I'm embarrassed.


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I'm embarrassed to undress in front of my partner... It seems to me that I am not sexy, not attractive and I can't do anything. Although men are constantly courting me. But I feel like a log in bed. How to develop my sexuality? Have you ever had that?
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- You can improve what you do not like, if it is objective; work with motivation and support; learn to accept yourself and your appearance; consult psychologists and psychotherapists. If you struggle on your own, it can take years, and when working with a competent specialist, such as bgcwoonsocket.org - 1.5-2 months.
- In order to accept one's appearance, one must, strange as it may seem, proceed from pleasure. If we begin to enjoy our lives, it becomes much easier to change something about ourselves. So many of those who want to change something about their bodies think that only then will they have all the benefits and pleasures of life available to them. But this is self-deception.
-It's also very important the environment and the people that we communicate with. If they support us, tell us how beautiful we are, how wonderful we look, and - this is important - see this good in us, really think so, we begin to change. It has already been proven that accepting such information from others can even change the structure of our face and body.
I'm embarrassed to undress in front of my partner... It seems to me that I am not sexy, not attractive and I can't do anything. Although men are constantly courting me. But I feel like a log in bed. How to develop my sexuality? Have you ever had that?
you judge yourself because you have an ideal in your head that you feel you are not comparable to. we become comfortable with undressing, and other things when we first learn to love and accept ourselves as we are. when we see all of our own flaws (comparing to the ideal we created) we think everyone else sees and focuses in on them as well. we think they think like we do. most people do not see the little things we see wrong with ourselves. they simply overlook it because their focus is on the things they like, not the things they dislike.

one of the things that will help you outside of you working on how you see yourself in a positive light, and accepting yourself fully is for your husband to make you feel sexy. if he doesn't let you know you are sexy then you will be guessing, as well as thinking about all of your shortcomings from the ideal. i know i do not look like the ideal in my head that I think the perfect man should look like, but I have learned to accept myself for how i am. even my flaws aren't really that big of a deal to be honest. most people's aren't. the ones i wish i could improve upon i simply point out and not try to hide it. I learned to take pride in my flaws. just laugh about them. i don't let them have any power over me. there is more to me and you than our perceived flaws.

your sexuality will become present when you choose to not hold back due to being judged. we all have sexual desires, but often keep our mouth shut about them because we think we might raise an eyebrow. Or we think we have a certain image or role to play. just say what you want, and do what you want and if anyone takes issue with it...fuck em. sex should be fun for both parties involved. it should never be one sided. there is nothing wrong with you, but you need to believe that yourself. just someone saying it won't really help too much unless you respect their opinion.