Rape play did you ever had experience if yes tell me about it

Early in our relationship with my exgf I found out she had a massive fetishism to be raped, not just forced sex (we tried that and it didn't cut it for her). Her fetish become more of an obsession even to the point of a friend calling me late one evening saying he had seen her walking down a dodgy road wearing a very short dress. I drove out to find her in a really bad area of town and when she got in the car she confessed that she was trying to get raped. This tiny (4' 10" tall and size 6 clothes) Asian lady was walking almost naked, she had the dress and high heels on but nothing else, around a very bad neighbourhood. I had to do something so a few weeks later she went home to the Philippines for 3 weeks and I confided with a mate of mine Sy. Sy owns a printing company and was looking for a receptionist/PA. I told him all about Liz and he then told me he was part of a large, PRIVATE, swing club. He and his "Friends" met up once a month at each others houses to, well basically, "fuck each other brains out", that's how he put it. He told me to tell my jobless gf to come to an interview as the PA and he would arrange for a special meet at his house so not to cause any doubt.
This story goes on a bit so if you wish me to finish let me know
My wife had a rape fantasy for years I tried grabbing her unexpectedly a couple of times although she put up a fight it didn't really work for her, I handcuffed her naked to a tree on two occasions leaving her for about twenty minutes the first time and 45 minutes + the second nothing happened, it was later on about 10 years later she 2as playing at being a prostitute charging £10 a time for lorry drivers to fuck her they had to book her during the day at the shop she worked at and meet her in a certain lorry park in our local town, one night one of them knocked her about almost strangled her, kicked her out of his cab naked and refused to give her her clothes,she got her car keys but had to do the wal off shame past a supermarket with cum running down her legs drive home and park in the street and walk in the house the marks on her neck and tits the next day were horrific that convinced her that rape is not something you can enjoy if it is for real.
Ok I have been asked by quite a few to finish my sexperience.
When my gf got back from the Philippines I told her about the job offer at my friends printers and she agreed to go for an interview at 4pm on Saturday just 2 days later. I told her I had to be somewhere else so I would drive her there under Sy would give her a lift back
Sy lived in a house where his next-door neighbours were about a mile away so when we finally got there I noticed how desolate it looked right out on the moors. I waited until she went in and after a wave from Sy I headed off home to watch on my computer via a link on his .... I could see the back of her head and Sy making lewd and impolite suggestions to Liz by grabbing his crotch but she was not bitting, yet. I couldn't get the sound on so I just watched. I saw Sy put a finger up as if to say one minute and he went to answer the door and in walked 3 other guys. Liz started to shift about in her seat as 2 of the guys sat either side of her. Sy sat on the coffee table directly in front of her. I could see him pointing at her and he then pointed at the 2 guys. She tarted to stand up but Sy pushed her back down and the 2 guys held her arms while the 3rd came behind her and knocked the bloody camera off but the sound came on so I could her Liz shouting at Sy saying to fuck off (I never heard her swear). The rest is from what both Sy and liz told my later. Apparently liz had gone there with the thought of us going somewhere layer for sex so she had no underwear on just the dress and shoes on. St started stripping her and the shoes came of first, he said he didn't fancy a stiletto in him. Then he pulled open the knots on the spaghetti straps of her dress and peeled the dress off her so she was fully naked. They all picked her up and the put her across the coffee table, one of them heavy built rustic ones, and tied her wrists to each leg of the table and same with the ankles so she was spread wide open with all 4 guys looking into her pussy. Sy said that her head was hanging over the table edge at her shoulders and