Wife’s face swap porn

After a long time searching porn every so often, I found a few likenesses to my wife then encountered a very similar actress to her. During this time I mentioned this to a close friend and he offered to use apps to put her face onto pornstars but my wife didn't like the idea of that so it was dropped. It was after this that I found her lookalike and let him know
After a long time searching porn every so often, I found a few likenesses to my wife then encountered a very similar actress to her. During this time I mentioned this to a close friend and he offered to use apps to put her face onto pornstars but my wife didn't like the idea of that so it was dropped. It was after this that I found her lookalike and let him know
Using lookalikes as a source to faceswap always gives good results. But doesn’t have to be. You should try it yourself. Who knows, your wife might get turned on after all!