on line of a few things to help give people a better visual view of that night. these are very good examples. the face pic is really her.


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