Your wife in your bedroom.....

Many of the best photos of my wife are in our bedroom. I am fascinated by her choice of places to have sex. Her number one spot to take her lovers is the hot tub and she often gets fucked there. Doesn't always work and I have to constantly remind her not to turn on the pumps (I can't see through the water with them running or take photos). After the hot tub she leads lovers to a couch, a guest bedroom, or our bedroom. Extreme, desperate horniness means the couch first and then a bedroom.

Our bedroom is reserved for us and special lovers. I can tell she really likes a guy if she leads him into our room instead of the guest room. With someone new I'm always trying to figure out our room or the guest room? I have tried to get her to explain why a particular one went straight to our room. She doesn't really seem to know. Some never make it past the couch. Some go to the hot tub, the couch, a bedroom, back to a couch, and then end up in our bedroom. Those are good days!
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