The first step towards sharing your wife


Husbands willingly share their wives for many reasons. Some desire to approach bisexuality, without actually touching it. These husbands take great vicarious delight in watching their wives please another man's cock. Other husbands hope to perform a preemptive strike of sorts; knowing that their spouses are weakly faithful, they hope that a controlled burn of wanton sexual desire under their vigilant supervision will prevent uncontrollable lust fires from destroying their relationships. Other husbands want to give their wives sexual presents, wishing her to experience her most pleasing ecstasies possible. For some husbands, they do so because they wish to reignite their passion or sexual lust for their wives to the utmost degree. Even that does not nearly go far enough. Often we become too comfortable in our relationships, so excitement and passion fade. Like soft drinks left opened overnight, our partners become flat, lacking fizzle. Amazingly enough, by letting another man fuck your wife somehow recharges your wife sexual desirability. This does not go far enough, as the recharging is something closer being metaphysical—or even semantic.

Before the outside sexual dalliance, if you could look up in a dictionary the definition of your wife, you might read that she is kind, loving, reliable, sometimes too irritable, but generally pleasant...and so on. But sexually intoxicating or femme fatale would not likely make the list of adjectives. Sex with the other man changes (or restores) the definition of what your wife was like when you first met her. Semantics, the study of meaning, is definitely closer to the mark.

Think about it, we often jump out of relationships, not because we have grown weary of our partner, but of ourselves; we can no longer stand the definition of the man we have become; we feel that we have been forced into the wrong definition and that many of our once admirable adjectives have been expunged by our partner. We need to break up because we need to break out of our poor definition.

Sex with other men will redefine your wife, making her much more desirable to you. Of course, she doesn't actually have to go all the way. Having her just wear revealing, alluring clothes in public can sometimes achieve the same result. Letting her flirt shamelessly with handsome men can also work. As can her discovering that she has a secret, or not-so-secret, admirer who longs for her. She may not believe that such a situation is possible, as she feels that she has lost all her fizz.

(Few like themselves—fewer still love themselves. You must explain to her and make her believe that she is lovable. In fact, you must be something closer to a midwife than a knight in shining armor. This takes a lot of intelligence and imagination. You must be able to solve the riddle of what makes her unique. Sometimes you have to be a psychological archeologist, digging deep into her past to find when she last liked herself, digging below intense fears and onerous history. You must become an intense advocate who can convince her that she is lovable, in some deep and profound way…not just because she has a nice ass.)

In much the same way, before you can successfully get your wife to fuck other men, you must make your wife understand that she is sexually desirable to other men, not just you, as you don't really count that much anymore. Like her, you have grown flat and fizz-free. I have always started this beginning phase slowly by saying things like, "Did you notice how the guy at the shoe store was eyeing your legs? Did you catch how the bartender was stealing long stares at your cleavage? Bob told me, ready for this, that he painfully envies me, as he cannot believe that such an average guy could have such an alluring wife. Come on now, you mean to tell me you weren't flirting with that guy; he was certainly flirting with you. I know exactly what that German tourist, who kept taking pictures with you accidentally in them, really wanted to see in America: your naked body…"

Then at night, I might mention that the man who had been paying so much attention to her earlier that day is probably in bed, with his cock firmly in hand, remembering how attractive she was with wind blowing her hair and skirt. If this approach works, I then might follow with "Imagine that I am him and this is his cock; what would he want to do with it with your body?" This role playing allows her mind to stretch, making room for the possibility that she is still—or perhaps for the first time—sexually potent to other men (or some specific man). This takes time. At least twice, I had to slowly work on it for two months or so before we arrived where I wanted my girlfriend/wife to be. And it never has taken less than a week.

Stop and ponder why getting your girlfriend/wife to fuck other men should require so much work. Don’t women love sex as much as men do? Why would anyone turn down an offer of guilt-free, no-strings sex? In other words, why do wives have to be convinced to have sex with another man, when you would expend zero effort convincing a husband to do the same with another woman?

Let’s say that your wife tells you that her best girlfriend from college is going to be visiting the both of you next week and that she has heard such good things about you from your wife that she wants to know if she can join you and your wife in bed one night. Would you say yes? Sure you would. Now, turn the story around, Would your wife say yes to fucking your best male friend from college? Not likely. Why? It cannot be that she fears that she might be in physical danger or being caught, as you are there as well. So what does stop her from saying yes? Two key differences between the sexes explain all: timing and fear.

