Pizza Dare Challenge...

We did it last weekend. We ordered pizza and when the guy got to the door she answered it in a tight tshirt and panties. His face was priceless.....I videotaped the whole thing. It was hot as fuck to watch him watch her as she put the pizza down and sign the receipt....
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I tried, but....

We were in Fort Lauderdale and my husband challenged me to do this. We were a million miles from home, and had nothing to lose.
I was good to go, had my towel on, but then when the guy knocked, he looked so darn young. I just couldn't do it.
I even felt guilty about what he DID see. lol

I like the theme, and the fun of it, but how many pizzas can you order to get this right?
If we ever do this again, we should just order the cheapest thing on the menu, knowing that we're going to be ordering it ten times. lol
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