Wife wants to fuck someone else, need advice

I re-read my post and I want to apologize for calling you insolent. You are going through a tough time and I should have used a less provocative word. I know you're having some wonderful excitement but you also have times of great distress. It would be beneficial if you could focus more on the fun to the best you can. And count on us to be your friends and not pick on you.
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So she made a video tonight of her sucking my cock to send to her bf. She told me what she was doing and I was down with it all. I even got her a sexy red bra at Victoria’s Secret to wear in the video. Yeah, I’m all in at this point.
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So she made a video tonight of her sucking my cock to send to her bf. She told me what she was doing and I was down with it all. I even got her a sexy red bra at Victoria’s Secret to wear in the video. Yeah, I’m all in at this point.
Please share the video...... We all want to see your slut.....
Tonight we talked about her having sex with other guys besides her one fuck friend. She said right now this one guy is enough for her but maybe someday she would want more sex with other guys in the future. She said she hasn’t thought about it much since she so excited for her June trip to Florida. She had to get herself off in her car in the parking lot at work today because she was so turned on. That led to the blowjob / video tonight.
I told her about this thread though tonight. Said it was my only outlet for my pent up anxiety and asked her if she wanted to read it. She’s very curious but refrained because she didn’t want to put a damper on this for me. It would be different if I knew she was reading this. Anyway, she will probably search “Florida” on all the cuckold sites and eventually find it. Good job finding this babe whenever you do! Love you! Anyway, I forewarned her that I went down some dark roads on this thread but it also helped me accept my position in her life as her loving husband and 2nd favorite person to fuck. Well 3rd or 4th if she starts fucking other guys. I guess we will have to wait and see about that... I also told her that everything that I wrote on this was 100% true and if she has a hard time reading it then that’s on her.
Very true. I don’t think I’d be able to get through this without all the support and hard love I’ve gotten on this thread the past couple of weeks. You have all been great. As a reward I’ll definitely keep you posted on events leading up the her departure and after. I keep reminding myself how lucky I am to be in this situation where the wife wants to play without me having to convince her to do it or even discussing it prior. That I think is the biggest turn on for me. Not to take anything away from your situations but I think this is the closest you can get to a true cuckold experience. And yes, I could say no to it and stop it from happening but I think the consequences to that would be dire so it’s not a real option for me in my play book. I would have liked to be in a better spot in our marriage prior to this but that’s just not in the cards so I will make the most with the hand I’ve been dealt. Thanks again everyone.
And to answer a previous question I forgot to respond to, she cannot check my browser history. I only use my iphone to search for porn and she can’t get into this. Nor would she try to even if she could somehow manage to get into it. She doesn’t care what I’m into, she just wants this other mans cock inside her, that’s all she cares about.
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And to answer a previous question I forgot to respond to, she cannot check my browser history. I only use my iphone to search for porn and she can’t get into this. Nor would she try to even if she could somehow manage to get into it. She doesn’t care what I’m into, she just wants this other mans cock inside her, that’s all she cares about.
Wow, so she is doing this to you without knowing you had any cuck inclinations! That'd pretty brave of her! It sure makes the angst and excitement even greater! I think maybe you inadvertently have been giving off some cuckold signs to her. Can you think of why she would have the confidence to even try to pull this Florida trip off on you? Does she know what a cuckold is? When she first told you do you think she was watching to see if you got an erection? I still believe she knew she wasn't risking her marriage and did this as a trial balloon, knowing she could cancel if you showed you couldn't handle it.
Very true. I don’t think I’d be able to get through this without all the support and hard love I’ve gotten on this thread the past couple of weeks. You have all been great. As a reward I’ll definitely keep you posted on events leading up the her departure and after. I keep reminding myself how lucky I am to be in this situation where the wife wants to play without me having to convince her to do it or even discussing it prior. That I think is the biggest turn on for me. Not to take anything away from your situations but I think this is the closest you can get to a true cuckold experience. And yes, I could say no to it and stop it from happening but I think the consequences to that would be dire so it’s not a real option for me in my play book. I would have liked to be in a better spot in our marriage prior to this but that’s just not in the cards so I will make the most with the hand I’ve been dealt. Thanks again everyone.
Thats awesome bro, very happy for both of you.
There's a reason why she hasn't had any desire to have sex with you for weeks, and why she deleted all of the texts prior to the ones that she showed you. She's already been fucking this guy for a while. Run for the hills!
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So from the tone of the initial conversation we had, the future of our marriage sounded bleak if something didn’t change. She mentioned how she was unhappy and unfulfilled. She said she felt similar to this near the end of her first marriage so that scared the shit out of me. I was certain the next words out of her mouth were going to be “this isn’t working, we should move on with our lives separately. It was not a playful conversation and something kinky she wants to try. It became that soon after she told me how she felt. For her to lay it out to me like that before she even tells me her plans to fuck this guy... there’s no mistaking this for what it is. To be fair you are only hearing the story how I interpreted it. I would love for you to hear the story from her side so if you are reading this honey feel free to chime in. Our lives revolve around our families so that is what keeps us together.

