Thinking of doing our First time. Thoughts??


Hi Everyone,

I am just curious on what others think of my situation. My wife and I are 28 and 29 and for the past year we have been talking alot about her having sex with others.

Originally it was never brought up until I found out she had a recently updated dating profile at the time and I actually found out from a friend. When I approached her at the time she just said she was just checking it out and was bored and deleted it there. (We originally met through the same dating app)

For the whole next month I couldn't get it out of my head and I kept asking her questions and would dig deeper.

Eventually after a month of conversations about it I brought up the idea that I think that it would be a major turn on if she followed through with it and she became surprised by it at first. She would agree to do it and would start chatting to guys and even would sometimes send pics. For months now she will delete the app and go back on it (if I ask). And each time she gets back on it she gets more comfortable and gets more into it.

Fast forward to now. It has got to the point where she has agreed to do it but is scared but she has basically told me she would do it but she has 2 issues. She would hate for me to use that ever against her in an argument and she doesn't want it to cause us to have issues in our relationship and she is unsure about it because when we have sex it's alot about connection and she is just not sure. I have told her that it wouldn't. We have fantasies about it and we constantly talk about it.

Really just curious on what people think of my situation and what I should do or how I should approach it. And as well how we should go about choosing someone.
Keep talking about it with her! Make it a common part of your love making. Assure her, subtly, that you'd love to see or hear about it.

Talk about it enough so that its second nature for her to hear it. THAT will reassure her that you're ok with it.

Don't push too hard. You should see her begin to talk more freely anout it & slowly be more ooen to it. Simply put; get her to talk HERSELF into it.

Good luck. Let us all know how it goes!
We’ll put Sargent, communicate is key, before you know you’ll be experiencing the many emotions that run through a husbands body as he watches his love of his life getting fucked by another. Good luck.
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Keep talking about it with her! Make it a common part of your love making. Assure her, subtly, that you'd love to see or hear about it.

Talk about it enough so that its second nature for her to hear it. THAT will reassure her that you're ok with it.

Don't push too hard. You should see her begin to talk more freely anout it & slowly be more ooen to it. Simply put; get her to talk HERSELF into it.

Good luck. Let us all know how it goes!
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