The first is that women desire good sex as much as men do, but they do not necessarily desire it at the same time as men do. Where a man might need all of five minutes to get to know a strange woman before he is ready for action, your girlfriend/wife probably needs closer to two days—or much more—to reach the same state of desire. Planning, patience and persistence, however, can move mountains.

Here is an example, imagine that you enter an elevator and find your only company a beautiful young woman. You both smile and say hello, as both of you have ridden the elevator together before. But nothing beyond “Hello” has been ever muttered between you. Halfway to the bottom floor, the lights go out and the elevator stops. Neither of you is very much surprised, as your city has been experiencing brownouts lately.

Soon a red light goes on in the elevator and you pick up the emergency phone and call in a distress message, but you only get a recording which states that unless you are seriously ill, you will have to wait for the power to go on before the elevator will come back to life. You both laugh over your predicament and how no one at work will believe what happened. You decide that you should try to read your paper in the dim light when your sexy companion tells you that she has always fantasized about being stuck in an elevator and making wild, passionate love on its floor. You just gulp loudly and you are happily surprised to hear her tell you that if that has also been one of your favorite fantasies, she would be eager to help you live it. In less than two minutes, you are naked and on top of her.

Now, let’s invert the story. Everything is the same, but you are the one that begins revealingly your elevator sex fantasy. What are the odds that she won’t slap you or scream or hunch in a corner with a ready can of mace aimed at your eyes? Maybe, just maybe one time in twenty, the same mad romp on the floor would play out, but even then, it would probably take much longer than two minutes to get naked. Why the difference? Why do you, as a man, require only two minutes and she recoils at your rude suggestion?

The answer is that although men and women are both sexually hungry animals, the tempos of their lust differs substantially, with the average woman taking much, much longer to build up and then to succumb to her sexual desires.

Now let’s return to the stalled elevator example, but with a slight change. You both engage in trivial small talk for half an hour until the power resumes. As you both exit the elevator, you thank her for the pleasant company… and you add as a mere afterthought that you always dreamed of being stuck in an elevator with a beautiful woman…then let slip, “I guess that ‘dream’ is the safest word I should use and I certainly could never tell you how my dream ends.”

You then become embarrassed and rush off to your car. The next day you find yourself next to the same beautiful woman in the same elevator and you both get the giggles from trying not to get the giggles and you are actually happy that the power doesn’t go out during the ride down. But on the following day, the power does go on the blink and once again the two of you are standing a dim red glow. She requests that you tell her how your dream ends. You refuse and she says that it probably ends the same way her fantasy ends, while she moves closer to you, undoing one blouse button with each step.

What changed? Why is she now willing? Time has worked on your behalf. Two nights spent imaging what might have happened between you two was enough to get her warmed up to the idea of sex with a stranger in a stalled elevator.

The other obstacle is fear. How many women do you know who like to do hang gliding or go skydiving? How many are eager to walk down dark alleys in bad neighborhoods? As a male, you might have a hard time understanding the average woman’s ever present fear and apprehension, so it is best to practice trying to see things from her perspective. Furthermore, she has an investment in her relationship with you, especially if you two are married, ten times more if you have kids. Why should she risk it? Will you still love and/or respect her afterwards? Are you pulling some trick on her, ... she let some guy fuck her so you are free to fuck other women or to appease your conscious from having already having fucked some other woman? This fear is huge with most women. If she loses the control of the floodgate of your sexual gratification, how is she going to hold on to you? Fear, and good chunk of common sense, prevents most women from even contemplating fucking other men. If you want to get your woman to open her knees, you must make her feel completely secure. In other words, if she doesn't fully trust you, she isn't going to risk anything.

Something that I have done many times is make a pact with my girlfriend/wife that I would allow her to be fucked by other men and I would remain 100% faithful to her—only if I had complete access to her pussy, anytime, anywhere (within reason of course, not at her parents' house or in a restaurant…), and that I could refuse any of her choice in men that I did not approve of; otherwise the deal would be off. Spelling it out in this legal fashion actually greatly reassures most women. Of course, the deal can be different, much weaker for the man (sex guaranteed twice a week for example or/and she can only have day a month for outside sex), but the essential result is that she feels completely assured that you won't stray and that you will still love and respect her; she needs that security.