We were in an open relationship before we got married and she knows I got off on it but this is a different situation entirely if Im not allowed to fuck other women so she had no idea how I’d take it. She cared more about this guys cock inside of her then the potential lethality of asking this of me if I wasn’t down for it. So yes that took serious balls on her part.
Oh I’ve thought about her fucking him prior to this discussion Mark, thought about it a lot. She said she didn’t and I do trust her on that even though she betrayed my trust by sexting this other guy and making plans for this fuckfest in June behind my back so that is a difficult to rationalize.
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Regarding cuckold vibes I could have been giving off, I did always put her pussy on a pedestal and worship it, always wanted to make sure she came when we had sex and loved to eat her pussy and bring her to climax. If that is a cuckold vibe then there may be some validity to that.
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Regarding cuckold vibes I could have been giving off, I did always put her pussy on a pedestal and worship it, always wanted to make sure she came when we had sex and loved to eat her pussy and bring her to climax. If that is a cuckold vibe then there may be some validity to that.
That's a cuckold vibe but I don't think she knows enough to realize it. Anyway, her domineering non playful attitude on this from the get go shows me she was going for broke yet still had a strong belief you'd somehow be on board and accept it. You must have given off signs without realizing it. My how I also wish she'd report in on what her thoughts were in doing this. And I wish I was in your situation too!! What real torture and angst you must be feeling!
I had insane amounts of angst when I first posted this thread. They have subsided a bit after receiving the mostly positive feedback. I appreciate the negative feedback as well but I’m trying my best to ignore them and keep this positive. That’s all I can do at this point. I would like to hear stories about cuckold relationships in similar situations turning out bad but that would only feed into the negative feelings I have about this new arrangement. And believe me those are still strong since I don’t think she is telling me everything. Part of me believes others on this thread that she has had sex with this guy post marriage but I have to take her for her word since I don’t have any proof and she hasn’t done anything in the past to make me doubt her. And lately we have been having fun sex again. We are planning an overnight stay so we can fuck proper without kids in the house before she goes. Probably going to do a trip after too so I can reclaim her.

But if there are any stories of cuckolds in similar situations to mine that unhappy endings, I’d still like to hear them so I can get both sides of this. I realize that those cuckolds probably aren’t on cuckold forums anymore if it ended badly for them and they are no longer in this lifestyle.
It sounds as if you are violating lifestyle rule number 1 "protect your primary relationship at all costs" and lifestyle rule 2 "Do not enter into the lifestyle in an attempt to rescue your primary relationship". This is NOT going to make things better between the two of you. This is just a part of the long fall to the inevitable crash unless you two find a way to fix your relationship through legitimate counseling, etc. As for any "rules" regarding you not having sex with other women, ignore them. Tell her so. Be a MAN. Despite the fact that this is a site with much "cuckold" activity (and I love it, no criticism), the biggest mistake I see from this site is guys who want to be "cuckolds" and somehow think that means being wimps, acting like simpering pussies, denying themselves sex, denying a sexual relationship with their spouse, allowing other men to simply steal their wives (in some cases we read here) and being "beta-sub" males at the expense of their own families, putting perverse sexual fantasy above their own families and relationships. Sorry, just a woman's point of view, and my husband and I are as experienced as any in this lifestyle. I would tell you to stop whimpering on here and either tell her to go, give her your blessing and suck it up, get pics/etc or tell her in no uncertain terms that this isn't happening. One or the other really.

You could just acknowledge that she cheats, agree to act like you don't know or don't mind and go on with your relationship. Cheating isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially when there are only certain needs in a relationship that need ENHANCED and NOT REPLACED. Listen, I cheated on Mr HW from LITERALLY our wedding day. He knew about it, I told him on our wedding night (unfortunately after I had already cheated) I was going to be unfaithful with my body but that I would be totally faithful with my love and never brought it up again. He didn't say anything but I meant what I said. He caught me several times, suspected me (rightly) many others and stayed quiet about it always. Most of the time he had no idea. It just worked for us. He did the same thing eventually. But now, as then, we do everything else together, a totally solid relationship. We are still far closer today than most vanilla couples.

Mrs Hotwife
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It sounds as if you are violating lifestyle rule number 1 "protect your primary relationship at all costs" and lifestyle rule 2 "Do not enter into the lifestyle in an attempt to rescue your primary relationship". This is NOT going to make things better between the two of you. This is just a part of the long fall to the inevitable crash unless you two find a way to fix your relationship through legitimate counseling, etc. As for any "rules" regarding you not having sex with other women, ignore them. Tell her so. Be a MAN. Despite the fact that this is a site with much "cuckold" activity (and I love it, no criticism), the biggest mistake I see from this site is guys who want to be "cuckolds" and somehow think that means being wimps, acting like simpering pussies, denying themselves sex, denying a sexual relationship with their spouse, allowing other men to simply steal their wives (in some cases we read here) and being "beta-sub" males at the expense of their own families, putting perverse sexual fantasy above their own families and relationships. Sorry, just a woman's point of view, and my husband and I are as experienced as any in this lifestyle. I would tell you to stop whimpering on here and either tell her to go, give her your blessing and suck it up, get pics/etc or tell her in no uncertain terms that this isn't happening. One or the other really.

You could just acknowledge that she cheats, agree to act like you don't know or don't mind and go on with your relationship. Cheating isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially when there are only certain needs in a relationship that need ENHANCED and NOT REPLACED. Listen, I cheated on Mr HW from LITERALLY our wedding day. He knew about it, I told him on our wedding night (unfortunately after I had already cheated) I was going to be unfaithful with my body but that I would be totally faithful with my love and never brought it up again. He didn't say anything but I meant what I said. He caught me several times, suspected me (rightly) many others and stayed quiet about it always. Most of the time he had no idea. It just worked for us. He did the same thing eventually. But now, as then, we do everything else together, a totally solid relationship. We are still far closer today than most vanilla couples.

Mrs Hotwife
Standing fucking ovation for posting what I have been thinking while reading so many of these post!! Well said..... somehow I think if I had said it, it would not have been well received, hence me not saying it! lol.