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  1. Vonnegutt3d

    A Calypso King came, screwed and dramatically evolved the sexual discourse in bougie brown society, but could not Score when it mattered

    Okay, so apologies for the weirdly left field title.. This is a recollection of a series of scandals from almost two decades ago feat. my ridiculous extended family and a famous Cricket player from the Caribbean! Also, what are the f-ing chances that there are TWO cricket related posts back to...
  2. Vonnegutt3d

    Is this what you get if you mix a faux Sugar lifestyle with a sprinkle of cuckolding thrown in feels for good measure?

    For years we've been teasing a purportedly Beta male friend of ours with our PDA and general exhibitionism- In clubs, house parties, resorts, hotels lol the list is quite endless, till last weekend he cracked and asked what would it take for her to suck him off, quite casually... So they are...
  3. Vonnegutt3d

    Anyone ever go into a group play/ swap experience and come out feeling totally cucked by the sheer performance of the other couple/ guy?

    I saw my girl being fucked by Liam in a manner that I can only liken to Alfred describing Bane to Batman in the Dark Knight Rises - His speed. His ferocity, his training! I see the power of belief! I see the League ... lol I have never felt so outperformed in my (relatively new) stag...