Only when she feels completely secure can you slowly move from fantasy to reality. Start by buying a small-to-medium sized, realistic-looking dildo and say things like, "if this was his cock, what would he do with it?" Then, tell her how turned on you are by imagining that it is a real cock. Ideally, letting another man inside her should be her novel idea, not yours; so act a bit surprised, but very intrigued, when she mentions the possibility.
Trust is the key., She must trust that you will not only keep your promise that she is free to play, without you seeking to do the same, but that you have kept your promises to her in the past. Did you make a purchase that you knew she wouldn't approve of in the past? Did you tell someone a secret that she trusted you with? Women remember these things always, even if they don't throw them in your face all the time.
Asingh, your going about it like a guy. being rational and logical. Women just don't think and act like that.
Ask her which movie star or singer she thinks is hot. When aroused role-play that your some guy like her favorite desire.
30% of women under 35 have had one or more threesome experience.
Talk about how this could happen. Make up stories that end with the activity your hoping she will do.
Trust me she will get the hint and think about it. Thinking about it is the first step.
Give her the chance to talk, share your fantacy and ask her about hers. Just listen and make mental notes for the future.
Asingh, your going about it like a guy. being rational and logical. Women just don't think and act like that.
Ask her which movie star or singer she thinks is hot. When aroused role-play that your some guy like her favorite desire.
30% of women under 35 have had one or more threesome experience.
Talk about how this could happen. Make up stories that end with the activity your hoping she will do.
Trust me she will get the hint and think about it. Thinking about it is the first step.
Give her the chance to talk, share your fantacy and ask her about hers. Just listen and make mental notes for the future.
Asingh, your going about it like a guy. being rational and logical. Women just don't think and act like that.
Ask her which movie star or singer she thinks is hot. When aroused role-play that your some guy like her favorite desire.
30% of women under 35 have had one or more threesome experience.
Talk about how this could happen. Make up stories that end with the activity your hoping she will do.
Trust me she will get the hint and think about it. Thinking about it is the first step.
Give her the chance to talk, share your fantacy and ask her about hers. Just listen and make mental notes for the future.
Brother I am trying to do so. Asked about her fav star and even roleplayed that but still she is not ready for threesome. She likes fair guys. Like foreigners. No Indians.
Asingh, your going about it like a guy. being rational and logical. Women just don't think and act like that.
Ask her which movie star or singer she thinks is hot. When aroused role-play that your some guy like her favorite desire.
30% of women under 35 have had one or more threesome experience.
Talk about how this could happen. Make up stories that end with the activity your hoping she will do.
Trust me she will get the hint and think about it. Thinking about it is the first step.
Give her the chance to talk, share your fantacy and ask her about hers. Just listen and make mental notes for the future.
Totally agree, thats how my wife started as well, it is the initial start that you need, then it keeps running
I recently sent this to a friend who has been trying to get his wife to open her legs to other men for over ten years, with no luck. He just wrote back to be, explaining that he now sees where he had gone wrong he never looked at the situation through her eyes. His new plan is to stress he has always been faithful and will always remain faithful to her, as he is sure that she thought is was trying to get license to have sex with other women this way. Second, he will no longer ask her to go out and do it with some man; instead, he will be with her the entire time, so she feels safe. I asked him to keep me posted on his progress.
I think my wife is starting to drop little hints that this could be impending. She is an office administrator of a small financial services firm (fiduciaries). There is a CPA they use who comes to the office from time to time. She has been telling me for a while that he likes to hug her and he is kind of "handsey." She is what one might call full-figured, and apparently this guy likes do I. While she used to describe him as "handsey," more recently she has said that he grabs her ass. She also has indicated that she finds him attractive. I'm anticipating that before too long, she's going to tell me that he made some kind of proposition to her. If that happens, I'm going to tell her that I think she should go for it. I'm also going to tell her that she needs to let him think that he seduced her, and not that she did it with my assent.
I am similar to some descriptions on here.

Husband revealed his fantasy on holiday…I was shocked I must admit but I built up to trying that holiday. He was there and reassured me all the way. I was really worried how it would affect our marriage I must admit
I think my wife is starting to drop little hints that this could be impending. She is an office administrator of a small financial services firm (fiduciaries). There is a CPA they use who comes to the office from time to time. She has been telling me for a while that he likes to hug her and he is kind of "handsey." She is what one might call full-figured, and apparently this guy likes do I. While she used to describe him as "handsey," more recently she has said that he grabs her ass. She also has indicated that she finds him attractive. I'm anticipating that before too long, she's going to tell me that he made some kind of proposition to her. If that happens, I'm going to tell her that I think she should go for it. I'm also going to tell her that she needs to let him think that he seduced her, and not that she did it with my assent.
Tell her the next time he hugs her to make sure she rubs her pussy against his groin. He will get the idea especially if she says "You have been making me want to do that for a while." Alternate "You have been making me want to do that for a while and maybe a bit more"
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