at the other side the edge came to her waist so she was totally accessible, even her tiny tits looked pert. I could hear Liz starting to sob and begging Sy to let her go. Sy told me later she was spread so wide her dark pussy lips had opened to reveal the contrasting pink hole inside. He told me that he also could see that her juices were starting to flow even though she was begging them to let her go. Sy was the first to enter her. I heard him say me first and then a buckle undo then a zip, a few seconds later Liz groaned loudly and then screamed, she was calling him all the bad words in her own language that I knew and a lot more I didn't know. The other guys started stripping and soon everyone was naked. I could hear her crying one minute the a muffled sob the next, I though they had gagged her but they had put their cocks in her mouth one by one. Sy was building to a climax as I heard him shout he was cumming followed by a big groan and an ahhh, it was then I realised he wasn't wearing a rubber. Later when I asked about rubbers he told me that the group never use them. Each of the guys took turns with Liz and it went on for over an hour each one coming in her pussy and in her mouth. After a while Sy told the other guys to clean her up as the guest's were about to arrive, that's when the bloody sound went off aswell.
Lis said they washed her off both inside and out of her pussy and the rest of her then they put a blindfold on her. she started to panic and was trying to get free but Sy whispered in her ear not to worry this has all been arranged by me, and with that she relaxed. I DIDNT ARRANGE A FULL SEX PARTY FFS. According to Liz there were a lot of guests coming in and prodding and poking at Liz. Some were pulling her nipples so hard she said it felt like they were trying to rip them off.
Then she felt her pussy being licked and her pussy lips being pulled apart, not just by one set of hands but two. She could also heat the comments from both men and women. The guy that was fucking her must have been called Terry because a few were egging him on by saying "go Terry go" and as she was cumming for the umpteenth time she heard a woman say "go on Tez, fuck her with that big cock of yours" after a short pause she could feel the edge of her pussy being stretched wider and wider OMG, she thought, they are trying to see if my pussy will snap, they must be fisting me. She said she had to let out a scream but her mouth was muffled by, well she wasn't sure at first, but she come to realise it was a woman's pussy. Sy later told me it was this Terry's wife that had planted her shaved pussy on her mouth. Liz just stuck her tongue out and moved it around while this Terry was pumping in and out of her. He didn't last very long and exploded inside her. The night went on very much the same until she asked for Sy and when he came to her she said she was getting sore so he undid her ankles, turned her over and then retired them but with her face down. "Who wants to fuck her arse?" Sy shouted and with that lots of hands and fingers started proving and pushing then pulling her arse cheeks apart. Then the Terry came back. As it went in she opened her mouth to scream but it was filled by cock after cock each either cumming in her mouth or on her face or hair. She could feel him cumming deep inside her anus. After the Terry came more, so many that at one point she felt the cum was pushing on her anus. The party lasted until late in the night and when they finally untied Liz she took off the blindfold and most of the guests had gone (I have a theory on thar but Sy refuses to confim). The last of the guests, including Terry and his beautiful wife, were just leaving. Terry kissed Liz full on the lips and thanked her for a really great night (Liz told me that he had a huge belly to match his cock) and his wife thanked her in the same way.
Sy dropped Liz off at my house at 6am. She was sore, too sore to have sex for over a week, and oozing cum from everywhere. Her breath stank of cum. Later when I talked to Sy he told me she was brilliant and even though the group has over 100 members and only 11 guys turned up, plus Sy and his 3 friends, and 4 women. The good thing was that Liz never had the urge to be raped again, she still loved rough sex and group sex but not the other. Sorry it went on so long


