Hi. I like hosting pic and vid showing of my girlfriend. Sometimes if I like someone I let that person poke trough the files as he or she pleases. If you'd like that drop me a message and I'll give you the code.
481049411Hi love to look at you files!
what are you talking about?Are you fucking kidding?? Your gonna let your computer access the computer of some guy from Serbia???? Perfect way for somebody to get in to your computer and infect it! Never do this ......!
I got the impression that AnyDesk is a program which allows computers to access files on one another. I see that on here once in awhile. If not, then my mistake.
Sounds like some sort of revenge act to me.....Sounds super sketchy to me.
Would love to meet up.We use AnyDesk with great results!
Would love a code
A program that makes me enter on your computer and control the exposure of the images that I wantWhat is any desk