Help to fulfil

My fantasy is to watch my wife with another guy, she has shown a very strong interest in this but we just can't seem you find genuine guys anywhere. I want to watch her fuck and suck another guy, just writing it here makes my balls tingle. Please help with advice and suggestions.


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No experience, but I share some of your aspirations. I can tell you your wife is sexy as heck and if you're together in this, committed and persistent, it's hard to imagine you won't eventually make it happen. I'd think you'd not want to rush. Take your time, find what you want. You can be very selective.
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Thanks,yes we're in no rush whatsoever.....we've had a lot of picture collectors who when it comes to meeting just dissappear. To actually find a genuine person is proving very tricky. But thanks for your nice comments I consider her very sexy too.
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My fantasy is to watch my wife with another guy, she has shown a very strong interest in this but we just can't seem you find genuine guys anywhere. I want to watch her fuck and suck another guy, just writing it here makes my balls tingle. Please help with advice and suggestions.