Looking for big cocks to tribute my girlfriend

My gf and I, both 22, and are looking for people to do private tributes for us. She is obsessed with huge cocks so we are looking for someone, preferably closer to our age, who has a cock over 8 inches. We are open to both pictures and videos, but her favorite thing is videos were guys fuck a fleshlight to her pussy pics or rub their cocks on and cum on them. Six pack or clean shaven is also a huge bonus. She also loves hearing how people would rape her in front of me and turn her into their personal flashlight. If anyone is interested and fits this description, DM me!
My gf and I, both 22, and are looking for people to do private tributes for us. She is obsessed with huge cocks so we are looking for someone, preferably closer to our age, who has a cock over 8 inches. We are open to both pictures and videos, but her favorite thing is videos were guys fuck a fleshlight to her pussy pics or rub their cocks on and cum on them. Six pack or clean shaven is also a huge bonus. She also loves hearing how people would rape her in front of me and turn her into their personal flashlight. If anyone is interested and fits this description, DM me!
OH I want to play!!! I have 9 hard inches and shoot a river of cum if she gets me aroused . My favorite arousing features are nice tits, women who are good at riding cowgirl, and moaning breathless naughty talk get me EXTRA hard my dick throbs. I will invite you friends.

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My gf and I, both 22, and are looking for people to do private tributes for us. She is obsessed with huge cocks so we are looking for someone, preferably closer to our age, who has a cock over 8 inches. We are open to both pictures and videos, but her favorite thing is videos were guys fuck a fleshlight to her pussy pics or rub their cocks on and cum on them. Six pack or clean shaven is also a huge bonus. She also loves hearing how people would rape her in front of me and turn her into their personal flashlight. If anyone is interested and fits this description, DM me!
Then give me a chance if she desrves 9 inch