Wife and boyfriend

My wife had a regular lover, meaning maybe 1-2 times a month..no overnight..after 4 years we talked about a short vacation for her with him which ended up being 3 days two nights as husband/wife. She truly enjoyed not just the sex, but also normalacy in shopping, looking at houses together, nice romantic dinners...well worth it...they cooled off for about 5 years but getting back together now. Cant wait for their "honeymoon"..she is white, he is a professional black man
My wife had a regular lover, meaning maybe 1-2 times a month..no overnight..after 4 years we talked about a short vacation for her with him which ended up being 3 days two nights as husband/wife. She truly enjoyed not just the sex, but also normalacy in shopping, looking at houses together, nice romantic dinners...well worth it...they cooled off for about 5 years but getting back together now. Cant wait for their "honeymoon"..she is white, he is a professional black man
Sound fun
Any updates or revelations since your wife's return from her trip?
Good and bad..we met him Friday in his city, they were going to get a room but all booked up due to holiday, so they went to lunch and then shopping..had fun watching them walk hand in hand into first hotel they tried..Wife did tell me he is working hard on a trip, but guessing it will be this summer, but will see him again before then...maybe every two weeks..She and I did go shopping yesterday for some new clothes and lingerie for when the go..
Good and bad..we met him Friday in his city, they were going to get a room but all booked up due to holiday, so they went to lunch and then shopping..had fun watching them walk hand in hand into first hotel they tried..Wife did tell me he is working hard on a trip, but guessing it will be this summer, but will see him again before then...maybe every two weeks..She and I did go shopping yesterday for some new clothes and lingerie for when the go..
I really meant the OP, Phun Times 727, but regarding your situation, why did things cool off for 5 years and why did they fire back up again?
Anxiously awaiting a report from your wife meeting with the bosses wife.
About that...they met for dinner and then again for more than dinner. The husband was in attendance. I need to preface they are Indian. The husband gave the wife a nearly half hour massage and various kama sutra type warm up before the women got together. I guess it went well and afterwards the husband did all sorts of bizarre massage stuff with oils and all kinds of scents etc. My wife said it was odd but interesting and she assumes the couple went at it after she left with some sort of ritual. I am guessing they will talk and discuss what happened. I am waiting to hear myself.
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So the interaction with bosses wife so far has been really interesting. They are an Indian couple and from what we know it appears kama sutra is what they are doing (or just super long massage/forplay and flexible positions). We went over last night as he wanted to meet me face to face for whatever reason. I decided why not and stuck around to watch the process as I have not personally been there to see my wife with another woman. Her husband did this really long deep massage thing with fragrant oils etc before the women played. I strictly watched although I was very tempted to rub one out but he remained fully dressed and it did not seem appropriate. When the women were done I was ready to go and my wife asked them what the massage was about and was all of this part of their forplay. Well, we learned a lot. Apparently the massage and oils are applied to different parts of the body and appeal to various senses and nerve centers/muscle groups and the way it is done somehow preps the body for some crazy sex stuff.

So we asked, could we watch to see what it is about. Holy shit, its like naked yoga class and she is having deep orgasms in all these odd positions. This was also the first time my wife and I watched someone else having sex. It was something to see. We were talking about it on the way home and may need to read a book or watch a tutorial or something. Mind blowing. I have no idea how we have made it to this age without ever crossing paths with this.
I really meant the OP, Phun Times 727, but regarding your situation, why did things cool off for 5 years and why did they fire back up again?
Her mind games...felt it was not the right thing to do..but minds do change, he had texted her about every day just on a friend basis. He is coming over week from tomorrow, they can have entire house as I have a large project going..expect they will have fun..
So my wife and I are travelling this week to visit family, her BF text me to ask if it would be possible for her to attend a work function with him upon our return. We live in Tampa Bay and he is in Orlando so 2 different worlds for most part. She would go as his girlfriend. I told her about it and she seems down so I am thinking I might let her go as I think she might enjoy it. In fact I may have her fly back straight to Orlando while I spend a couple more days with family knowing she will be busy. It would be her first time spending solo time at his place for a weekend. I know it sounds crazy but so is this whole husband/wife/boyfriend relationship we have had lately. It was supposed to just be sex at first but life is short and we are having fun. Am I crazy to open the door to one on one time, should I keep the visits to all 3 of us?
That's how we started out when we first got married. It was clear from the start that she would be in charge and have a regular boyfriend (the best man at our wedding). At first they just dated and she would have sex at his place. Then one day she invited him to stay overnight at our house. I was sent out of the master bedroom and had to stay in the guest bedroom while they slept in the marital bed. After a while he was practically living at our house most days. He started bringing his cloths and stuff over and I was forced to take my things out of the dressers and closets I once shared with my wife. He now totally dominated the marital bedroom and the rest of the house as well. We took a walk in closet across the hall and converted it into a small bedroom for me so the larger guest room would be available. My room was very small and fit my low status as her cuckold. It could only fit a small youth size bed and a small dresser. It was very humiliating to be kicked out of my own marital bedroom and be forbidden to sleep with my own wife but he was now the man of the house and I was submissive to him. They went from just dating to going on weekend trips leaving me home alone with a list of household chores to be completed by the time they got back. Now they take their full vacations together and go on cruises while I'm left behind.
So with her at his place for 5 days I found myself thinking about it all the time but it really turned me on. I picked her up yesterday after I flew home. She went to the work function with him as his girlfriend, met all the coworkers and his boss etc. She had fun telling me about this and seeing her in the early relationship giddy stage reminded me of us at that point. It was cool, not typical, I get that. The BF lives in Orlando and works for one of the major themeparks. He is going to go to France in a couple of weeks for at least a week or 10 days. His boss invited my/his girlfriend if she wanted to tag along (of course not knowing the reality of her being married). My wife has never left the country before. I think I want her to be able to go and will try to get her passport updated in time. She did not really think it was an option when she told me, it was more or less he will be gone so we can plan other activities on a weekend for firtst time in awhile. I jumped on it and expressed I would really be open to her going if she has any interest at all in going(she works remote so no issues being away). She and I have talked a lot recently about trying to bring her BF up to a level of an equal vs 2 married people who scew a single dude on the weekend. Obviusly she and I have years of history etc and he is new to the scene but we both like him being around and are trying to allow her some additional time with him to get their relationship a bit more developed, they can't catch up but at least get closer. I know this sounds crazy but as a couple we want him as part of the dynamic not as a fuck buddy but with the relationship type intimacy that comes with spending time together. I think I am sending my wife to France with her boyfriend and my blessing and encouragement.
As a Boss who's done similar, he's going to fuck your wife. They know. Probably planned it.
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