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Ok I have been asked by quite a few to finish my sexperience.
When my gf got back from the Philippines I told her about the job offer at my friends printers and she agreed to go for an interview at 4pm on Saturday just 2 days later. I told her I had to be somewhere else so I would drive her there under Sy would give her a lift back
Sy lived in a house where his next-door neighbours were about a mile away so when we finally got there I noticed how desolate it looked right out on the moors. I waited until she went in and after a wave from Sy I headed off home to watch on my computer via a link on his .... I could see the back of her head and Sy making lewd and impolite suggestions to Liz by grabbing his crotch but she was not bitting, yet. I couldn't get the sound on so I just watched. I saw Sy put a finger up as if to say one minute and he went to answer the door and in walked 3 other guys. Liz started to shift about in her seat as 2 of the guys sat either side of her. Sy sat on the coffee table directly in front of her. I could see him pointing at her and he then pointed at the 2 guys. She tarted to stand up but Sy pushed her back down and the 2 guys held her arms while the 3rd came behind her and knocked the bloody camera off but the sound came on so I could her Liz shouting at Sy saying to fuck off (I never heard her swear). The rest is from what both Sy and liz told my later. Apparently liz had gone there with the thought of us going somewhere layer for sex so she had no underwear on just the dress and shoes on. St started stripping her and the shoes came of first, he said he didn't fancy a stiletto in him. Then he pulled open the knots on the spaghetti straps of her dress and peeled the dress off her so she was fully naked. They all picked her up and the put her across the coffee table, one of them heavy built rustic ones, and tied her wrists to each leg of the table and same with the ankles so she was spread wide open with all 4 guys looking into her pussy. Sy said that her head was hanging over the table edge at her shoulders and at the other side the edge came to her waist so she was totally accessible, even her tiny tits looked pert. I could hear Liz starting to sob and begging Sy to let her go. Sy told me later she was spread so wide her dark pussy lips had opened to reveal the contrasting pink hole inside. He told me that he also could see that her juices were starting to flow even though she was begging them to let her go. Sy was the first to enter her. I heard him say me first and then a buckle undo then a zip, a few seconds later Liz groaned loudly and then screamed, she was calling him all the bad words in her own language that I knew and a lot more I didn't know. The other guys started stripping and soon everyone was naked. I could hear her crying one minute the a muffled sob the next, I though they had gagged her but they had put their cocks in her mouth one by one. Sy was building to a climax as I heard him shout he was cumming followed by a big groan and an ahhh, it was then I realised he wasn't wearing a rubber. Later when I asked about rubbers he told me that the group never use them. Each of the guys took turns with Liz and it went on for over an hour each one coming in her pussy and in her mouth. After a while Sy told the other guys to clean her up as the guest's were about to arrive, that's when the bloody sound went off aswell.
Lis said they washed her off both inside and out of her pussy and the rest of her then they put a blindfold on her. she started to panic and was trying to get free but Sy whispered in her ear not to worry this has all been arranged by me, and with that she relaxed. I DIDNT ARRANGED A FULL SEX PARTY FFS. According to Liz there were a lot of guests coming in and prodding and poking at Liz. Some were pulling her nipples so hard she said it felt like they were trying to rip them off.
Then she felt her pussy being licked and her pussy lips being pulled apart, not just by one set of hands but two. She could lso heat the comments from both men and women. The guy that was locking her must have been called Terry because a few were egging him on by saying "go Terry go" and as she was cumming for the umpteenth time she heard a woman say "go on Tez, fuck her with that big cock of yours" after a short pause she could feel the edge of her pussy being stretched wider and wider OMG, she thought, they are trying to see if my pussy will snap, they must be fisting me. She said she had to let out a scream but her mouth was muffled by, well she wasn't sure at first, but she come to realise it was a woman's pussy. Sy later told me it was this Terry's wife that had planted her shaved pussy on her mouth. Liz just stuck her tongue out and moved it around while this Terry was pumping in and out of her. He didn't last very long and exploded inside her. The night went on very much the same until she asked for Sy and when he came to her she said she was getting sore so he undid her ankles, turned her over and then retired them but with her face down. "Who wants to fuck her arse?" Sy shouted and with that lots of hands and fingers started proving and pushing then pulling her arse cheeks apart. Then the Terry came back. As it went in she opened her mouth to scream but it was filled by cock after cock each either cumming in her mouth or on her face or hair. She could feel him cumming deep inside her anus. After the Terry came more, so many that at one point she felt the cum was pushing on her anus. The party lasted until late in the night and when they finally untied Liz she took off the blindfold and most of the guests had gone (I have a theory on thar but Sy refuses to confim). The last of the guests, including Terry and his beautiful wife, were just leaving. Terry kissed Liz full on the lips and thanked her for a really great night (Liz told me that he had a huge belly to match his cock) and his wife thanked her in the same way.
Sy dropped Liz off at my house at 6am. She was sore, too sore to have sex for over a week, and oozing cum from everywhere. Her breath stank of cum. Later when I talked to Sy he told me she was brilliant and even though the group has over 100 members and only 11 guys turned up, plus Sy and his 3 friends, and 4 women. The good thing was that Liz never had the urge to be raped again, she still loved rough sex and group sex but not the other. Sorry it went on so long
She is cute, petite. An ideal “prey” for a play of submission and fantasy rape. It’s very easy overwhelming her.
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Forced sex is a common fantasy for many women, and men. In the fetish domain, it generally falls into what's called Consensual Non-Consent (CNC).

In reality, there is no case, or even remote justification for rape or non-consensual sex of any kind. In the fetish CNC or role-play domain however this fantasy can be interesting to explore.

My wife and I both share the CNC fetish, and have explored it several times. This kind of play requires lots of clear communication, significant trust, and scenarios with discussion of boundaries, safe words, and recruiting of vetted, trusted participants. CNC scenarios vary significantly, from simulated kidnapping, hostage, bondage, and related fantasy play, to scenarios that involve being out of control; drunk, drugged, or otherwise helpless.

Related, breeding, including impregnation play is another relatively common fantasy. This is sometimes coupled to CNC play. I'm a participant and member in a fetish community that does breeding and impregnation, including fantasy, as well as real breeding (this usually implies many random partners for one woman), and impregnation (usually scenarios that involve a sexual surrogate, in the role of "husband/impregnator"). Some of these are coupled to CNC, usually focused on situations where the impotent husband is indirectly involved, "forced to watch," while his wife is either "forced," or an otherwise willing participant, punishing her impotent, weak husband.

These are kinks that kind of push to the extreme. No one should consider doing this "for real," in the context of rape or pure non-consensual events.