She needs to cheat. She needs to because I'm ok with it first of all. She's an alpha female, I'm a beta male, and no one can satisfy an alpha like an alpha.
It's pretty simple. She is an absolutely amazing woman. With sexual needs far superior to what I can provide. Other men perceive this deficiency just by reading her from across the room and are drawn to her. I see it, she sees it, they see it. It is at this point that I realize they need each other and I surrender her needs to their needs. Their needs being an alpha male hunger to completely satisfy the void this female needs satisfying. It takes a real man to take care of a 👠
It's pretty simple. She is an absolutely amazing woman. With sexual needs far superior to what I can provide. Other men perceive this deficiency just by reading her from across the room and are drawn to her. I see it, she sees it, they see it. It is at this point that I realize they need each other and I surrender her needs to their needs. Their needs being an alpha male hunger to completely satisfy the void this female needs satisfying. It takes a real man to take care of a 👠