Whats it like after a couple invites a 2nd guy ?


We enjoy sexy fun with a guy we know occasionally. While we're having fun it's exciting as hell. After we're done it's always very awkward for me, I'm the husband.

If you are a couple that's into the additional guy type fun or if you are the extra guy for a couple what's it like when you're done, winding down and saying goodbye?

We've enjoyed sex fun with our friend quite a few times, we're pretty comfy together but it's always weird for me when he's leaving.

We can enjoy a dinner at with some friends at our or their home(non sexual), we visit laugh, have conversations. When it's over us guys shake hands, the girls hug, sometimes the girls hug the guys with a kiss on the cheek. We say thanks and leave.
Why is it so different with sex involved ?
I think you answered your own question. The difference is because sex was involved and that sex involved your wife and another man. However enjoyable it might have been for you it is still a taboo subject in wider society. We are ingrained at an early age to what society deems acceptable behavior and its often quite difficult to undo. That is why these sites are so popular, we can only discuss these taboo's with like minded people. How you get over it? I have no idea. Just enjoy your life.
We enjoy sexy fun with a guy we know occasionally. While we're having fun it's exciting as hell. After we're done it's always very awkward for me, I'm the husband.

If you are a couple that's into the additional guy type fun or if you are the extra guy for a couple what's it like when you're done, winding down and saying goodbye?

We've enjoyed sex fun with our friend quite a few times, we're pretty comfy together but it's always weird for me when he's leaving.

We can enjoy a dinner at with some friends at our or their home(non sexual), we visit laugh, have conversations. When it's over us guys shake hands, the girls hug, sometimes the girls hug the guys with a kiss on the cheek. We say thanks and leave.
Why is it so different with sex involved ?
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I think what nariah1957 stated is true. Those things are always floating around in the back of our head.

It's just a guess on my part but maybe you feel awkward when you know the sexual event is over and the everyday social behaviors (ie being cordial, polite, modest) come into play. Your craving the event has been satiated and the notions of unconventional behavior and taboo rush to the forefront. He has gone from being an object of desire and returned to relative anonymity, just another guy.

Reclaiming her afterwards is your way of reconnecting with her and reinforcing the bond you share. That has to have something to do with why you want him to "just leave" afterwards, so you can feel sure about how you and your wife feel towards each other.

But he's not just another guy. You saw and experienced the whole thing and you've had your orgasm and now you are processing it free of your lust and desire. When the afterglow has receded you're probably a little more open to self-analyzing because of those norms and the social deviation.

Put all that together and the fact that you know you want it to happen again and you feel awkward wanting him to leave and yet simultaneously wanting him to WANT to come back. Like I said, it's just a guess on my part.
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Our backstory
The first times we did it the wold deal took maybe 15 minutes. He did her then left immediately after. We had sex after he was gone. As we became more comfortable together they would go twice while I watched. We'd kinda visit and chit chat between rounds. I never got undressed, only watched. One night after they had a very hot round she wanted me, I was not comfortable getting naked with him. I didn't last long and I was not really into it. I did her then he went again then he left. We got more and more comfy together, it was pretty easy to relax and enjoy.
We did it quite a few times with him. Better each time. The sex was always great but some nights it was fantastic. No matter how hot it was when it was over it was weird for me. My wife had no problem hugging and kissing him goodbye.
We'd have a great night, him and I would each do her twice, sometimes he'd go a third time. Wife absolutely loved all of it. We all have a great time. After it was/is always strange and very awkward for me.
She always walked him to the door and they kissed goodbye. She'd come back to bed and we'd start a good slow lovemaking session. She'd usually tell me he fingered her pussy while they kissed. She likes telling me this stuff.
Their goodnight kisses turned into him doing her one last time in the livingroom without me. I'd look down and watch but they didn't know. He always plows her from behind and she seems to like it.
That's taken a huge part of the awkward good by, see ya later pressure off me.
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If at home I just say I'm off to bed, thanks for the fun evening and let her say goodnight, usually by giving him one or two for the road.
If at a hotel, we always get 2 beds and I'll move to the root bed while she says goodbye.
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It varies depending on the situation.

Even with regulars sometimes they just get dressed and leave with a quick thanks or goodbye. Sometimes they want to shower (especially if they stayed the night) first. Sometimes we sit around talking a bit, which well sometimes leads to another round before they go.

Hugs and kisses , handshakes , let's do it again soons, etc

One timers , sometimes they are like pandas....they eat shoots and leaves. Sometimes they talk s little, say thanks. She's fallen asleep in hotel rooms to wake up and just find them gone.

Seen her get bent over the kitchen table for a quickie before he leaves the next morning. Gibe a goodbye a blowjob in the doorway.
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Our backstory
The first times we did it the wold deal took maybe 15 minutes. He did her then left immediately after. We had sex after he was gone. As we became more comfortable together they would go twice while I watched. We'd kinda visit and chit chat between rounds. I never got undressed, only watched. One night after they had a very hot round she wanted me, I was not comfortable getting naked with him. I didn't last long and I was not really into it. I did her then he went again then he left. We got more and more comfy together, it was pretty easy to relax and enjoy.
We did it quite a few times with him. Better each time. The sex was always great but some nights it was fantastic. No matter how hot it was when it was over it was weird for me. My wife had no problem hugging and kissing him goodbye.
We'd have a great night, him and I would each do her twice, sometimes he'd go a third time. Wife absolutely loved all of it. We all have a great time. After it was/is always strange and very awkward for me.
She always walked him to the door and they kissed goodbye. She'd come back to bed and we'd start a good slow lovemaking session. She'd usually tell me he fingered her pussy while they kissed. She likes telling me this stuff.
Their goodnight kisses turned into him doing her one last time in the livingroom without me. I'd look down and watch but they didn't know. He always plows her from behing and she seems to like it.
That's taken a huge part of the awkward good by, see ya later pressure off me.
Does she tell you about the goodnight sex when you slow fuck her afterwards or does she just say he fingered her?


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